
Denji stood in front of a brown metal fence. He could see the two and half story wooden house peeking out from the shrouds of tall trees. Denji pressed the bell and waited to be let in on the premise. it was about 6 minutes before security came to open the gate. The two guards wore glasses and black suits. they were rather lean and thin. " who are you here for ?" said the first guard. " Ryuji san?" the two guys looked at each other then whispered something into their walkie talkie before escorting him up a stone path to the main house. The maid opened the door and Fumiko greeted him. "denji I heard the news." she said shooing away the staff as she took him upstairs and into her brother's room. The staff were perplexed.

Denji relaxed once he saw Fudo. Fudo was on his bed scrolling through a manga catalog before looking up at them. " Welcome... sit." Fumiko sat on her brother's computer chair and rolled herself towards the bed. Denji stood awkwardly until Fudo patted the foot of his bed. Beckoning him to sit down on it. Denji took a seat and looked at the two siblings. " Let's get started " Fudo said clearing his throat. " to get revenge on those two we have to publicly embarrass them in front of the whole school. To do that I think we should wait until the next term starts and catch them in action. Once we catch them then we post it on the school board anonymously. Then you can confront them Denji and end it," Fudo said. Fumiko stood up," no I think we should just post their sex tape and end this shit," Fumiko said upset. " I will not tolerate cheating." Denji looked at Fumiko. " you saw them two.." Fumiko nodded," I did and I poured slushies on the both of them. I know they are not gonna want me to tell you." Fudo smiled," exactly so pretend that neither of you talked and Fumiko get back together with Arata. if you want them not to try to worm their way out has to be during the term. Anything during the summer wont hold as much weight because people may assume they took a break or got into a fight or whatever. But during the school term people talk and they pay attention. " Fumiko huffed. " i dont wanna..." Fudo nodded," i know you dont but you have to do it before the term starts. That way it will completely destroy them. Arata being taken makes him look like a way worse scumbag. The head lines would be jealous bestfriend steals girlfriend to backstabbing bestfriend has a love affair. " Fumiko thought about it for a few minutes. " okay I'll do it but not today. I need to ignore least a week worth of apologies and calls. " Denji smiled," sounds like a plan. Now what do I do in the mean time?" Denji asked. " well we can hangout.....maybe go to the beach....." Fudo said.

Denji smiled, "okay ".

Later on that day Arata hit up Denji to see if Fumiko had told him yet. How could he be so stupid.

A: hey Den

D:Hey ara

A: me and Fumiko got into a fight have you heard from her. she's not accepting my calls...😢

D: no I haven't. Should I reach out to her?

A: no it's cool. I was just you wanna hangout tomorrow?

D: sure...what do you wanna do?

A: summer homework...the term starts soon

D: okay I'll invite Aimi-chan

A: sure see you

Arata muttered under his breath shit. She was the last person he wanted to see. He still remembered the taste of her lips. Arata was relieved that Denji did not know yet but he would have to reconcile with Fumiko soon.

The next day Arata was greeted by Denji's mother. He was the first to arrive. she was happy to see him. " greetings Ms. Makishima."

" Hello Arata. I was wondering where my son hid you. For a while he was hanging out with this scary delinquent but I'm glad your back in the picture. "

"scare delinquent?" he asked. She nodded," but dont worry I scared him away. " Arata nodded as he greeted Denji. " Hey... your mom said you were hanging out with a delinquent?" Denji froze before looking at Arata," yea...I was trying to recruit him. I met him at the batting cages and he had a good batting average but he was not interested and I stopped. My mom even scared him off" Denji laughed as Arata dismissed the idea of Denji being bullied. The boys were almost done their first assignment when Aimi-chan arrived. Once she saw Arata she wished she had came earlier. While studying it reminder Denji of old times of how they used to be and it was painful for him but he stayed brave. He even let Arata walk Aimi-chan home like in the past to avoid their suspicion.Once they left he gave his boyfriend a call.

On the way home Aimi-chan and Arata were silent for a while before Aimi-chan spoke. " I love you.." she said while looking away. " oh know what this is as you always told me..." he said stopping. " exactly that's why I'm telling you. I miss you and I need you.."she said looking at him. " So you want to be with me?" arata said looking at her. " I do," she said slowly approaching him and kissing him. This took Arata by surpise. As he kissed her back passionately. It wasnt long before they found they way to a love hotel.