Fast ball

Fudo was munching on a piece of chocolate as Natsu no Yukue by Div was blasting through his headphones. The sky was clear and the weather was warm for a change. He closed his eyes and let the music wash over him. He liked skateboarding, chocolate and cigarettes. As the song ended he opened his eyes to see his little friend running towards him. It was cute. They were about the same height except this kid had short black hair while his was semi-long with a curl to it.

As they locked eyes Fudo smiled before hopping on his skate board and taking off downhill. "Wait up!" yelled Denji as he picked up speed. " Wait up" Denji continued to yell for a few blocks. Fudo was surprised how fast this kid was....I guess he is the ace for a reason. Satisfied Fudo stopped short and watched as Denji ran passed him. He snickered.

It was cute how it took Denji two blocks more before he realized that Fudo had stopped. "Really man!" as Denji pouted Fudo laughed and slowly skated towards him. " Sorry I didn't have the heart to stop you," he said sticking out his tongue. " your a dick do you know that" Denji said panting. Fudo laughed abit before he began to circle Denji. " I wanna talk " Denji said looking at Fudo. Fudo nodded as slowly took off again but at a reasonable walking pace. " So my friends.." Denji started but was cut off. " in two blocks start talking, " Fudo said in a sharp tone. "why?" Denji asked but Fudo shot him a disapproving look.

Denji followed until they reached a batting cage. Fudo greeted the owner and paid for two cages. " we are batting?" Denji said a little surprised. Fudo ignored him and grabbed his bucket of balls and a metal bat. Denji frowned and followed suit. As they each entered the cages Denji looked at Fudo. " are you gonna kept ignoring me?" Fudo looked at him. " I said you could talk after two blocks. I didn't say I would respond though," he broke into a smile. Denji frowned which made Fudo smile widen. " go on. what happened now with your little friends." Denji looked up before starting to vent. " my friends think I'm dumb. they act like they care but continue to fuck with me." Fudo loaded the balls and walked back over to the plate. " so what will you do?" Denji looked at him. "What do you mean?" Fudo rolled his eyes and hit the first fastball. "Are you gonna leave your girlfriend and cut ties with your best friend?" Fudo said. Denji watched impressed by the speed of the fastball. " yes. I should just confront them tomorrow even without proof. then again..." Denji shifted his weight as Fudo finished Denji thought. " that would make you an ass hole cause she would deny it and then date your best friend openly. right? hence why you are still trying to pitifully tolerate their bullshit. so you need a way to publicly throw them under the bus but that gonna be hard because they have been doing this for so long. your best bet is to wait until an opportunity presents itself," Fudo said as he hit another fastball. Denji nodded as he matched his setting to Fudo's. He thought for a bit as he started to swing but he kept missing. " Don't think about it too much the opportunity will present itself naturally. They are rather sloppy since you and I managed to catch them. it's only a matter of time before others find out," Fudo said this time with his eyes closed as he hit another fastball. Denji was impressed. " your right. Do you want to be friends?" Denji smiled. " No. It's best to stay away from each other while in school. Outside of school is different," Fudo said still focusing on the machine as it spit another fastball. " Is it due to you being a delinquent. I don't mind. It can be no worse," Denji said finally hitting a fastball. Fudo shook his head no," being my friend will only cause you trouble. I'm not very much liked in school. you already have enough shit going on and you're barely keeping it together." Denji stopped and leaned against the fence. " unless you join the baseball team. you have a good swing. I'm sure the coach would let you join. you could help us win the championship and .." Denji said in a matter of fact tone. " Stop. I'm pretty comfortable where I am at. I have more then enough opportunities," Fudo smiled, " How about you just focus on hitting the ball and learning how to compose yourself around your little friends." Denji looked at Fudo and frowned. " I'll try." That's when Denji phone rang. when Denji looked at the caller he shoved it back in his pocket. " so much for trying ", Fudo laughed. Denji shook his head and said tomorrow as he started to hit the fastball.