Fire and Ice

Denji played in the sand and Fumiko splashed around in the water. Denji repeated looked back for Fudo but he hadn't yet returned from the food stall. Denji tried not to think about things too much until he heard his name. When he turned around he saw Fudo with snacks but he had a girl by his side. She was linking arms with him as they approached. Denji narrowed his eyes as Aiko smiled. She let go of Fudo and extended her hand. " so you are Fudo-San boyfriend?" Denji shook it. " I am. you are ?" denji questioned. " I'm Fudo-San girlfriend," she said as she linked arms with him. That's when Denji stood up and Aiko underestimated how tall he was up close. " oh is that so," Denji said as he yanked Fudo behind him. This caught everyone off guard and Aiko let him go. " I was kidding " she said as Fudo wrapped his arms around Denji's waist. " we were just seeing where your loyalty lies. You dont have the best track record," Fudo whispered before giving his neck a peck. " I know. I know but you are my boyfriend. " Denji said looking at Fudo seriously. " that's not gonna change",Denji said. " let's hope not " Fudo said as he handed him some snacks from the bag.

Aimi-chan smiled as she woke up next to Arata. he was still fast asleep. She kissed his nose before getting up to shower. As she got up she felt a little dizzy but she shook it off. After showering she checked her phone that's when one of her notifications went of. she check it and it was her period tracker. As she clicked out it she realized she was late by 3 days. She laughed nervously as she just assumed that she was stressed. This was not the first time this has happen with Arata but she has never gotten pregnant before. She smiled looking at Arata before thinking about how she was going to break up with Denji. As Aimi-chan sat back down on the bed she woke up Arata. " babe?" she said as A

rata slowly rubbed his eyes. " what..?" Aimi-chan took a deep breath. " let's go public. I will break up with Denji and then I will go out with you," she said. Arata sat up," I love you but Denji is my bestfriend so no. " Aimi-chan was confused. " dont wanna be with me this was just all sex..?" Arata looked at her," well..yeah that's how you have been looking at all this for the past 9 months. What changed?" Aimi-chan was taken aback," I love you?" Arata looked at her. " so you also love always say you loved him more so what's the difference ?" Arata said. " I do..I mean I did but I preferred being with you if I could..." she said. Arata looked at. " I'm not picking between you or my bestfriend. " Arata said getting up and throwing on clothes. " Well even if you dont I will tell him," she said. Arata looked at her. " I will deny it." Aimi-chan held up her phone. " Arata sighed slightly irritated. " how about we wait...and we can tell him once you graduate. Better?" Aimi-chan thought about it. "why wait?" she said. " because people are going to think we hooked up in the summer and it will look bad all around. Denji is a good guy and has not bad characteristics. people will think I ruined your relationship. plus I just broke up with Fumiko. it looks bad",arata said looking at her with puppy eyes. "okay..okay," Aimi-chan said smiling as she kissed him.

As the sun set Aiko was surpised. " you three are bad but I really hope this plan works. When does school start?" Aiko said. " next week " , said Fudo. Fumiko frowned before flipping open her phone. " I have to call him huh?" she said. denji and Fudo looked at her. " you havent gotten back together yet?" fumiko shook her head no. " have you been hanging out with Aimi-chan?" denji asked concerned. Fumiko shook her head no. " I guess they are really back together," Denji said. Denji punched the sand as Fudo let him get out any lingering feelings for those two. Fumiko checked her phone and she had over 100 missed calls from Arata. While on the beach she asked him to hang out tomorrow. He kept apologizing but agreed to meet her the next day.