
Denji's head was spinning from information overload. It was all too much too fast too soon. He took the handkerchief and put it in his pocket before slowly walking towards his beloved Aimi-chan. As she spotted him she waved. She was still in her school maroon blazer uniform, but it was a little crooked. Her grey skirt was more wrinkled than normal. Denji half-heartedly waved back as she ran to him and jumped up to kiss him. He caught her and drop her slightly so she would miss his lips by an inch. She ended up kissing his chin. "Denji!" she shouted as he faked a smile and patted her chestnut-colored head hard to make her take her eyes off of him. He could not stand to look at her because he was so confused and hurt. She giggled and wrapped her arms around him while they walked to the counter. Aimi picked the movie and Denji paid for it but she never let his arm go instead she pressed her boobs into his arm as they were heading to the concession stand. That's when he looked down and remember that Arata had sucked on them and his face turned red. Aimi smiled as she caught Denji staring at her. " Denji...you perv... you know my eyes are up here. don't be a dog. I'm not that kind of girl," she said innocently as she pressed her breast into his arm farther. That's when he could smell Arata's cologne on her. Denji yanked his arm away from her and grabbed his stomach. " I-I-I think I have to use the restroom. Order what you want and I'll meet you inside," he said quickly tossing her some cash and her ticket. He bolted to the restroom and threw up in the toilet. Aimi-chan was surprised that he had pulled away from her so quickly. This was a first. She thought to herself that maybe she had gotten him hard. She nodded as she got popcorn.

Inside the restroom, Denji threw up two more times before feeling better. A major part of him wanted to just leave or make up an excuse to ditch her. But another part of him still cared for her. He was deeply conflicted. He decided he would fake a stomach ache halfway through the movie. As Denji enter the theater he spotted his girlfriend. However, she wasn't alone. She was sitting next to her best friend Rita and her man Toki. Rita was known for being the biggest gossiper, ruiner of reputation, and basically a bitch. She had money and influence. Denji experience first hand how he became popular because of being associated with her. The last thing he wanted was for the school to know he was having fake stomach problems or worst ditching his beautiful upper-classmen girlfriend. People would think he was stupid unless he had proof she was cheating. Denji squeezed the handkerchief in his pocket as he greeted all of them with a warm smile.

" Denji I was just telling Aimi-chan here that I was surprised to run into you guys," she beamed. He nodded as he put his arm around his disgusting girlfriend snuggling her. " really?" he said. "yeah...awww you two are so cute. Babe how come you can't hold me like that", she said elbowing her man as he groaned. " anyway I wanted to know if you guys wanted to join my event?"Rita asked. Aimi-chan nodded as the movie started to play. " Great I'll tell you the details after," Rita said as she made her boyfriend put his arm around her like them. Denji was a little confused by what Rita said because he didn't hear it all. Denji would occasionally stroke Aimi-chan side as he felt Rita's eyes bore into them. She was not secretive at all about her jealousy. Rita only got a boyfriend right after Aimi-chan did. He just felt Rita was not someone who could be trusted.

After the movies were over Rita and Aimi dragged the fellows out to get ice cream. While eating at the nearby parlor that's when Rita explained more. " So as I was saying earlier I will be hosting an event. It was approved through the school already during the school festival week. I wanted to host the best power couples competition where a few couples compete and win like a cool prize. I wanted you guys to enter. ", Rita said smiling. " you both are sporty and have a nice reputation. you guys would be good candidates. " Aimi-chan smiled and looked at Denji. He smiled back. " We will do it," Aimi-chan said happily. As the girls chatted about the requirements. Denji stared out the window in disbelief. Ironically his face wasn't that much different from Toki's who was staring down at the menu.