
While getting dressed for his date. Denji nerves were getting the best of him. It had been a while since they had been on a date but normally they would call and text each other all day everyday. They had not even made it to second base yet. If his friends knew they would laugh. But he felt there was no need to rush. He texted his bestie Arata.

D: Should I bring flowers?

A: Hmmm this is not your first date w/ Aimi-chan.

D: Still.....

A: XD maybe a small bouquet

D: I think so too

A: X'D you worry too much Aimi loves you. She will like anything you bring cus it's from you.

D: thanx man. Happy we are friends

A: no prob

As he was packing his bag he noticed his wallet was missing. Concerned he tore up his whole room before remembering he had left it in his gym locker at the clubhouse. 'shit' he thought to himself. When Denji looked at the time he still had roughly an hour to make it back from the school and to the movies on time. Denji caught the bus uptown to save on time and walked the remained five blocks to the school. It was a bit weird being on the school grounds, late outside of practice but the school did look peaceful. Denji hoped that the clubhouse was open and to his surprise it was. 'Lucky' he thought to himself.

He quietly snuck in and got his wallet. Just in case he ran into his coach. The last thing he wanted to do was extra drills. His coach was always trying to dish out extra training for the championships. He shivered when he heard voices. 'Please don't let it be coach...not coach..but instead, it was Arata's voice'. He sighed a breath of relief.

" Arata stop you can't leave a mark there...I have a date tonight," a second voice said. Denji stopped when he recognized the second voice. "Aimi-chan you still haven't slept with him yet?" Arata said as he kissed her neck again. Denji slowly inched closer to the voices as they were coming from the clubhouse showers. " No silly. I love Denji but I want to take it slow with him," Aimi said hugging Arata. " so you don't love me?" Arata said. " I love you too just that I love Denji more. Denji is sweet and you are just so more developed and mature," she giggled as she kissed him. " ah...I see so shall we do it one more time before you go?" Arata said biting her ear. " Ahh ...yass..please A..ra..ta~"

Frozen Denji bit his bottom lip before peeking his head into the shower room. Finally, he was able to see Aimi-chan's boobs. She would never let him touch them but there his best friend was sucking on them. He quietly left the clubhouse and headed downtown to the movie theater. Confused he headed to the nearest convenient store and sat outside. He wanted to get something but his hands could not stop shaking.

"Cigarette", Said a tall kid with a skateboard. Denji shook his head no. " I don't smoke." The kid nodded and lit his cigarette taking a drag before sitting down. "If I lived your life I would smoke. " That's when Denji looked up at the kid. The tall kid had curly black semi-long hair, snake bites with a chain that clipped to his earring, and a small beauty mark under his right eye. He was dressed as a dark emo skater with black eyeliner with red eyeshadow to make his hazelnut eyes pop. " What do you know about my life?" Denji said hurt. " More than you, apparently, " said the kid as he took a seat next to Denji. "why do you say that?" Denji said mockingly. " because strangely your best friend is walking your girlfriend to...." the kid looked up and down at Denji. He could tell by Denji's neat appearance," ...your date?" Denji took the cigarette and choked on it. " slow down take a small drag...there you go. better?" Denji nodded. The kid smiled as they both watched the clumsy couple. " how long?"Denji said looking down. "hmmm they have been together for about half a year. I see them together a lot. At first, while skating but then I would see her with you and with your reputation and hers... well it is not hard to put two and two together. " The kid smiled. Denji's body shook harder as his disbelief spread. " not the answer you were hoping for. Sorry to break it to you. " the kid shrugged as he stood up. " Wait..."Denji said still in shock. " hmm?" the kid said as he took out his handkerchief and gave it to him. " How do you know all this .me..her.." The kid nodded and smiled. " we all go to the same school. however, I think only you and I know what's really going on. Your girlfriend is waiting alone now. Enjoy your date," the kid said as he put on his hood and skated away.