
Fumiko wore a yellow sundress as she waited for Arata. He was only a few minutes late but his smiled warmed her heart. She didnt want to admit she loved him but she really did. As he joined her she continued to look upset. " Thank you for meeting me " Arata said. Fumiko ordered a glasses of ice tea and Arata order water with lemon. " Speak your piece." she said upset. " I want to be back with you. Aimi-chan has been crazy about me for a long time. I dont know why I kissed her and I'm sorry. " he said as their drinks came. Fumiko poured her drink on him as she got up to leave. Arata grabbed her. " when she kissed me I realized I wanted to be with you. I know I hurt you but believe me I want you. I will do anything," Arata begged as he got down on his knees. Fumiko looked down at him. "delete her contact and never reach out to her or look in her direction only then will I take you back," fumiko said. Arate deleted Aimi-chan contact and show her his phone. Fumiko smiled. " I guess we can be together again...clean yourself up so I can post us on my instagram. " Arata nodded as he got up and went to the bathroom.

As Aimi-chan was walking in the park with Denji. Denji smiled," looks like they made up" Denji said as he showed Aimi-chan. Aimi-chan was upset as she say Arata and Fumiko kissing and holding hands. This caused a pain in the stomach. She winced as Denji asked if she was okay. Aimi-chan nodded and decided to get back at Arata. She was going to do the one think that would upset Arata the most. " hey denji?" she said seductively. Denji blushed as he had not seen this side of Aimi-chan for a while. " yeah?" Aimi-chan took his arm and placed it in between her chest. " let's do it. I think with your birthday coming up and our two year anniversary we should do it," Aimi-chan said. Denji had always dreamed of Aimi-chan saying those words to him. " I'm okay . I think we should wait until one of those days actually comes," Denji said patting her head. Aimi-chan was dumbfounded that he had rejected him. maybe I made him wait too long..." she thought as she looked at Denji. she stopped and tugged his hand. Denji looked at her. " lets do it" she said boldly. Denji blushed as he looked around to see if anyone was listening to them. Aimi-chan smiled," I'll be gentle" she said. That's when Denji looked at her. " um...are you not a virgin?" he asked. Aimi-chan laughed, "no Denji I'm not...are you are .." Aimi-chan said. Denji could not let Aimi-chan find out as his face turned red. " of c-course I'm not..." Aimi-chan smiled. she began to tug his hand " let's find out" she said as she walked him out the park. Denji started to panic and when Aimi-chan wasn't looking her texted fudo help. Fudo called him.

denji stopped and answered the phone quickly" yes mom I did that what do you mean I didn't fine....I'm out with Aimi-chan...what! fine I'm coming " denji said dramatically . " sorry Aimi-chan next time " he said as he ran to Fudo's house.

Fudo was grading Aiko's test when Denji bursted into his room. " she wants to sleep with me," he said. Aiko choked on her coffee and Fudo looked up. " dont let her sleep with you.No matter what!? but why all of a sudden?" he said. "Arata and Fumiko" Aiko said smiling," she's jealous and the easiest way to upset Arata is sleeping with Denji." Fudo looked at denji," that means every date she is going to try...." Aiko nodded. Denji gulped. " okay let's make a group chat and Denji will text a codeword. Then one of us will call him with some excuse," explain Aiko. Fudo nodded , what will be the code?" Denji thought about it." it will have to be something I can remember flustered. hmmm.....air?" Aiko nodded," like I need some air...?" fudo nodded "a bit random but it will work". Aiko smiled as she made the group chat.

Sure enough Denji would need to text the group chat two more times before the school year officially started. The second term was buzzing. Alot of students were happy to be back and people were swapping stories left and right. Rita was jealous as always that Aimi-chan had the wonderful summer glow about her. In between classes Rita pulled Aimi-chan aside. " Hey Rita," Aimi-chan said. " Hey Aimi-chan your glowing," she smiled. " I have been hearing that alot," Aimi-chan said blushing. " yes it must be those extra 10 pounds you gain," Rita said. " you may wanna cut back girl to girl " Rits smiled. Aimi-chan smiled as she headed to the restroom. She looked at her complexion and face but it didn't look like she gained weight. bitch...Aimi-chan though to herself as a wave of nausea hit her. She threw up in stall. Dhe rinsed out her mouth and went back to class.

At lunch she hated seeing Fumiko and Arata being even closer then before. Arata feed Fumiko food as Aimi-chan faked gagged. The three looked at her. Aimi-chan got up and stated she was going to the nurse's office. Aimi-chan went to the nurse's office to lie down. she was upset before another way of nausea hit her. She ended up throwing up in the nurses office. The nurse asked her a few questions but aimichan denied them all. Afterschool she changed out of her uniform and dressed in street clothes to buy a few pregnancy test. She was so embarrassed but she had to know. Sure enough after taking 4 she was indeed pregnant. She was screwed.

The next evening she texted Arata to meet her by the river where they watched the fire works. Arata smiled when he saw her. He gave her a hug as she kissed him. He return it before looking at her "what did you want to talk about?" he said. " I'm pregnant. Its yours.." she said. Arata was shook but he kept his compure, " will you keep it or get rid of it?" he asked. " Aimi-chan shrugged. " get rid of it", he said. " Aimi-chan looked at him, " I dont know.." she said. Arata looked at her. " Aimi-chan we are still in highschool and you are about to go to college. There will be other babies. There is no need to mess up your future." Arata said. " I didnt know having your baby would mess up our future. Wont we be together once I graduate...its our baby dont talk like it's a thi..ng..." that's when it dawned on her" Arata ...you dont have any intention of going public or being with me .. that's why you have been ignoring my calls" Aimi-chan said getting emotional. " I dont. I will give you the money but get rid of it before Denji finds out. He will leave you." Arata said coldly. " so....you never really...." Aimi-chan started to cry," you rather...be.....with her?" Arata shrugged. " I guess so," he said. " I will expose you" she said taking out her phone. Arata wrestled it from her and factory reset her whole phone wiping it clean. " your word against mine....and your pregnant...while denji is a virgin...he will leave you and you know it" Arata said as Aimi-chan slumped down to the ground. Arata emptied his wallet and threw all the money he had at her. " dont call me " Arata said walking away from her. He did love her but this was too much. His friend was going to kill him. He had to abandon ship. Aimi-chan sobbed for a while before taking the money and going home. She felt horrible.