
Tetsu was a more likeable student then the president but every year the president still ruled the school. everyone who ran against him lost which was odd to him. As he did he daily rounds around the halls to send students back to class he made sure to inspect the stair cases especially the ones on the first level. most complaints were always bullying. he hated it because blackmailing was never enough or detention. sometimes the bully would have to be bullied to stop. as much as he was likeable he enjoyed being a bully. as he checked each staircase there was no noises everything was quiet until he got to the last staircase. However it was not quiet. theses where not the noises of a bully but of lovers. he smiled and filmed from a distance before approaching the couple and snapping a bunch of pictures. the noise of the camera stopped the couple as they froze. a few more pictures where taking before Tetsu put away the phone. " wow I never would have thought I would see you two together. this is a bit awkward, " he said as he looked at Arata and Aimi-chan. As they fixed themselves Arata glared at Tetsu. Tetsu smiled ," detention for the rest of the term. " Aimi-chan froze up as Arata laughed. " you cant do that and you dont have our permission to take our photos. I hate how the student counsel thinks their above everyone. " tetsu frowned. " but we are....if you dont want detention fine I'll just show this to the school and then...what will happen to poor Denji when he finds out that the two people he trust are hurting friendship...definitely no championship....everyone will hate the both of you" he smiled. "you son of a bitch " arata said as he attempted to grab the phone from him. Tetsu grabbed Arata by the arm and twisted it. " I really will break your arm. Then your life and dreams would be over.....and then I may just ruin hers ...." he whispered. " stop please....we know we are wrong but detention for a term?" she said. " what you just did would normally get you expelled for corruption of moral detention is light. " Tetsu said as he pushed Arata away from him. " if you have any issue you can take it up with the president," Tetsu said. " we did no such things" , Arata yelled. " I wonder...someone filed a complaint against you may have crossed someone," Tetsu said walking away. Arata kicked the stairs and Aimi-chan wonder who could have filled the complaint.

Later on that afternoon, the coach stormed into the student counsel office. " I told you to stay away from my players" he boomed. President Ryuji smiled as they members closed the door behind him. " I did however someone made a noise complaint and it just so happened to be another star player. I am really started to wonder are they all bad?" the coach gritted his teeth. " no detention!" he yelled. " morning detention ", replied president Ryuji. " what did he do! that you guys cant just over look." coach said frustrated. That's when tetsu looked at the president and he hit the play button. As the project reflected on the wall he say and heard everything. He almost fainted. The members caught him and sat him down. " as you can see do to the nature of the act on school property that's automatically expulsion. But we are being considered to the baseball team and even allowing him to go to morning detention, " said President Ryuji. The coach nodded and he thought, " let me take responsibility and cut his morning detention in half. " President Ryuji frowned. The coach looked serious. " they have been having an affair for half a year do you think that you can honest take responsibility?" the coach almost fainted again. " denji is not aware....we dont think..." the coach nodded. "I'll do something about it." the members looked at each and nodded. " That's fine. we will grant half a term of morning detention," said President Ryuji. The counsel waites till the coach left and looked at the President Ryuji. " how did you know they were together so long president?" asked Tetsu. " who do you think made the noise complaint ...." they all grasped. " I think he finally had it with them. " the counsel nodded. " this conversation never leaves the room," said the president as they label the evidence and put it away.