Power Couple Competition Begins

As the festival main event began students, teachers and some family members all drew to the auditorium to watch this years craziest spectacle yet :The school's best power couple. Rita's follower Yumiko would be this year's host. Yumiko goals was to be more popular then Rita and Aimi-chan but she knew that wouldn't happen until they graduated. But she never turned down the offer to be put into the public's eye. She strutted on stage with heels in a white and red short dress and a white mask to match. " Now for the main event everyone has been waiting for...welcome to this years power couple. This year we have 12 popular couples from all corners of the school. These brave couples have decided to enter and shower us with their cuteness. Theses boys and girls are ready to show you all why they are just so awesome and why they are good together. I'm your host Yumiko Enoki, 1st year". The crowd went wild as they were surpise to see so many couples entering. "Now let's get the party started and welcome all our couples." That's when the music came on and each couple came out in a matching colored shirt. Rita and her boyfriend strutted out in red. Aimi-chan and Denji followed in pink shirts, while Fumiko and Arata waved to the crowd in navy blue shirts.

" Welcome welcome lovely couples. So let's begin. I will come around with a hat and it has 3 numbers in it . The numbers are 1,2,3. Once you pick a number that will determine when you will do the challenges. Each challenge has 3 rounds and each round only has one winner. If you win in your round then you will get a point. The couple with the most points will win," Yumiko said as she went around the room and let each team pick a number. Fumiko and Arata received a Number 1 along with Rita. Denji was happy when Aimi-chan picked number 3. That meant they had time to study and strategy every challenge. They high fived each other as the first challenge began. " The first test will be couples strength. The goal is simple and that is carry you girlfriend like a princess for 15 minutes. If you do not drop her you get a point. Group 1 is first." To most men they found this challenge easy until they realized that had to just hold their girlfriends body, for many it felt like dead weight after 7 minutes. Rita's was unfortunately dropped in the first 5 minutes along with another girl. Around the twelve minute mark Arata smiled at Fumiko. Fumiko was still mad at him for his comment earlier that she ignored him. As he decided to drop her out of spite Yumiko approached them at 13.5 minutes stated that they won the first found. The winner of the second round was a couple named Mika and Toki. He was a rather muscular delinquent while his girl Mika was a gyaru girl. Denji and Aimi-chan won the third round.

Yumiko smiled as she began to announce the second Challenge. " This next challenge represents teamwork. This challenge is simple there will be a bucket of balloons. Every boyfriend has to grab one balloon at one end of the stage and run to the opposite end where his girlfriend is waiting. Together they will pop the balloon but only by hugging. Each balloon had a red piece of paper. Whoever has the most papers in 3 minutes wins. Number 2 will started. " Yumiko said as the crowd 0ooooo0oo'd. Mika and Toru crushed the first round with 9 papers while the rest of the couples got less then five. Denji and Aimi-chan did fairly well as he squeezed her tightly to pop the balloon. Denji maked sure to avoid kissing her. But since he knew she was jealous it was easier. They had beat there opponents by 3 point. For the last round Arata and Fumiko barely won. They started bickering when he accidentally stepped on her foot.