
As monday morning came around Fudo was still not over the festival. He watched from the third story window as students poured into the school building. " I thought nothing ever bother you" Testu teased him. " Nothing does." Fudo said still looking to see if he would spot Denji. " your right so then you would be open to joining me for a Gokon then" Testu said. Fudo looked at him. " You reputation precedes you. Even if you are hated here. Other schools are interested. I'm not sure why but maybe you could find a new toy," Tetsu said looking also out the window. " I dont need a new toy. Also such activities are for the bored and lonely. Who would want to spend their time persuading strangers to like you just enough to fuck or be with you. There is no point.." Fudo said as Denji and Aimichan were coupled up along side Fumiko and Arata. Fudo watched as Aimi-chan kissed Denji and link arms with him. Testu threw his arm around Fudo san and smiled at him. " as you were saying?" Tetsu smirked as Fudo grumbled and sighed before looking at Testu. " text me the details"

At that moment Denji happened to look up to see Fudo and another counsel member be extremely friendly. Fudo never left anyone touch him especially put their arms around him. Before he could react Aimi-chan asked him a bunch of questions.

Though out the day Denji tried to not think about it until last period. Fumiko had texted Denji. as Denji secretly checked his phone he was confused.



FuFu: bathroom now 2nd floor

Denji raised his hand and excused himself to the restroom . Once he got to the bathroom Fumiko dragged him into the boys bathroom stall. Denji panicked. "you can't be in here" Fumiko gave him a look. " we have a problem. my brother is going on a gokon . You have to stop him. " Denji was shocked. "A-a G-gokon? what!? me?!"

Fumiko," yes you! if he meets someone then....are you okay with my brother dating someone else?" Fumiko said super annoyed with Denji. Denji was honest. " I dont want him to go but I'm not ready to see him. if I meet him but have no intention of getting revenge then he will not take me back." Fumiko shook her head. " you dont know that." Denji looked at her. "I do. I want to be sure I'm making the right decision. I care for your brother but all these emotions are alot for me and everyone is asking some much from me without ever considering my feelings... everyone thinks they understand me but it's more complicated. This are not simple. I'm not you or Arata or even Fudo that can turn off their emotions. if he wants to date let him. when I'm ready and decide I will get him back.if that's what I want," Denji said. Fumiko was in disbelief as to how much Aimi-chan's confession affect Denji. "your making a mistake" was all she could say as she walked out the bathroom. Denji sat on the toilet with his head in his hands.

Tetsu had dragged Fudo to a family style restaurant. Fudo was disinterested as they joined a booth with two of their classmates. " Tetsu when you said you were bringing some one to fill in for Tomoji. We didn't think you would bring him..." one of their classmate whispered as they sat down. Tetsu smiled as Fudo cut his eyes at them. Luckily the girls from Hikari Joshi high school arrived. It was an all girl high school. The girls arrived in their navy blue blazers and yellow skirts. The four girls slide into the booth and smiled. As each person introduced themselves, Fudo played with the salt shaker until it was his turn. Tetsu elbowed him. Fudo looked up and introduced himself as he adjusted his glasses. The girls giggled as under theit breath and they smiled at him. Fudo was the best looking one even with his frown. As the waiter took the group's order Tetsu would start with a few ice breakers. His favorite game was guess the song. Each person had to hum the melody of a song and members of the opposite gender had to guess. while the boys did popular songs Fudo picked a classical German music piece. Only one girl managed to get it. Fudo thought nothing of it.

When their drinks and food came Fudo realized him and that same girl had order the exact same thing. It was omelette rice set. Instead of putting ketchup on it he asked for mayo as did the girl. " Seems you may have found a match " Tetsu said as Fudo scoff. "Just coincidence " Fudo said until he got dessert. They both order the mint icecream brownies but substitute the brownies for a blondie. The girl was a fury redhead and had a pretty smile. She wore butterfly earrings but he could tell by her earlobe that she had just as many holes as he did. she had a heart shape face and big brown eyes. " I'm aiko" she said reintroducing herself to Fudo-San as he took her hand and shook it. For the first time in a while he smiled.

When the rest of the group went karaoking just the two of them headed to book store. For the next three hours they talked about the best 3 test prep books. "Fudo-san May I ask you something ", Aiko said blushing. "sure?" Fudo said smiling. " Will you be my tutor? I dont wanna do another year of summer school." Fudo smiled and shook his head yes.