Maids Vs Cosplay

"I'm so excited for you. I want a copy of your performance if its avalible," Ms. Makishima said upset that she had to go to work. " mom it will be online and ill make sure to show you," denji said as he left the house and walked to school.

The school was decorated with Multi-color balloon and banners welcoming perspective new students. There were booths sent up all along the entry way. Denji received a map when he first entered and smiled. The atmosphere was a nice change of pace from the last few weeks. He followed the map until he reached the competition area and dropped of his costume. As he walked back down to the main gate he saw Aimi. She gave him a hug and a quick peek kiss before she linked arms with him. " How are you?" He asked. " I'm good. Just excited about everything." Denji nodded as they looked at the different booths. " What is your class doing?" she asked. Denji thought about it and smiled. " We are doing a play. I painted and drew a lot of the scenery so I don't have to help. The baseball team is not doing a booth at this festival. " She smiled," so that's why you had so much energy during dance rehearsal. Well my class is doing a maid café. I am free now but in 1 hour I start my shift. I had to go in earlier to make sure I was free for the competition." Denji smiled," I will stop support." Aimi-chan smiled as she picked out some yakisoba noodles to share. It had a been a while since they just relaxed like this as they found a bench to sit on. Now he started to see what Fumiko and Fudo was taking about having his cake and ice cream too.

"DENJI-SENPAI!!!!!", Fumiko said as Arata followed behind her with two ice-cream cones in hand. " Hi you two," Denji said as Aimi-chan rolled her eyes. " Are you ready to lose to me Ai-mi-Chan", Fumiko giggled as she took her ice cream from Arata. " you will be the one's to lose.", Aimi-chan scoffedans she asked, " So what are you doing for the festival Arata?" Arata enjoyed how Aimi-chan got jealous. " My classroom will be doing a haunted house. So I will be scaring people." All three of them said cool. " Well my classroom will be doing a cosplay cafe", said Fumiko excitedly as she jumped up and down. " I think a maid cafe is better and thats what my class is doing," said Aimichan as she droppeed her fork and stood up to square off with Fumiko. " Better?! I didnt know being a servant was better then being a main character but then again if the shoe fits," Fumiko said giving Aimi-chan a sly glace before turning to Arata. " Wont you be coming to my event Baby?" Fumiko said licking her Ice cream seductively. " Maids are better since they always have to clean up the main characters mess. Arata you will be coming to my event right?" she said grabbing his left wrist and pushing her boobs against his arm. Fumiko grabbed his right wrist and pushed her boobs against his arm. Both girls glared at Arata. Arata pulled away from them and threw his arm around Denji. "Denji will be attending in my stead as I wont be free until the competition. Later," Arata said escaping. Fumiko pointed as she looked to Denji," Well Senpai come if you can. I will treat you nicely. Later," She said giving him a sly wink before walking away. " That bitch..."Aimi-chan growled. Denji looked at her," What?" Denji frowned," Nothing its just that I get the sense you would prefer Arata over me to come see you in the maid outfit?" Aimi shook her head no. " Baby I love you and I would really appreciated if you came," she said " Now walk me to the cafe," she demanded. Denji didn't buy it but he did as he was told.

After dropping off Aimi-chan, kicked himself. like how could she be all over Arata with no shame. Denji took a deep breath and explored the other classrooms. some had science experiences ,others had magic shows and theatrical performance. It was nice but Denji would have enjoyed it better if he was with some who cared....someone like Fudo-san. As that though crossed his mind off in the distant he saw a familiar figure from the second floor. As he got closer he was not dreaming. It was Fudo-san alone a bit hidden in the corner wiping his eyes. His glasses were off and on the wooden railing. Denji picked up his pace but remained silent as he got closer. The last time he wanted was Fudo to disappear.

" Tired?" Denji spoke without realizing as he approached Fudo. "Tired? from what?" he inquired. " From running?" Denji said as Fudo looked up. He was startled for a split second but thats all Denji needed to pin Fudo-san against the wall. " I missed you. Why wont you answer my calls." Fudo blushed before flipping the scripted on Denji. Fudo shifted his weight and pushed Denji up against the wall instead. In that split second Denji caught a glimpse of Fudo's eyes. They were empty. He then brushed his nosed up against Denji's nose before licking his lip. " how disappointing. I managed to turn the tables on you. So pathetic...Don't approach me unless your serious about dating me. Otherwise begone." As Fudo grabbed his glasses and walked away, Denji slide to the floor upset and hard. He underestimated how good Fudo-san always smell.

As Fudo-san rejoined the rest of the council. Tetsu approached him quickly stopping him. " Did you see your toy?" Fudo shot him a look. " Just asking unless I am the one getting you excited," Tetsu said as Fudo-San noticed his boner. Fudo turned around for a minute before turning back around and moving Testu out of his way. " Wow your good. How you do it so fast?" Testu said teasing. " I thought of you face", Fudo said as he commanded his team to score all the exhibits.