
Rita was shocked by what just happened before she realized she has been played. " Liar! you cheating slut!" she said to Aimi-chan as she slapped her before dumping her tray of food on her. " sluts belong in the trash!" yelled Rita. "I'm not a slut", Aimi-chan yelled as she started to cry. "Slut Slut Slut!" was all Aimi-chan could hear as the crowd began to shame them. Arata only heard the words "cheater cheater" over and over. Arata grabbed Aimi-chan's hand as people threw food at them. They ran out of the cafeteria and left the schools ground. Aimi-chan was embarrassed as Arata was upset that his school life was over.

Fumiko and Denji went to the roof where they saw Fudo-San. " The student council is a little mad that I broke my promise with the teachers but honestly. She was a slut and she deserved the school seeing her titties," Fudo said as he lit a cigarette. Denji ran and hugged Fudo-San. " honestly without that video I dont know if they would have believed me." Denji said. Fudo smiled before kissing him. " maybe...I'm sure something would have appeared to prove your case," fudo smiled evily. Fumiko smiled but was still a bit heart broken. " I'm still happy that we got them. But it hurts," fumiko said as she looked down." There will be other men and one just for you" Fudo said taking a drag. " we did it", denji said excited as they gave each other high fives. Fudo kissed Denji again before smiling.

Once Denji came home his mother was waiting for him. " I received a call from the school today. " they saw you hit arata....?" she asked. denji nodded. " what else was I suppose to do. He got Aimi-chan pregnant," he said upset. " I'm sorry...." his mother said giving him a big hug. " why didn't you say something earlier?" she said. " because I doubt people would have believed me," denji said. " but I'm your mother silly", she said. " I know but you threw out my friend...because you judged him. when he was the only people that was really helping me cope through all this," denji said. his mother nodded. " I didnt know..I'm sorry. I owe that young man an apology," she said. " thank you mom", denji said.

After dinner Denji asked if he could go out. His mother agreed and let him go. for the first time in months he felt free like he was no longer was living a double life. He ran to the karaoke bar and was happy to see Aiko, Fumiko and Fudo. he gave them each a hug and thanked them. " denji you fine....a little slow but ", fumiko said jokingly. Fudo laughed before pulling Denji into his lap. denji blushed as Fudo bit his neck. The girls blushed as everyone was shook. " He's free now but he is even more popular then before. These girls better recognize he's mine," Fudo said as he squeezed him. Denji was embarrassed but he liked it. " Where am I going to go..huh?" he said. " easy to Tokyo university with me " he smiled. Denji looked at him in disbelief. " y-y-you want me to...follow you to college. Wont you get bored of me or find someone else that's more smarter?" denji said. fudo thought about it for a minute, " of course. I mean nothing is written in stone but I know right now you are the only person I want to be with. It will be hard but I mean I'm up for punching a few people in the face for you if your willing to do the same for me," Fudo said. Denji was speechless for a few minutes before turning to Fudo. " I can do that and more for you...", Denji said as Fudo gave him a kiss. " get a room you two " fumiko said as she could see the way her brother was looking at Denji. The boys laughed and decide to pick a song to celebrate.