
Denji tossed them his lunch but refused to give up his money. " I really think we are even if you think bout it...." Denji said nervously. "We want your money too", said another delinquent as he pulled out a knife. "Smoking on school grounds that's 3 days suspension. Littering that's 2 days detention. Bullying a student that's another 3-day suspension with a letter of apology. Money extortion ...expelled?" said a firm voice from the shadows. Everyone shifted their attention to the tall student. His hair was dead straight and tied up neatly. His Givenchy frames covered his face but added to his neat appearance. His clothes were pressed and crisp to a tee. His Maroon blazer crest sparkled as his armband showed. The delinquents froze. "President Ryuji...Yikes...we are screwed", said another delinquent. " Screwed is an understatement...detetion for 1 month with community service....all of you." Just then Arata came to Denji's side. " all of us?", Denji said dumbfounded. President looked at him. " Yes, all of you." Denji was taken aback. Soon Aimichan came with the history teacher Akino sensei. " Ah School president Ryuji you are here ..perfect oh I heard there was bullying going on. ", said Akino Sensei. " Oh, I saw more like students smoking when they should be studying. I have decided to give them all detention," President Ryuji said in a matter fact tone. " Good just send me their names and I'll follow it up", Akino sensei said as he walked away. " but Denji was being bullied. He does not need detention," said Arata. " Denji has never been bullied before so why would it suddenly start now. He was caught here with these students doing illegal things. Just because he is a star athlete does not mean he gets a special pass. Would you like to join him?" PresidentRyuji said stepped right up to Arata and he looked down on him as if he was a meer ant. " Thought so...if there is any more problems you can take it up with the student council otherwise your all dismissed." Arata gritted his teeth before grabbing Denji and walking away. Aimichan rolled her eyes at the president as she ran after the boys.