
Denji laid in his bed disgusted, hurt and confused. Denji cried into his pillow that night as he thought about all the time he spent with Aimi-chan. Remembering the time that they met and she caught his ball. He was embarrassed but happy that she was sweet and beautiful. At the time he never thought she would have gone for a skinny freshman but she proved him wrong. He buried his face as he thought about when he gave her the love letter and confessed. He waited on the empty field standing on the pitcher's mound after practice until she came. He remembers when she entered onto the field and approached him with a smile before hugging him and saying yes. Arata was watching from the bench just in case she didn't show up. He cried harder before falling asleep.

Denji had overslept for the first time in his two year career as an athlete. He got up and rushed to put on his clothes. As he brushed his teeth he heard the doorbell ring. He spits and grabbed his bag. " Denji! Arata is at the door," his mother yelled. Denji was shooked. Arata was the last person he ever wanted to see. Denji pushed Arata out of the way as he took off down the street completely ignoring his good morning. " DENJI WAIT UP! WHAT'S WRONG MAN?" Arata said catching up to him. " WE ARE LATE AND COACH IS GOING TO KILL US. HURRY UP, SLOWPOKE! " Denji said conflicted. He was just so confused that two people were actively betraying him yet still pretended that they cared.

When the two boys arrived to practiced they were only two minutes late. The coach let it slide as they entered the clubhouse to change. Still, breathless Arata smiled," remember when we were kids and we used to be chased by the neighbor dog Yato?" Denji laughed, " yea that dog was so mean. We were not trying to get a bit." Arata smiled, " I miss that." Denji looked at him confused, " I didn't wanna be chased. " Arata shook his head. " I mean our closeness. Since you got a girlfriend we don't hang out as much outside of practice. " Denji grew quiet and nodded knowing he was right. Since he got together with Aimi-chan they only hung out a handful of times unless Arata had a girlfriend. Then they would double date. However, Arata never kept a girlfriend for long. He would get bored after 2 months with a girl. During his relationship with Aimi-chan Arata had many girlfriends and then...he suddenly stopped about almost half a year ago....when he said he didn't want to date for fun anymore. At the time, Denji was proud that his friend stopped playing with girl's hearts but now thinking about it. It made him sick. "let's get changed before coach unforgive us", Denji said turning away.

During practice, Denji pushed everything out of his mind and focused on all his workouts. He ignored Arata's little gestures and comments and just shrugged away from him. After practice, Arata grabbed him by the arm. " you good Denji?" Arata said looking concerned. All Denji could do was look at his friend of 6 years in disgust. " No, I have been thinking about what you said earlier. Like about us not hanging out and I'm just upset that I'm only realizing this now," he said sarcastically. Arata laughed and hugged him. " Man it's okay we can hang out this weekend. I mean Aimi-chan is very cute for a girl and she does have nice tits."Arata said jokingly until he saw Denji's eyes narrow at him. " Man don't look at me like that. I know you have fantasized about touching them. Half the boys at school have...Aimi-chan is very popular but you are very lucky that she is your girlfriend. She only has eyes for you. There is no competition," Arata said grabbing Denji's shoulder. " And no I don't look at her like that. I would never do anything to hurt you." Denji nodded giving him a half-hearted smile. " I know. I trust you".