Summer Koshien

Two months had passed as the Hanshin Koshien stadium roared Denji's name. It was the bottom of the nineth inning. All the bases were loaded. Denji adjusted his glove as he looked at the score 1-2. Denji knew the third years were counting on him to give them a win as this would be their last high school tournament. Denji took a deep breath as he walked up to the plate. As he stepped up he looked out into the crowd as he spotted Fumiko and Aimi-chan cheering him on. For frenemies the two girls got along well. After meeting Fumiko in the restroom that day. Denji learned from Fumiko a week later the Fudo was dating someone else. This did hurt Denji but at the same time he knew it was for the best. Fudo always deserves the best. " strike one" the umpire said as Denji stood over the plate but did not swing.

After a few dates Denji finally gave Aimi-chan an answer. He told her that he would be joining her at college. This made her extremely happy. That in itself made Denji happy. He liked how the four of them grew closer together. It was just like the past but better. During the end of the first term Denji remained number one in academics. While Fumiko and Fudo san took the first in there grade levels. Once summer vacation started the four went on trips to the zoo, aquamarine, park, and amusement park. Since each date ended with a trip to the photo booth. Every member had a few photo stickers on the back of their phone of the gang. "strike two", the umpire said as the crowd got nervous.

Denji had to admit the term ended differently then he expected but he was glad that things were better now. Denji smiled as he made 100% contact with the ball. As the ball flew out onto outfield he ran. Until the fireworks went off and Denji realized the ball had just missed the out field and made it into the stands. Denji maintained his clean up batter reputation as his team waited for him at home base. " For the second time I would just like to thank you for this win!" Mando yelled as he came out from the pit. Denji did a light jog as the score went from 1 to 5. After the team's shook hands, Coach Mando can onto the field screaming as he hugged his team but especially Denji and Arata. The boys chanted as the championship was finally over. Two weeks of nonstop playing and all the extra training had came to an end. they had time to enjoy what little bit of summer was left before waiting to receive the invitation to the Spring Koshien. Coach Mundo was going to have to recruit new players in the second term. As the third years were not going to be playing. some even collected the dirt from the field as a keep sake.

Aiko wrapped her arms around Fudo as he sat in his sofa chair. He was grading her practice entrance exam. " you are improving but this will not be enough to get you into Osaka University," Fudo said being realistic. " but you saved me from getting summer school", she said smiling. Fudo shook his head, "yea by like 2 points. If we had met earlier maybe but I think Waseda University would be a better school." Aiko frowned. " Aiko you have failed most of high school and now you want me to magically make you smart enough for the 3rd best university in this country? That's is not fair. I think lowering your standards a bit is being realistic. " Aiko released him and took a sit across from him. " but waseda university is too low," she pouted. " its ranked number 10 in the country. Plus who is to say you will even get into that school,"he argued. Aiko looked at him, " Fudo you know what your problem is? you dont believe in me. I bet you dont believe in alot of things. That's why your single," she said. Fudo laughed as he shook his head. "Aiko life is harsh and I am just prefer to be a realist. Being a dreamer only gets you hurt," he said getting more serious. " sounds like your just negative...or jaded. did you have a bad breakup before?" Aiko said. " Maybe if you get above a 50 on this practice exam. I'll consider your school proposal," he said tossing the graded exam on the table. She looked down and saw her score. It was 38%. She groaned.

Just then Fumiko poked her head in. "Aiko will you be staying for dinner again?" Aiko smiled and said yes and Fudo said no. Fumiko giggled. "oh big brother the baseball team won the championship." Fudo nodded as he put on his head phones. " baseball? I didn't know Fudo liked baseball," Aiko said. " How did the team win?" Fumiko smiled. "well it was the bottom of the nine inning and our ace was under alot of pressure. The score was 1 to 2. all the bases were loaded and he had two strikes against him. then bam he hits a home run and we win," Fumiko reenacting the scene. Fudo pretended not to listen but he had no music on. He was happy for Denji winning. He worked hard even though he was a bit dumb. " woah this ace sounds incredible," Aiko said. " shoot I wish I could transfer to your school. it always sound fun" Aiko said. Fumiko laughed and shook her head. " not the way Fudo runs the school. There are new rumors about him all the time. The latest is that he is the son of a Yakuza," fumiko smiled. Aiko died laughing , " why would the students think he was the son of a mob boss?" Fumiko smile," because he is soo strict and unapproachable..and " Fudo looked at his sister and took off his head phone. " I am effective that's all," Fudo said honestly. "So this is the real reason your single?" Aiko said. Fumiko nodded, "not many people wanna get involved ". Aiko nodded. " then why dont you come with me to the Firework festival. It's this weekend." Fudo grumbled." if you can raise your exam score by 3 points I'll go with you," Fudo said. The girls high fives. " I'll be there as well but with my boyfriend and his friends," she blushed. " I look forward to meeting him, " Aiko said as she stretched abit. " let's get these points. here were gooo!", she screamed.