Bang Bang

As the fire works began Denji was frustrated. everyone was going to be mad that he missed it because this cashier was so slow. After the cashier had given him his change he sprinted to the field. People were standing and taking pictures. While others were filming the fire works. He had a bit of a hard time spotting Arata but once he did he stopped. He watched as Arata and Aimi-chan made out.

As the fire works beginning Aiko and Fudo made their way towards the hill. Aiko was the first to spot Denji and elbowed Fudo. Fudo looked away. " Something is wrong go check it out." Fudo shook his head. "Hes fine" Fudo said but Aiko stopped him. Fudo looked at Denji before following his gaze. That's when he saw Arata and Aimi-chan making out. Aiko gasped when she saw it too. " I warned him," Fudo said turning away. Aiko grabbed his arm. " This is your chance." Fudo shook his head no. " Dammit Fudo I saw more emotion in you now then in the past two months just from you looking at that boy. you like him just take him!" Fudo did not want to reopen that wound. " if he was unsure then he isn't now. No one would be that stupid to let their friends hurt them twice. I'm stupid but even I know better. Get him back" Aiko begged as Fudo still refuse to move. " Just believe... and... if you fail I will bake you cookies until you feel better or dry you some squid," Aiko said. Fudo laughed as he shook his head before turning around going after Denji. As Denji tears fell a familiar scent engulfed him as he felt one warm arm wrap around him as the other grabbed the food to prevent him from dropping it. " you are so stupid," Fudo said as Aiko approached them and took the food. " I know. I know", he said as he cried. Fudo turned Denji around and embraced him in a hug. " you know this means your mine right?" Denji nodded as he could not stop crying. Aiko winked at Fudo san as he rolled his eyes at her before dragging Denji away.

As Aiko looked down at the snacks she got as a thank you Fumiko approached her. Aiko looked at her. " hey..where is my brother? " Aiko took a dango. " gone", she said taking a bite. " why?" Fumiko said confused. Aiko pointed at a couple. When Fumiko saw Arata and Aimi-chan . She lost it. " Are you gonna drink those?" Aiko shook her head no. Fumiko grabbed the two slushies and stormed up to Arata and Aimi-chan. She then poured it all over them. When Arata looked up he was scared. " You two are the worst. How could you do this to me. does Denji even...." Arata stood up and tried to calm Fumiko down. " Its not what it looks like she came on to me," Arata said. Fumiko did not want to hear it. She smacked the both of them and took off. Arata ran after her trying to explain that it was all a misunderstanding. Aimi-chan was in a dazed that Arata had left her for another girl.