
While eating katsu don Denji's Mother smiled. "It has been a while since you hung out with Arata. I was starting to think Aimi-chan had taken all your time. You boys were so close before she came. I'm glad to hear he is doing well", she said as she took a sip of her miso soup. "Yeah they are both fine...", He said looked down a bit. " Is something wrong?" She asked. "'s just that it took me a while to notice how Arata was feeling," Denji responded. " Ah...I'm sure he understands just don't forget him. Aimi-chan can be cute but still," HIs mother nodded as they ate. Denji nodded and really wished he could have told her the truth.

After dinner, as Denji was studying math the phone rang. "DENJI, THE PHONE!" she yelled. Denji was a little confused because all his friends had his cellphone number. He went downstairs and answer the phone. " Hello?" , He asked. " Hey boyfriend", Fudo said on the other end. " Don't call me that..."Denji said a little embarrassed," How did you get this number?" Fudo laughed," Do you forget who I am. Anyway, meet me in ten minutes at the Red Rabbit cafe. We need to plan," Fudo said as he hung up. Denji was stunned. That cafe was only 5 minutes from his house. " Hello...Hello...hmm" Denji hung up the phone and threw on some clothes. He grabbed a notebook and as he proceeded to leave his mother stopped him. " Who was that?" She said. " ah....a friend..they forgot to copy the homework assignment down. So I offered to lend them my notes...." Denji said. His mother narrowed her eyes. " homework....are you being bullied?" Denji laughed and shook his head no. " Are you sure...I did get a call from your school.." she said in a concerned tone. " Mom I'm fine. I'll be back in a few minutes. Trust me", Denji said as he left.

Inside the Red Rabbit cafe, He spotted Fudo-san in the corner. Today he had on purple eyeshadow and a skully cap. " Hey...." Denji said as he took a seat. Fudo-san smiled as the waiter came with two coffees. " already order?" Denji asked." I did.....I can't keep you out too long right?" Fudo-san smiled as he stirred the paper straw. " So Operation: Takedown. I was thinking we should take a picture of them under the staircase. " Denji nodded. " Then I think we should win power couple."Denji looked at him. " How are we gonna pull that off....I and Aimi-chan are already registered..." Danji replied. " Easy....You and Aimi-chan will pick a talent that Arata is also good at. Make sure Arata rehearsals with you both and the day of the show...maybe say you will be late and have Arata fill in. " Fudo said while taking a sip. " would we enter?" Denji asked. " Easy I will enter...wait you have a point. hmmmmm.....maybe we won't enter at all. yeah, we will just let them do it. When you appear after they won then things will look sketchy..... or hmmm". Fudo-san felt stuck. " Maybe I should just do it. I think that alone would piss Arata off...since he says she is his..." Denji said. " close but maybe have him do just the talent portion and then show up to do the rest of the show. Kind of like a reminder that she is yours.?" Fudo-san said. " This is hard.." Denji said. Fudo nodded. " W-We still have time to think of something. Oh! let me see your phone?" Fudo-san asked. Denji handed over his phone. Fudo added in his phone number and gave it back to him. As Denji checked he looked at Fudo-san." Why did you save your number as Fumiko?" Fudo smiled. " You said you wanted to make them suffer. This is the easiest way. To make Aimi-chan suffer all you need to do is give a little bit of your attention to another girl. Even if you are only texting me she will think otherwise," Fudo-san smiled. " But won't she thinks I'm cheating?" Denji said. " No, you will tell her that you are tutoring this girl. Besides, there are 5 first-year girls with this name, 3 second years with this name, and 2 third years with this name. Also, they range in different shapes, sizes, and attractiveness. So it is a high chance she may think its an ugly girl. But only if you keep Aimi-chan's ego fluffed up," Fudo-san said. " ah...smother her with confidence..." Denji suggested. Fudo-san nodded," Also say Fumiko has bad acne but is a good person... " Fudo-san said. " I see I get it. What about Arata?" Denji said. "you're not gonna like this but start being a bit more aggressive with trying to sleep with Aimi-chan. I'm pretty sure she won't let you because Arata might be leaving marks of her....and if he hasn't he will start. If you see marks ....confront her about them. That will make her reject his sexual offers and that will also hurt him." Denji cringed but nodded. " ah...but I don't really want to touch her..." Denji said. " If you want revenge you are gonna to have to be able to leave marks on her. If it helps, you can think of me," Fudo-san smiled. " I-I don't know about that.....", Denji said blushing. " or you can think of her as a pet...whatever helps," Fudo-san said smiling.

After finishing up their coffees, they left the Red Rabbit and walked down a few blocks together. " Denji?" Fudo -san asked. "hmm", Denji said looking up. " come here," Fudo-san said as he dragged him into a side alley. The stone wall was a bit wet as Fudo-san pressed Denji up against it. " I want you to learn this..." Fudo-san said as he stared deeply into Denji's eyes. Fudo had this intense look of desire that made Denji blush. "you are so beautiful," Fudo-san said as he intensely cupping Denji's face before kisses him passionately. Denji felt so overwhelmed by intensity and forcefulness of Fudo-san's kisses that he was breathless when Fudo's slipped his tongue into his mouth. Fudo's tongue traced along Denji teasing it gently that Denji freaked out. He attempted to push Fudo-san away but could not. He felt like a wall for such a slim person. Denji shivered as Fudo's tongue explored his mouth before intertwining itself with his tongue. Denji felt powerless as Fudo's left hand brushed up against his pants before rubbing along his bulge. This made Denji attempt to struggle more but he could not move. Fudo-san caressed his bulge until it grew before sliding his hand back up into Denji's hair and pulling it a bit. As Denji moaned that's when Fudo stopped and released him from the kiss. Breathless Fudo-san pulled on Denji's hair a bit to make Denji look at him. Embarrassed Denji's face was completely red. Fudo licked his own lips before smiling. He then took his phone out with his other hand and took a picture of Denji's face. "ah..what was that for.." Denji said trying to grab his phone. Fudo-san tugged his hair again before showing Denji the embarrassing picture. " I need you to make Aimi-chan look like this. Kiss her just like I showed you and then simply walk away," Fudo-san said in a serious tone. "So stop trying to fighting me... I really mean it when I say I will kiss you every day until you get it." Denji was conflicted about how to feel. He knew Fudo-san was only trying to help but that kiss was intense. "So should we try it again before you go home...or are not serious about your revenge?" Denji shook his head and looked Fudo-san in the eyes. " I'm serious", Denji said as he grabbed Fudo's shirt and kissed him.