
The two boys were shocked as they looked at his mother. Denji was the first to speak, " What are you doing back soon?" Denji mom stepped into her apartment and closed the door. " boss let me go early and I brought chicken. Who is your friend?" she said as she looked at the two of them closely. The young teen had on purple and black striped sweater that was oversized, this hair was rather Messy, his pants were ripped. He had thick boots that he looked like he had attempted to put on. He had on makeup and alot of piercings. Her attention switched to her son who looked messy but that wasn't uncommon around this time. "Greeting my name is Ms. Makishima. Would you like to stay from some chicken. Its...rare to see my son bring friends over." Denji looked at Fudo-San and nodded, " you should stay." Fudo-San was feeling a variety of emotions but the smell of the fried chicken was hard to resist. " I'll stay but just for dinner. " he said. Ms. makishima nodded and began to set the table. Fudo-San retreated to the restroom to fix him self up. Denji smiled at his mom before going to check on Fudo-San.

Fudo-San frowned when he notified how many hickies Denji had given him. he had to take his hair completely out to cover them all. That's when Denji grabbed him from behind and held him tightly. " I know your hurt but do not leave me. I like having you as my friend and my boyfriend. " Before Fudo-San could reply he felt something pressing up against his butt. " see even he doesn't want you to go" Denji said innocently. Fudo-San closed his eyes in frustration. "DINNER!" yelled his mom.

As they sat around the table eating, Denji's mother noticed that this kid was different but she could not put her finger on it. " So how did you two become friends?" she asked. "we go to the same school mom," Denji replied. Ms.Makishima nodded, " do you know Arata and Aimi-chan?" Fudo-San looked up and smiled," I do. They hate me and I hate them. So its mutual. " he said eating chicken. "eh....!"denji's mother said a bit concerned. " he means at" denji could not even explain it. " they are jealous ...that denji makes time for me and not them," Fudo-San continued as he took another bite. " I mean a person can have more then one friend right Ms. Makishima ?" she nodded, " yes...but why are are you friends with my son?" This made both boys look at her. " Mom we study together. Regardless of how he looks Fudo-San is the smartest kid in school. He is nice enough to help me with my homework," Denji said. " you are the kid that he always hangs out with and lends his notes too. smartest kid ..huh...your just using my son ...." Fudo-San glares at her before excused himself from the table. He put on his shoes and left. Denji gave his mother a dirty look before attempting to go after him but she stopped him. " mom move.." denji said but she did not. " no what is wrong with sneak someone into my house.....a delinquent at that then you lie about what you two do....I did not raise a child like you" , she scrowled. Denji just turned away and ran into his room and slammed the door.

He tried texting Fudo-San but there was no reply all night. The next day Denji stopped by the student office but it was empty.