
That night Denji continued to stare at his phone. The 3 missed calls from Aimi-chan turned into 7 missed calls. He pondered about what type of excuse could he come up with that would get her to one overlook this and two make her keep her distance from him. maybe he could fake a cold...But he also had to be careful of what he would say so that if it did spread around the school others wouldn't avoid him. 'this was hard' he thought as he ruffled his head. He rolled around his bed hugging his pillow....' maybe that kid was right I should just fake it. But I just can't...urgh.'

Meanwhile, Aimichan starts to get suspicious. Denji not taking her calls was another first. Concerned she gave Arata a call. Arata had picked up on the first ring. " Hey cutie, what service can I do you for?" he flirted. Aimi-chan blushed. She always liked how Arata was very sweet but flirtatious. She remembers when she first saw him. He joined them on the field just after she agreed to date Denji. Denji was the cute nervous type. But he was tall, handsome, short typical black hair, brown eyes, nice smile and sweet. The perfect type of guy that you capture young before he gets corrupt and molds into your perfect husband. However, Arata always had this air about him. There was tension. Even though he was not as tall he was rather smooth with his dye light brown hair and dark eyes. His cheeky smile that made face light up. At first, she used to think he was jealous of her for stealing his time with his bestie but then she grew curious. Each girl that Arata would bring to a double date would just brag about Arata being kind but mostly how amazing he was in bed. She was no virgin but she knew she didn't want Denji turning into a perv after she slept with him. But before long her curiosity got the better of her when Arata started asking her about dating advice. She remembered that day. He had invited her out to a small cafe and asked for tips to have a more serious relationship just like her and Denji. She thought it was strange because he could get any girl he wanted. Also, he always broke up with the girls. That day her advice was to pick a girl and stick to it and try your best. She remembers he jokingly asked if he could practice with her but she never knew he would seriously take her advice. Before long she was meeting up with Arata weekly just to take about 'potential girlfriends' but then the conversation would casually drift to what were her likes, needs, and wants were. She did regret one evening when she said she wanted sex but also wanted to wait with Denji. Arata understood but again jokingly propose to sleep with her with no strings attached. It was madness but she wanted too. She knew he would never tell because that would mean he would lose his best friend.

"Cutie? you there?", he said in a husky voice. " I-I-I am here. I was calling because I'm worried about Denji. I think something is wrong...." she said as she let the words linger in the air. " It's not just me then", Arata said as he grew worried. " huh? what do you mean?" she said. " All day, today, Denji has been different even during practice coach almost benched him, "Arata stated. " What! that's bad", she said concerned. " I know....what if...he knows?" Arata stated. "he knows what?" Aimi-chan said back. " about us?" said Arata in all seriousness. " if he knew he would confront us...." she stated. " or he would secretly let it devastate him....." Arata said balling his hands into a fist.

Arata was jealous of Denji and to some degree, he did want to break Denji and his girlfriend up. But he knew he did take things far when she took him up on his offer to sleep with him. He never would have thought she would be so easy. He admitted he was just gonna blackmail her to break up with him. But he did underestimate how much he would enjoy the sex. Her long chestnut hair, big boobies, and big brown eyes. She was good a bit too good almost like a slut, to be honest. He could see why Denji fell for her. Even if he has never seen all of her as he has. It was quite a pity, he knew that Denji would never be able to satisfy her as he does. Aimi-chan was wild and Denji was still a virgin. As much as she claimed to love Denji she never once rejected his sex offers after the first time and would even make up excuses to reschedule with Denji to fuck him. He thought his friend would catch on but he was slow. Poor Denji. There were a few times Aimi-chan would talk to Denji will being with him or in his bed or... Arata blushed as got aroused...while he was inside of her. If Arata really wanted to, he could probably keep this relationship up forever.. imagine that they were married but all their kids are from him. He smiled but that would make him a shitty friend. Arata would wait until she graduated before telling Denji he had proof that she was sleeping with other men. Hire a friend or two and then just stage it. Denji was too naive and good for her. She had to go.

" We will try to figure out something tomorrow? okay?" Aimi-chan said. " Sure but only if I can see you right now. I'm kinda horny?" Arata said. " your such a perv! Arata", Aimi-chan said annoyed. " So was that a no? because I don't have.." Arata said as he was getting ready to hang up. She cut him off. " I didn't say it was a no. your so embarrassing..." she pouted as she sent him a video request. He smiled.