Study buddy

By the time Denji got home the house lights were off and his mother had went to bed. He snuck up to his room and locked the door. The last time he was this horny was when Aimi-chan wore a bathing suit when they went to the beach. T

hey went on a double date with Arata and some girl. That was a good memory when everyone got along. He took a sit and turn on his laptop. His lower half was throbbing and he remembered the way Fudo's fingers had stroked along his bulge over and over as they kiss. Denji closed his eyes, spit on his hand, and he started stroking his member and fanstizing the way Fudo's flick his tongue and kissed him. he stroked hard and faster. Without even making it to his daily porn site he moaned and came on his laptop. Breathless he panted before slowly opening his eyes and realizing what he had done. He sucked in his teeth before leaning back in his chair. 'what is wrong with me...' he learned forward and cleaned up his mess.

During second period he received his first text from fumiko.

F: 😱 senpai help!! my teacher decided to give us a pop quiz! What do I do????!!!

D: dont fail?

F: 🙃😒🥴😵

D: you can do it! you are a good student 😀

F: if I was smart I wouldn't need a tutor. senpai baka-desa😭😭😭😭😭

D: we can review later anything you failed...

F: senpai your the best 😍😍😍

It was awkward to imagine Fudo typing these cringey things but he had to admit it did make him feel less alone. For the next 5 days he texted Fudo-San nonstop. He texted Fudo on his way to school, during class, and even when he walked with Arata and Aimi-chan home. When either ask to to spend time with him he would say he was busy. He would then meet up with Fudo-San always after dinner and study together before making out.

Finally Aimi-chan snapped and took Denji's phone during lunch as he had started randomly laughing. Denji and Arata looked at her confused. " who are you texting denji?" she said furiously. " my underclassmen," denji said in a matter of fact tone. "why?" she said. "because she begged me to tutor her. After the festival exams are coming," he said really looking at her. " she couldn't ask someone else?" Denji frowned. " no the no.1 rank first year student is mean and the no.1 rank third year is President Ryuji," He beckoned his for his phone back. "make sense..." Arata said. Aimi-chan refused to give him back his phone and started going through it. The phone had just went off and it was fumiko. she read the text.

F: senpai I need a break!! too much studying will rot my brain 🤯😂😂. but I do like that idea.

As she scrolled up they were talking about a surprise date for Aimi-chan. She felt so embarrassed. Denji took his phone back. "it was suppose to be a surpise..." he blushed. Arata was lost. " I'm taking Aimi-chan on a date since it had been a while with practice," Denji said. "I'm sorry...." she said as she quietly picked at her food. "what about me ? where is my date" Arata said to Denji. "wanna hang out after school today?" he smiled. Arata nodded happily. Denji put the phone away and smiled at them both before narrowing his eyes at Aimi-chan. " What's that on your neck? " he said pointing to the tip of a hickey that was poorly covered by her shirt. Arata eyes widen and Aimi-chan panicked. "what's what?" she said flustered. As Denji went to remove the shirt collar Arata stopped him. " it's a rash my sister had one they can be contagious...." Arata said. Denji nodded, "that's even more of a reason to see it". that's when aimichan backed away and got up. "if it's a rash I will have the nurse check. I dont want anyone else to get it," she said swiftly getting up and walking away. "wait I'll go with yo-.." Arata stopped Denji. "she will be fine" , Arata said. " I dont care if she will be fine . I'm concerned. and why are you stopping me ...let me worry about my girl," Denji said getting up. " maybe she would not have broken out from a rash and if you had paid her a bit more attention...." Denji glared at Arata. " what is that suppose to mean?" Arata backed down," she was just a little stress that your attention was else where. But she had nothing to worry about that's all. remember we are a team so relax Denji...". Denji got up and threw out his lunch. He then made his way to the courtyard and texted Fudo-San.

D: I think you should take your studies more serious?

F: oh? is that so?

D: yes

F: I understand