
Denji fell asleep before ever deciding to call Aimi-chan back. As he took a slow walk on his way to school he saw Aimi-chan at the gate waiting for him. He got nervous because she was gonna ask him 99 questions. As he slowed his pace he felt an arm wrap around him. He looked and saw Arata. " We are still on for today right? Arcade? " Arata said with a smile. Denji nodded as his skin crawled. "So Aimi-chan called me yesterday. She's worried about you man? " Arata said as he brings him closer to him. "you know its wrong to make a cute girl worry like that," Arata whispered. Denji used his right hand to grab Arata's wrist and started to apply pressure. " Yesterday was just not my day. Luckily morning practice got reschedule again. " Denji said with a smile. " but today will be", he said as he removed Arata's arm and walked towards his girlfriend. Arata rubbed his wrist as he noticed Denji had left a mark. Arata smirked. Aimi-chan ran to Denji and hugged him. " I missed you. what happened?" he hugged her back and replied. " I had a bad day yesterday but I'm fine," he smiled. As Arata approached them Aimi-chan linked her arm between them and proceed to walk into the schoolyard. This was not the first time Arata was on her left side and Denji was on the right. Denji usually liked walking like that because it was the only time his arm would slightly brush up against Aimi-chan's boobs. He normally enjoyed the feeling but then when he realized she was doing it intentionally and it was not just for him but to the both of them. That annoyed him. " So Denji about the power couple..", Denji wrapped his arm around her waist and for the first time ever moved her to his left side causing him to be in the middle. " We can discuss it in a bit. Arata, we are going ahead. We will catch you later, Denji said moving his arm from her waist to around her shoulder as he proceeded to walk faster before he could reply. " hey -y-y Wait.." Aimichan tried to say but Denji stopped her with a kiss. As the surrounding people said aww. Arata took the hint and waved later before balling his fist.

" Woah... Denji," she said blushing as he dragged her to the courtyard before class. " hmm?" he said looking at her. " n-n-no nothing. I just missed you. ", she said with loving tenderness. He gave her a warm smile but did not give her another kiss. Instead, he looked around to see in anyone was there. " Denji is something wrong?" she asked. He looked at her. " yes. you. " he said. " she stared at him frozen. " You worry too much. I am fine. or..atleast I will be. I will take care of everything. So don't worry your pretty little head, " he said pinching her cheeks before walking to class. She was surprised. She knew Denji was acting differently but what did he mean by he would take care of it...? she was concerned. She followed him and tried to ask more questions but he never responded.

During third-period history class, Denji asked to use the restroom. He honestly just didn't want to be in class. He knew the bathroom was at the end of the hall but decided to go to the 2nd-floor bathroom. It was two levels down and pretty quiet there. Also, that bathroom had a great view of the baseball field. As he made his way to the bathroom he heard a sound coming from the staircase near the bathroom. it wasn't particularly loud but it sounded like a lot of shuffling. Most first-years were in class. Curious he quietly headed down the flight of stairs and stopped. He knew it was not uncommon for students to hid underneath the first-floor staircases because they have empty spaces. Those spaces are normally used to hide from teachers or to conduct bullying. But today he knew theses voices. " A-a-arata can you stop we are in school. if someone catches us..." Aimi-chan moaned as Arata kissed her neck. "Aimi just leave Denji. you belong to me..." Arata said just above a whisper. This pissed him off. " I'm not leaving Denji for you. Arata, you're getting jealous. you knew what this was when we started. She said lecturing him as he shut her up with more passionate kisses. Denji loudly ran up the stair and hid in the bathroom. This spooked the couple. Aimi-chan pushed Arata off of her to see but she couldn't tell who was there. Arata grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him. " you love me. you may lie to your self but you know your mine," Arata whispered before fixing himself and walking down the hall.

Frustrated, during lunchtime Denji, brought lunch from the food cart in the hallway adjacent to the cafeteria. But instead of going in and eating with his friends, he realized he needed a friend. So he ended to where all the delinquent kids hung out. In the back of the building behind the gym. It was not hard to find if you followed the smell of cigarettes. The ground was littered with cigarette buds as five delinquents were eating and talking about motorcycles and manga. The boys were of all different sizes and shapes but the look of disdain was clear on their faces. In unison they all looked up at Denji wondering why he was there. " Hey...I was looking for....." as he scanned their faces he did not see the boy he was looking for. 'shit' he thought to himself. " Sorry to bother but I was looking for a tall guy with curly long black hair. A ton of ear piercing and wears makeup....he has a skateboard..." they looked at him even more confused. One of the delinquents spoke. " we don't know who that is. but you can give us your yakisoba bread and all your money as payment for answering your question. " Denji took a few steps back nervously.

Meanwhile, Aimi-chan and Arata ate their lunch in silence as they waited for Denji. " we should look for him once you finish your soup," Arata said unable to eat. Aimi-chan smiled as she finished her food quickly. She got up and they both search the building for their friend. Denji rarely missed lunch on Wednesday with them. Aimi-chan checked the Nurse's office and Arata checked the library. But there was no sight of him. They met back up and checked the roof. As Aimi-chan walked along the fence the surrounded the roof, she scan the different the field and the different school building. As her eyes wandered that's when Aimi-chan noticed Denji was slowing backing up from behind the gym with some delinquents coming towards him. "Arata I found him he is in trouble", she screamed. "get the teacher I'm going to help", Arata said as he ran down the stairs.