
Fudo stared intensely through the fence that surrounded the rooftop and he smoked his cigarette. He occasionally wiped his tears as they ran down his face, upset about how he was always so fucking sure of himself. He knew he should not have been surprised when Denji wanted to back out. Maybe he had pushed Denji too much...but it didn't really matter now. They were over and so was this little distraction. " Is our great dictator feeling weak, " said Tetsu as he leaned against the fence. Fudo wiped his tears but refused to put out his cigarette. " you know smoking on the grounds can get you in alot of trouble Mr. President-san," he smiled. that's when Fudo put out the cigarette and glared at Tetsu. "Awww did your new pet bite you?" Tetsu joked. " it broke. I'm rather disappointed ..." Fudo said putting his norm façade back on. Tetsu felt a bit awkward because he never saw the president like this. " not all toys are built the same. There are plenty others...you'll see", he said as he patted his shoulder. " just don't.... take too long up here" , Testu said as he closed the door behind him.

Denji sat together with his friends and ate lunch in silence. Aimi-chan and Arata were also a bit down from just breaking up. The whole table sighed. That's when Rita came over with her boyfriend Toki. All three put on their fakest smile. Aimi-chan quickly grabbed on to Denji as he opened up his stance and embraced her sweetly. This made Arata sick just watching them that he had to excuse himself. " So have you two decided what will you do for the competition?" Rita asked. " We.... are still ironing out the details" replied Aimi-chan has she realized she had forgotten about it. " I'm excited next week will the awesome ", Denji nodded as Rita walked away. " Babe we have to come up with something " Aimi-chan said looking desperate. He nodded.

For the next week Denji and Aimi practiced a dance routine. Denji wasn't excited by the event but it did make him happy when ever Aimi-chan talked about beating Rita. Denji would text Fudo, or stop by the council office after practice but with the festival, Fudo-San was an extremely hard person to find. He was never at the convenient store on Jinko way or the Red Rabbit Cafe. Arata would appear occasionally to hang out as long as Aimi-chan wasn't around. Denji knew they broke up because the hickeys were gone and Aimi-chan's uniform was always straight. Plus Arata had lost this look of happiness in his eyes. That's when Denji recommended that Arata should join the competition.

At first Arata thought that it was a stupid idea but after a lot of consideration he decided to enter with an underclassmen named Fumiko. She had long jet black hair, big boobs and long legs. She was popular and known for her smile. Even though she was still an underclassmen her beauty was on par with Aimi-chan. people were jealous but not surprised. When Arata asked her to enter she only agreed to go on the terms that they would be a couple for a year. Arata stated that it was unlikely to happen since his reputation nickname was trial period. He was never serious. Fumiko was excited to exceed the two month challenge and make him an honest man. She was confident that he would unlikely replace her. He just wanted to make Aimichan jealous so decided to date her temporary.