
As the wait time was over 2 hours, the maid cafe was extremely popular for senior class 3-2. Aimi-chan was the most sort after maid as she wore her pink and white uniform. The underclassmen boys were shameless, as some of their dates walked out on them for staring at her too long. With a wink, that's all she really needed to show that she cared. Rita was burning hot with jealous in her red and white uniform. Annoyed she requested a break and snuck behind the dividers with her coffee and relaxed in one of the chairs. As she sipped her coffee That's when she noticed a black cloth bag with a tag hanging out. She looked at the tag and it said Aimichan. Rita was not a sore loser....but she was tired of being second best. Rita bit her lip and looked around . When she saw the coast was clear. She unzip the bag and poured the rest of her coffee onto her dress. Rita zipped it up and resumed working.

As Aimichan flirted she stopped when she saw Arata. Two of his classmates and him were justed seated. "Hello young masters, my name is Aimichan and I'm here to service you. " She greeted as she approached quickly. the boys blushed as Arata laughed. "What's so funny?" she pouted cutely. " Nothing I'm just glad I got to see you in this outfit. I have to tell Denji about this." She ignored him and took their orders. Whenever she was away from their table she could feel Arata eyes. She really did miss him. But she had Denji, the boy she would mold into her future husband. Arata was just a plaything. But it was hard when she felt wet just from his gaze.

Denji managed to calm down but the scent of Fudo-San lingered in his mind. Like a spell he took a sit at the table and happy to see Fumiko. She was dressed up as Asuna from Sword Art Online. "Nice costume ", Denji said. "Thanks but I would have preferred Arata to see it," she pouted. "He is probably at the maid cafe...." Denji said. "huh?" she said looking at him. " I saw him head that way when I came this way. I almost thought I had went the wrong way but then I doubled checked the map. " Fumiko bit her lip, " that bitch", she muttered. Denji frowned," why did you decide ..." Fumiko cut him off, " what will you be having sir?" Denji realized they were still among their peers. He decide to resume this conversation at a later time. Indeed he ate and watched Fumiko's wonderful sword play performance.

As the change in shifts began, Aimi-chan was on cloud 9. Seeing Arata gave her confidence that she needed to crush Fumiko. That was until she grabbed her bag and realized it was wet. When she pulled the zipper the smell of coffee hit her. Someone had dropped coffee on her dress. Upset she headed to the main stage where the best couple competition would be held soon. There she met up with Denji and explained what happened. When Rita arrived and learned what happened she put out a message on the school message board saying that she was gonna find whoever ruined her bestfriend's dress.

When Fumiko saw the message she laughed. This caught the attention of Arata who had just arrived in their dressing room. "What's so funny?" he said. " I saw this tiktok. Sorry I didnt mean to laugh so hard. By the way, I missed you. I thought you would have came to my cafe," she asked. As Arata changed he sounded apologetic. " You know I was helping my class. They did not let me leave at all. Next time okay my love, " he said sweetly. Fumiko frowned, " disappoint me. " Arata looked frozen. " I know you saw her. I have eyes everywhere. This is your first and only warning. Do not play with me because I will break up with you.Then you will go back to being the sorry pathetic third wheeler that's craving for your bestfriend's attention," Fumiko said as she adjusted her make up in the mirror . "Are we clear?", she continued as Arata caught her empty gaze from the mirror's reflection. Arata approached her as he placed his hands on her shoulders. " Then break up with me. I can always replace you. So are we clear?" When she looked up and saw his eyes just as black. She removed his hands and got up, " I wonder...But I think I can see why she picked him over you, " Fumiko said as she left the room to use the restroom. She locked herself in the stall and kicked it out of frustration.