Life goes on

Due the the nature of the scandal and the death threats Aimi-chan and Arata were expelled and were transfer to two completely different schools. Aimi-chans parent put her in an all girl school. Arata was sent to live with his grandma in the rural countryside. However even with the distance Arata and Aimi-chan had decided to keep the baby and date openly.

Fumiko took Aiko on a few goku's where they ended up meeting a few cute boys to go on dates with. No guy has caught her eye like Arata yet but for now she's enjoying her friends . denji and Fumiko still eat lunch together. there have been rumors that they are dating but neither one confirms it.

Denji was elected baseball club president for his third term but he turned down the position and ran for student council president. Denji was popular and won. For his third term he would be the schools new student council president with Fumiko as his vice president to keep him in line. This was a big change but he was happy to spend more time with Fudo before he graduated .

Aiko, and Denji spent alot of time over Fudo's house study that the servants knew them but name but they never once met his parents just Fumiko. They muttered about this topic for days until they finally asked fumiko. " Hey Fumiko where are your parents?" aiko asked. Fumiko smiled strangely. "why?" she asked. " not to pry it was just that we never saw or met your parents," Denji said. " ah...I see. they are always busy working. Maybe one day you both can meet them,"she smiled. " our older brother is suppose to be home today so maybe you can meet him" she said. " you have an older brother? like older then Fudo?" , asked. " yes he is nice he just spends alot of time with his fiancee." the two nodded. Around dinner time the servants all gather to welcome Master Ryoma. Ryoma was an older version of what Fudo would look like. He was taller the Fudo and had short black hair. He had a beauty mark on the opposite side of his eye than Fudo. He was thin and lean as he stood tall in his black givenchy tailored suit. Fumiko was the first to greet him. " hi brother welcome home we have guest tonight", she said as she briefly hugged him. He nodded and joined them for dinner. Fudo was the last to arrive as he was figuring out how to break the news to his brother. Ryoma smiled as he looked at the two guest. " hello I'm Ryoma their elder brother. Pleasured to meet you," He said. He was more intimidating then Fudo when hes giving out punishment. " I am aiko and I am a friend of your sisters," she said. " I see...and you?" Ryoma said shifting his gaze. " Hello my name is Denji and I'm a friend of your brothers," he said. Ryoma shifted between the four of them before smiling. " Well I hope your two remain good friends with these two," he said offering a toast. During the main ciurse the conversation topics would change from school to work to travel before landing on a interesting topic." As my wedding approaches I hope you all can come," said Ryoma. " of course," fumiko said happily. Fudo was rather quiet. " good then you two can finally meet your fiancees." fumiko fork dropped. "fiancee?" Fumiko said. Fudo nodded. " wait you knew ?" Fumiko said. Fudo nodded. denji was shooked. " its okay...denji was it...she didn't realize so I thought I would break it to you. my sister is taken. As is my brother it was arranged when they were rather young,"Ryoma said. That's when Fudo cleared his throat. " I'm not getting married...." Ryoma looked to Fudo.Fudo grabbed Denji's hand. " I like boys...Denji is not the first..nor am I confused....Mom knows...." Fudo said as his hands shaking a bit. Ryoma was shocked. " I see.... hmmm.....hmmmm....Fumiko are you also..?" Fumiko shook her head. " me and aiko are friends. But I really would prefer to pick my own fiancee...big brother, " she said. " Well I can see I have been away from this house a little too long... Regardless of what you two decide you will still be meeting your fiancees in person at my wedding....." Ryoma said taking a sip of wine. "bu-" fudo and Fumiko started to interject but Ryoma put his hand up to stop. They went silent. " you will meet them and tell them what you told me. if the feeling is mutual then you will understand what to do next. But do not think there will be no repercussions for terminating these arrangements," Ryoma said taking a swing of his wine. " I can live with that" fudo said as he squeezed Denji's hand. Denji squeezed it back. Ryoma took another sip before asking," so how did you four meet? "