
After the instance with his brother things were a bit awkward. But Fudo reassured Denji that when he would go to the wedding there would be nothing to worry about. Denji decide not to think about it and returned the favor by introducing Fudo as his boyfriend to his mother. She was surpised but she keeped her word an apologies to him and thanked him for helping her son. Denji was happy that they got to bond over chicken again but this time the right way.

On the day of the closing ceremony Denji was sad. Fudo was graduating. He held back his tears as he watched Fudo give his closing speech the last time as president. The school and teachers were happy to no longer be under his reign. At the end of the day alot of the underclassmen swarmed their favorite graduating senior for their button. Testu was popular as well as Rita after the Aimi-chanincident. Slightly embarrassed Denji approached Fudo publicly which caught alot of people's attention. " I know we could not be public but this is the least I could do," Denji muttered quickly. Fudo died laughing as this was the first time people saw him laugh. Fudo took off his top button and gave it to Denji. Then he smiled before giving Denji a passion kiss tongue and all. This shocked the whole school. Fudo was the first to break the kiss as he saw Denji red and breathless. He held out his hand and Denji took it as they left school holding hands. No one was confused about what they were at that point but just surpised.

After school they made love in Fudo-San bed. Denji was breathless as Fudo took the lead again and rode on top of him. Denji like to admired Fudo-San beauty as his hair would cascade over his shoulders and down his back . " I love you," denji said as he thrusted deeper inside Fudo. " I love you more" , he said as Denji gripped his hips forcing him to feel him deeper. Fudo moaned before soon changing position. Denji took Fudo from behind as he tugged on his hair to see if he would like the power shift. Fudo buckled and arched his back a bit. Denji smiled and continued until Fudo was shaking uncontrollably. " someone came alot ," denji said as he kissed fudo's back gently before giving him a few more strokes and coming. Denji was still inexperienced but he always wanted make Fudo feel good. fudo moaned as he pulled out. They collapsed onto each other and cuddled. The two boys laced their fingers together. " Fudo why do people put on appearances?" denji asked. " because its easier....sometimes it's hard to be yourself.....look at Aimi-chan if you had knew she was a slut would you have dated her...or Arata who was just jealous of you would you have remained his friend...appearances are like mask people hid behind. you did it when you learned the truth as did Fumiko. I do it all the authentic self is 100% against the school rule I'm a tyrant. It just makes life easier but at the cost of what? happiness, pain, anger, love , or fun. we suffer either way. But I guess we feel like we have control if we get to pick the suffering, " Fudo said as he looked at Denji. Denji looked at him back, " I'm glad I met you." Fudo laughed and kissed him. " me too."