
Denji sat in class in disbelief that he got detention especially since he was the one being bullied and extorted for money. This was unbelievable, his two-year spotless reputation was stained. Denji getting detention for smoking was a rumor that spread like wildfire. Luckily Arata and Aimichan told people it was a lie. however, it would be difficult unless a teacher could get it removed.

Coach Mando stood at 5'5 with his thick biceps showing as he rolled up the sleeves to his tracksuit. He was rather wide and stocky for a coach in his late forties but he was rather passionate when it came to his athletes. He stormed his way right into the student council office once he heard the rumors. The Disciplinary Student Council ran the school. They enforce all the school's policies and hardly bend to the teacher's whims. Fudo Ryuji, a third-year was the current president. He was well known for being an elite and ranking 1 in the nation in academia. He came from a powerful family that donated a lot of things to the school every year from remodeling the port fields to provide scholarships for low-income students. He was known for being a sadistic narcissistic asshole that loved to over discipline student and teachers. No one wanted to get on his bad side but he was indeed the most hated student in school. Outside of him, the rest of the council were no better. They were smart but they followed their commander to a tee. As the council finished up making the officially approved event list they looked up at Coach Mando. "Can we help you?" Said Aiki-san, secretary. " Yes, I want Denji removed from detention. He is a good kid. He has never smoked. He is an athlete and one of this school's best talent," stated Coach Mando. " He is not this school's only talent. and even if he was ..he is not above the council," Testu-san, Vice president stated as he stamped another document. " We need him to win championships. i-i-if we lose it will be on you", yelled the Coach. " We are prepared for that since we are more of an academic school rather than a sport school. Future student interest would really only drop 0.2 %", stated Aiki-san. They continued to look at their forms as the coach grew angrier. Five minutes had gone by in complete silence as they continue to actively ignore the teacher. As he cleared his throat President Ryuji looked up and sighed. He leaned back in his chair as the secretary and treasury got up. " We can or rather we will remove Denji from detention. Heck, we will even say he was bullied to dispel the rumors and make you look good. However, it will come with one condition..." President Ryuji stated as he got up and put his hand into his pocket. " I don't make deals with children", said Coach Mando. " One condition or off you go", said Ryuji. "agreed", said Coach Mando. " Coach rule one when making any deal is to listen first before agreeing...especially when it comes to children. But since you already agreed we can begin". The two students closed the student council doors and the vice president pulled out his cell phone. " What's going on?" Coach Mando said confused. " Well you agreed to my one condition.....and that was to beg on all fours and bark like the dog that you are. Woof Woof.." President Ryuji said in a matter of fact tone. Coach Mando glared at them. " A deal is a deal", smiled president Ryuji.

At the end of the day, before the last bell, Denji got called to the student council's office. The whole school was a bit surprised including the teacher. No one liked going to the student Council unless they really needed something approved. Denji gulped as he got up and walked upstairs to the room. He gulped again before quietly opening the door. He saw two students there. President Ryuji and Vice President Tetsu. "Earlier was great may I stay for this as well?", Tetsu said teasing. " you can leave. If you stay I will begin to think you're a sadist like me and not a masochist. " Tetsu rolled his eye and waved back to Denji. " Boy, you have a good coach. Don't overwork yourself while I get snacks", Tetsu said as he closed the door behind them. The few desks that were in the room were arranged in a horseshoe pattern with one desk in the center. "please sit. I'll be brief," Ryuji said. Denji nodded and took a seat. Ryuji smiles faintly as approached Denji's desk. " your coach cleared your name. you're free to go to practice". "ah....good, " Denji said pushing his chair back. " I wanted you to stay here but I guess you are meant to continue trying," President Ryuji said. " trying?" Denji said looking at him a bit confused. " I would like to formally invite you to become a member. Then we can spend more time together and you would not have to surround by your fake friends," President Ryuji said as he leaned against his desk. " Who are you," Denji said still feeling a bit confused. That's when President Ryuji removed his glasses and pushed his hair back. Denji froze when he saw the mole under his eye. "Fastball!" Fudo laughed and nodded. "Wow you" was all Denji could say. "I told you didn't I. In school I can only bring you trouble, " he said as he took them off and wiped them. "but still..I'm happy to see you," Denji said. " Same. I think you would have a better experience if you joined the council. I also would prefer you as my replacement. If you took over after my rule your popularity would be safe. Plus I'm here", said Fudo. " its a good offer but i-i-i- just want to win the championship one more time." Fudo nodded, "I see." " thank you though," Denji said smiling, "I do have some things to tell you though." Fudo looked at Denji and arched an eyebrow. " I think they know I know. but I don't know and I caught them making out under the staircase," Denji said. "hmmm...we can film them as proof.....but would that be enough. you want them to suffer right?" Fudo said stroking his own chin. " I do...." Denji said thinking. " Then you have to act normal. But to do that you have to be indifferent or disconnected your heart from your body," said Fudo. Denji arched his eyebrow. " Take on a secret lover then you won't feel so awkward around them," suggested Fudo, "I'm sure their girls wanted to be with you?" Denji looked down," there are but do you honestly think they won't tell her or Rita won't find out," Denji said annoyed. " that bitch hmmm.....then I'll be your lover," replied Fudo. Denji looked at Fudo in disbelief, " you don't have to go that far. " Fudo untied his hair and took off his glasses. "I could pass for a girl if I really tried. Since we are similar heights it wouldn't be that much different. We could even enter the best power couple. That would be a good way to embarrass them," Fudo said twirling his hair tie. From the right angle, President Ryui could pass but Denji just wasn't sure. " I'm pretty safe and easy to date and I don't gossip," Fudo said with a smile. " I guess but what should I call you? we never really exchanged names," said Denji. " My name is Fudo Ryuji, I'm a 3rd-year student and I'm excited to be your boyfriend," Fudo teased. " I'm Denji Makishima, I'm a 2nd yr, and please help me stay sane," Denji said laughing. Fudo smiled before grabbing Denji by the blazer and giving him a kiss.