Bonus : The wedding

Ryoma wedding was a month later. That sunday Denji waited by the phone all day but never heard from Fudo. One day turned into three months. Denji did not know what to do. He filed a missing person reports but the police stated that he wasn't missing but rather with his family. Denji didn't buy that. Aiko was just as worried and Fumiko didn't return enter. Some days he would camp outside Fudo-San house but the guards would beg him to leave to avoid calling the cops. Denji had a whole and he was not ready for it to close. He felt helpless. Aiko was there to keep him focus on the main goal. That was passing Toyko university entrance exam.

One day as they were coming from the library a blue Honda NSX pulled up along side them. The window rolled down and the driver asked for directions. Aiko and Denji curious bent over and saw Fudo. He had blue eyeshadow and his chains on. " Where have you been?" Denji yelled. Fudo smiled," In hell but I came back to get you;" he smiled as they both got into his car. " I hate you so much" denji said as Fudo kissed him passionately. " I miss you too," he said as he continued to drive. "What happened?" Aiko asked. "Well I did what my brother told me to do and told my fiancee I like men. That didnt go over well with her family they broke a few ribs. I did have to suffer a bit until she felt better about me breaking her heart. " Denji was speechless. " Fumiko?" Aiko asked. " Fumiko and her brother hit it off well so that also helped reduce the torture," he smiled. " But as I said before I dont mind knocking out a few people to be with you denji, or in this case getting my ass kicked " Fudo laughed as he squeezed his thigh. Denji held his hand as they drove. " I would do the same", denji said. " are you sure you are okay?" denji said nervous. " yes all is forgiven.....have you been studying ", Fudo said. " of course" , denji said. " good....I cant wait till we have school together again. " Fudo smiled. " wait are you living in toyko now?" Aiko asked. " I am. just finished unpacking. I can't wait for you both to visit," Fudo said as he dropped of Aiko home before returning to his house. " are you sure you are okay?" denji asked. After putting the car into park Fudo nodded before hugging him. " I missed you so fucking much. I know I'm awesome and all but I really thought you would have moved on by now or left me," fudo said squeezing him. denji yanked his hair to face make fudo face him. " I meant it when I said I loved you," denji said as they kissed. Fudo smiled and said ," I love you more .