Firework Festival

As promised Aiko managed to get 5 points on her practice exam. Fudo was not sure whether to wear his hair up or down. Fumiko came in with her dark purple yukata with koi fish on it. Fudo wore a black yukata with silver lotus on it. " why dont you look more like your self," fumiko said taking off his glasses and handing him his contacts. Fudo looked disinterested. " I'm her tutor not her date. " Fumiko looked at him. Fudo huffed as he put in his contacts and tied his hair up in a high ponytail. He did his makeup with red eye shadow and eyeliner. He then but in all his earings and lip ring. " Now that's my bad ass brother" Fumiko smiled as they heard the door ring. They grabbed their stuff and met up with Aiko in the front. She had her hair in a bun with flowers as all her earrings were in. Her makeup was more doll like as she wore a light purple and pink yukata. It was a pattern of different flowers. She was shocked to see Fudo. " F-f-fudo san? Ehhhhhh!?" Fumiko laughed. " You look so different. how...either way but definitely more dangerous " ,Aiko said as Fudo started to walk a head of them. "wait for us" the girls yelled as they ran after him.

Denji wore a orange and black yukata with a cloud pattern. Arata wore a simple green Yukata with white stripes going down. Aimi-chan was fully dressed in a pink yukata but with extra trimming around the waist. Her hair had a ton of flowers in it. Her make up was more tempting as her red lips were glossed to the max. She was beautiful. She even put in contacts to make her eyes bigger. They waited on the corner until Fumiko joined them. She was by herself. As each couple held hands they enter the festival. There was so much to do and see. The group looked at mask, tried their hand at fishing, and trying all the delicious stall food. Denji and Aimi-chan got their favorite yakisoba to split.

In the distance Aiko and Fudo looked around. " Oh I was watching this show where the guy runs up from behind the girl and grabs her stopping her from getting on the train. He then says to her I love you and please be mine. The girl melts and says yes. ohhhh how I like scenes like that" aiko said and Fudo regretting coming because he forget how much Aiko talked. " that's kinda stupid to be honest..." Fudo said chewing on a dried squid tentacle. " it's not it Romantic. Fudo you need to learn to be Romantic. " Fudo shook his head," I am plenty romantic. " he said. " Fudo since we been here you have not offered to do anything with me?" aiko said. Fudo adjust his weight. " what would you like to do?" Aiko smiled and looked around but stopped when she saw his sister sharing her dango with a boy. " hmm?" Fudo said looking at Aiko. " nothing I just saw your sister over there," she said pointing. Fudo followed her finger and saw Fumiko and Arata sharing a snack before being joined by Denji and Aimi-chan. they were all laughing about something. Aiko noticed the expression on Fudo face change. " you know them...let's say hi. " Fudo stopped her and shook his head no. that's when she noticed that Fudo was a slightly embarrassed. " what's wrong?" Aiko said as Fudo started walking in the opposite direction. " nothing I dont wanna see my ex that's all. " Aiko stopped him shocked and got closer to him. " which one is your ex?" Fudo laughed at just the way she said it. Fudo sighed before looking back into his sister's direction. Aiko looked too. " I never knew you like short cutesy type girls. I mean she is cute.." Aiko said. " Not that ugly bitch. the one in the orange," Fudo said. Aiko saw Denji and was trying to process that he just said his ex was a boy. Aiko continued to look and see Aimi-chan kiss Denji. " wow... so... he left you for a girl?" Aiko said trying to figure it out. " no that girl is his girlfriend and Fumiko's boyfriend is his bestfriend. They had sex behind his back and he found out. That's how we got together but once the bestfriend and his girlfriend ended things he took her back. Now my sister is dating his bestfriend. " Aiko was shook ," sounds like a kdrama. so ...why did he take her back? " Aiko said. " because she confessed publicly to him that she wanted to marry him." Aiko was shook. " what did you say ?" Fudo looked away. Aiko looked at him. " I didn't say much I basically broke up with him and said dont date me until you want to get back at her..." Aiko blinked at him. " What he didn't want to officially end things with her. " Aiko continued to look at him. " it sounds messy but I'm sure you could have gotten him back." Fudo shook his head. " He doesnt want me back . she is cute and popular. I'm the student president that everyone thinks is a Yakuza" he said jokingly. Aiko shook here head," see your doing it again not believing... and not seeing things for what they are. For example, to everyone passing us they see just a simple boy and girl on a date. Not a teacher and student taking a mental break. " Fudo looked at her. " so what are you saying?" Aiko looked at them. " who knows if they are that happy couple that we are seeing right now." Fudo grabbed Aiko's hand. " your full of nonsense. Let's just enjoy this festival okay...." Aiko frowned as they walked to a nearby booth to look at mask.

As the evening drew on the group found a spot on the hill by the water to watch the fireworks. Arata had put down a blanket for them all to have a seat. As they were getting comfortable Aimi-chan recommended getting a few different type of snacks. Denji being a gentleman offered to pick up the snack for everyone. Fumiko not wanting to walk alone to the rest room decide to join Denji. Denji dropped her off near the restroom. However the line was ridiculous. she knew it was going to be a while. As Denji looked for a booth that had most of the snacks everyone wanted he sighed because the lines were also long. hopefully I dont miss the fireworks he thought to himself.

Aimichan and Arata sat in silence for a while. looking around before looking at each other. " you look good," arata said smiling. " so do you....arata may I ask you something?" arata looked at her. "hmmm?" he said. " why do you date Fumiko? is it because she is the opposite of me?" Aimi-chan asked. Arata thought about it before replying. " yes..she is wife material. she is kind, sweet, loving and a virgin. she processes good qualities," Arata said. " she will never satisfy you,' Aimi-chan said. " I said that about Denji but it did not stop you from wanting to marry what does it matter,arata said getting frustrated. " I know and Arata you are right. He is not you. you make me feel alive and in love and like someone else. But I....cant", Aimi-chan said looking away. " you feel in love with me?" arata said confused. " arata I love you and I realize more and more when I see you with her," Aimi-chan said looking at Arata with longing eyes. " how do you knownits not just jealousy?" arata said " its noyt," Aimi-chan said as she kissed Arata. The fireworks show had started as Arata embraced her with a passionate kiss.