
Fudo walked Denji through the crowd until they came upon a shinto temple entrance. The large red pillars emerge from the tall trees. Fudo guided Denji up the stairs and to the left. they walked onto an dirt path for a few minutes before reaching a small clearing of trees. They were on a slight incline but they had a better view of the fireworks but still were hidden by the dense trees. Denji sobbed for a few more minutes as Fudo patted his back. Once he was calm Denji wiped his semi dried tears. " I was so stupid to forgive them," Denji said in frustration. " you were" , Fudo replied. " Why did I believe her or even decide to go to college. I'm so stupid..stupid stupid" Denji said as he started kicking a tree. Some leaves fell as Fudo stopped him, " college?" Denji nodded before explaining. " When she said she wanted to marry me I thought she was kinda kidding especially after everything she has done. But then she brought up again more sincere and even proposed we go to the same university. At the time I told her I would think about it and then you went to a gokon and I should have stopped you but I honestly didn't think you would take me back. " Denji said looking down." You didn't know that" Fudo said. " I did though because I wasnt vengeful anymore. Arata was my best friend my child friend and Aimi-chan was my first love or the girl I thought I loved. It was not like I was losing one important person but two. they made me ...me" Denji said. " No you are and will always be you. I know they were a huge part of your life but I was ready to give you a new one," Fudo said. " I was your friend lover and shoot I would have let you joined the student council instead of staying in baseball," Fudo explained. " but baseball was my life and at that time so were they," Denji said. " and NOW?!" Fudo said grabbing on to Denji's shoulders. Denji was silent and could not meet Fudo-San eyes for a moment. Denji took a deep breath and finally looked Fudo in the eyes. " They are dead to me. " Fudo looked at him long and hard. " 100% dead" Denji said in a serious tone.

Fudo smiled as he passionately kissed Denji. Their kisses were slow at first but quickly speed up as the mutual feeling of longing was finally being satisfied.

Denji tugged loose Fudo's ponytail as Fudo pressed him up against a tree. They made out for what felt like hours for 20 minutes before sliding down to the ground. Fudo's hair covered his back and part of his yukata fell off his left shoulder. Denji hungrily left a trail of hickies from his neck to down his collar bone. Fudo moaned before they threw aside their underwear. Fudo bit his bottom lip as he felt Denji hand slipped under his yukata. Fudo looked at Denji seductively as his member twitched. Fudo assisted in the preping before taking in Denji's member. Denji held Fudo tightly as they slowly moved in sync to loosing up before picking up the speed. Denji bite Fudo's chest before pushing his back on the cold ground. Denji pinned Fudo's hands to ground before intertwining them.

An hour or so later Fudo got up and fixed his obi. "another round?" Denji said still breathless. Fudo shook his head. " I'm content. So I will be leaving" , he said dusting off his yukata. "huh?" Denji said getting up and trying his obi. He then adjusted his yukata. " you dont think... I'm your boyfriend.... just because ....we..." Fudo said putting his hair back into a ponytail. Denji heart sank . " well I did...I-I-I...um...do you not want to be my boyfriend?" Denji said. Fudo looked at Denji. " dont you have a girlfriend?" Denji looked back at Fudo. " I had one. Just tell me how" Denji said as he approached Fudo-San. Fudo smiled and kissed him. " thank you...can you help me find my underwear," denji said concerned. " okay boyfriend ", Fudo said as he turned on his cellphone light. they both laughed.

Once they were completely dress the boys walked back to the field. Even though the fireworks were over there were still a few people sitting and enjoying the view. As Denji scan the field he still saw Aimi-chan but she was by herself and in a daze. " I should..."denji sai looking for Fudo's permission. " go before I change my mind. take her home " Fudo said as he started walking in the opposite direction. " text me when you get homeee!" denji yelled as Fudo flipped him off. Denji shook his head before approaching Aimi-chan. " sorry for missing the fireworks...." Aimi-chan looked up and thought she saw Arata but it was not. it was Denji. "its okay" she said faking a smile. " what happened to your yukata? did someone spill something on you? are you okay? where is everyone else?" Denji asked concerned. " uh...Arata and Fumiko left early because they got into a fight. Also... while I was sitting here a kid spilled his juice. I'm okay though. I think I just wanna go home. " Aimi-chan said getting up. Denji helped her up and walked her all the way home. After wishing her a good night he called Fudo-San.