
Liar.Liar.Liar.Liar.Liar. was all Denji could think about as he looked at his reflection in the boy's bathroom. Fifteen minutes into class and he was already at the point of disgust. Like did his friends really think he was that stupid? As he heard voices coming he entered the stall and sat on the toilet staring at the tile. Stupid.stupid.stupid. He has been stupid for months. How could he not notice that his friend stopped being a hoe because he was banging his girlfriend all along? This school alone had 2,000 students and at least half were girls! Of all the girls why his girlfriend? of all boys why his best friend....this was some bullshit. He kicked the stall frustrated on the verge of tears. " Settle done there...destroying school property is my job," said a voice in a sharp tone. Denji looked up. " Who is there?" Denji said confused. " Cigarette?" was all the kid said. " Ah you....what are you doing here?" Denji said disinterested. "Well, I came to take a leak and heard someone breaking shit. Then I thought to myself no one should be doing that but me." They both laughed. " you know where to find me if you ever need to chat. Later", said the voice as he heard the door closed. Denji got up and opened the stall door to notice a can by the sink. It was apple juice. When he picked it up he could tell it was cold and unopened. " take a leak hmmmm.." Denji smiled and drank the apple juice to feel better. He wiped his face clean and headed back to class.

The can of juice made him happy until he saw Aimi-chan hanging in the hallway after his last class of the day. " Hey...", he said not sure whether to drop his smile or be disappointed. " Denji", she said hugging him before looking up at him for a kiss. He grabbed her head and buried it into his shoulder. He knew eventually he would have to kiss her but it did not have to be today. "Aimi-chan I missed you," he said still smothering her with a tighter than normal embrace as he looked around at the other students exiting the classroom going Awwwww. She smiled and hugged him back. " Denji I missed you too. But you're hurting me a bit. " Denji didn't loosen his grip right away but rather slowly he wanted her to suffer a bit. " sorry babe", he said in an apologetic tone before smiling a bit. She nodded and cleared her throat before continuing to speak. "I wanted to go over the power couple talent portion with you." Aimi said excitedly as she grabbed onto his shirt. " sure text me. I got to practice," Denji said letting her go as he removed her hand before running quickly down the stairs. "Denji wait..." she yelled but he was long gone. This was another first for her. Normally it was her always rushing him to go to practice. Something wasn't right. Maybe she was just being paranoid.

Denji had forgotten about that stupid contest....power couple...Arata and Aimi were more of a power couple than him and her. They were both cunning scheming... "Denji!" yelled Arata as he grabbed onto his shoulder as always. "ah...hey", he said looking at Arata. " Did you hear they are releasing another season of Spade of Diamonds. I'm excited to see how good the pitcher will be," Arata stated as other members joined in the conversation. Denji felt slightly at ease that he was not alone with Arata. As he got dressed in his uniform his text message went off. It was Aimi.

A: Hi for couple Ideas...>< I was thinking of singing a duet or dancing to a song?

D:.....hmmmm maybe

A: not helpful Den Den


He left her on read and turned off his phone.

Denji did his afternoon stretches before running laps. Normally he would take his time but today he was racing. He needed to shake the thoughts of his girlfriend but it was hard. He truly believed he loved her. That she was meant for him but now she had stabbed him in the back. He scoffed when she said I'm not that kind of girl. "Denji lookout", yelled a player as a pop fly came his way. He ducked instead of catching the ball. "Denji what the hell catch the ball and stop spacing out," yelled the coach. "sorry coach", he smacked himself to focus. The last thing he wanted was this to affect his game but he had to be honest with himself he was a mess. The coaches yelled out him for striking out when he was their clean up batter. he missed at least 3 grounded balls and forgot to throw the ball to first base when he did catch the ball. The coach lost his shit and told Denji to go take laps for the rest of the practice before he got benched.

After practice, he pulled Denji into his office. Inside were Arata and Tomiya. Denji was surpised. "You three are my best and you three need to work together. if one fails you all fail. I feel today Denji your performance was horrible but we all have bad days. So on days like today, I need you two to step up your game more. A short stop can be the ace but I need my pitcher and catcher to be the heart. Dismissed. " Arata patted Denji back. Tomiya glared at Denji annoyed. Denji looked to his coach. "i'm... S" but his coach cut him off. "is something wrong. it's rare you have an off practice especially like today." Denji clenched his teeth and looked down saying no. The coach paused and frown before dismissing him.

As Denji showered he thought of Aimi-chan. How Arata held her and how they had to do it in this place of all places. He got frustrated but slightly aroused. "Denji I know your girlfriend is hot but calm down," snickered one of the boys. The rest laughed as his frustration changed to embarrassment. "but Aimi-chan is hot," said Arata smiling. Some guys nodded but Denji just stood under the shower ignoring them all as his member dropped. He was a ball of emotion that was ready to snap. Denji quickly showered and got dressed. As he left Arata joined him in silence. "Denji what's wrong?" Arata said a bit concerned. Denji stopped and looked at Arata. " You. you are my problem." Arata was shocked as he looked at Denji confused. Denji stepped very close to him and then broke into a smile. " you are such a worrywart. That's my problem. I stubbed my toe during lunch and it's been hurting since uhh," Denji said dramatically. Arata relaxed and hugged Denji. "sorry I will stop it. Hey let's go to the arcade", Arata said as he leaned on Denji's shoulder. "Want to but can't. I have to pick up a few things for my mom. We can go tomorrow or later this weekend?" Denji said dropping his shoulder and walking across the street before Arata could reply. "Tomorrow then!" Arata said. Denji turned around with a smile and gestured the ok sign before disappearing around the corner. Denji fake smile dropped as he kicked the vending machine in frustration. As he walked he would occasionally catch glimpse of his sadness from the corner on his eyes. The store window reflections have never been more honest.