
Fudo-San woke up to 40 missed texted and calls from Denji. Fudo smiled and returned his called. Denji had asked to be excuse to the restroom to take the call. " I was worried " denji said. " I'm fine I just just woke up late. I need you to be on good terms with your friends so I can start the next phase. Be aggressive with her. I'll be back in school on Thursday" Fudo-San said. Denji nodded as he was glad to hear that Fudo-San was okay. Thats when it hit that he was no longer a virgin. it was strange that nothing had really changed.

At lunch he apologized to Arata for blowing him off and offered to hang out today. Arata was happy to forgive him and they went again to the arcade and caught up.

The next morning on the way to school just as promised Denji kissed Aimi-chan in front of the whole school. he kept his arm around her and did not even reacted when all three of them would link arms. He just wanted to make Fudo-San proud. As Denji acted normal the more they relaxed.

On Saturday, Denji did not act any different on his date. They went out to eat and even got a matching couple's rings. He spoiled Aimi-chan. As he walked her home he pinned her up against the alley wall and kissed her ravishing and grabbed her butt before walking off. she was taken aback. "denji what has gotten into you?" she asked a bit horny. he smiled and looked back her. " we have been dating over a year..I cant have your attention wandering now?" she chuckled and linked arms with him. " you know my attention is only on you", she said.

That evening Aimi-chan rejected Arata sex request and bragged about how amazing her date was with Denji. This did not sit well with Arata.

When Monday morning came around Fudo-San called Tetsu, vice president to leave last. Testu was curious and did as he was told. " why do I feel that you are up to no good president? " he smiled. " I'm a saint. I need you to do rounds today on the first level though. " Tetsu arched his eyebrows. " why ?" he asked. " I have received a noise complaint regarding students being loud behind the stairwell," said Fudo-San innocently. " hmmm must be bullying okay I know what to do," Tetsu said smiling.