Night Of Heritage

"Hurry up Jason or we are going to be late for your test results of heritage!" my mother shouted out up to me while I was staring myself in the mirror. I just graduated high school I'm nineteen years old, but yet I felt like something was missing from my life entirely. I grabbed my light lacket from the chair and made my way down the stairs. It was my mother and myself, I never really knew my father because he died just before I was born. I used to ask my mother about it but she would get light headed and nauseated so I just stopped asking after awhile.

"Are you wearing that to the ceremony?" she looked at me with that look of slight disgust ut wasn't going to argue so we can on time.

"Yes mother I am going to where this. We ready to go?" I responded with a smile on my face and she just shook her head with a slight grin an we made our way to the car. We got into the car and put our seatbelts on and I rolled down the car window an lit a cigarette and puffed on it.

"You know I hate it when you do that. It's not healthy for you Jason." my mother gave me the look of disdain because she didn't approve. I took a few more drags and threw it out the window.

"Better?" I responded while putting a breathe mint in my mouth from a container I found in my mom cup holder. She just nodded while we drove to our destination, I found myself staring outside the window as she drove past familiar buildings, than to the outskirts of town and passing through a wooded area of which seemed like it stretched forever. She started to slow down as we got to a dirt road path leading up to a beautiful Victorian manor. To me it looked like a mini Manson from the mid-1800's but it looked like the current owners keep it up and the paint looked brand new.

We got out the car and we were greeted by a butler.

"Good evening Madam. Please follow me into the manor where the rest of the guests are waiting in the library." we both followed and mother seemed to be blushing and who was I to ruin this experience for her. I smiled but before I can speak once the door was opened the chatter of people was almost deafening. We followed the butler to the library and he waved his hands down an every one started to quiet down.

"In just a few moments the hostess of this event will come and join you. Until than, please help your self to the appetizers and some of the refreshments." without the next word he left swiftly and quietly. My mother went to the refreshments an went socialize with the other parents. I sat down on a comfortable couch and I saw an ashtray I decided to light up a cigarette to calm my nerves, a short petite dark haired woman approached me and she took a seat on the same couch.

"You got an extra cigarette I can get from you?" she asked politely and she spoke softly. She wore basic black pants, with a tank top, a black an white flannel and she wore some black an white sneakers. She had a unique hair cut and she had pale skin with a pair of piercing blue eyes. I gave her a cigarette and lit it for her an we sat there in silence for a few moments before the hostess of the event showed. She pale skinned, blue eyed, long legged and slender woman. She was very attractive and when she spoke she had a slight accent.

"Welcome to my home an I thank you and your parents for wanting to know your heritage an where you come from. My family has owned this house since 1769 and we have an honor and duty to the family. So if it's ok with you let's get this show on the road." she spoke softly an loud enough for us to hear her and everyone broke out with clapping and cheering.

"Is this your first time coming to one of these events?" the women sitting on the couch closest to me finally spoke and for some reason my heart began to race like I was excited or something I calmed myself before responding.

"Yes this a first time for me and what about you?" my voice cracked a little bit and she smiled an sort of giggled about this. Before she could respond the hostess spoke again.

"I want you all to meet my beautiful daughter Mara." she waved her daughter over and the beautiful girl who sat next to me was the hostesses daughter, my jaw dropped at this fact an I couldn't believe that she sat next to me and my heart began racing again.

"What is it about this beautiful girl? How does she make my pump like a Jack rabbit? I must know." I told this told my self and vowed to figure her out. The hostess and the butler moved us to the dining room for we were about to eat supper or dinner, the food looked amazing but something inside of me told me not to eat, so I simply followed my gut and I didnt eat.

"Jason are you feeling okay? I'm worried because you are not eating." my mother whispered to me and she looked worried.

"Yeah mom I'm fine. I just dont feel hungry." I responded quickly and smiled at her. So she wasn't to worry about me and enjoy herself because she deserves to be happy an relaxed giving that she works two jobs just to keep us a float an not in debt. The hostess gave me a slight concerned look but didnt ask me why I wasn't eating, though her and her daughter both smiled at me and I think that was a good sign. About twenty minutes later the parents and their kids finished eating an the kitchen staff that brought out the food took away the empty dishes. People were tha king her for the food and hospitality. She graciously accepted the compliments and she told them it was her pleasure.

"If you will follow me to the drawing room to get you test results back." the hostess got up and we did too as well an followed her to the drawing room. I stood to the back of the room surveying the room an waiting for results to go back. One by one we were called by name but shockingly my name wa as called last.

"Jason Krinn please come forth." the hostess motioned me forward and handled me a large envelope the name 'Van Krinn' on it. I opened it and what I found was too much of a surprise. I laughed out loud and fainted.

I saw a small visions of time long since passed. I saw horses with carriages, people in old fashioned clothes an top hats, a bustling market and a boy selling a news paper. I was awoken by a soft touch and a sweet women's voice

"Are you okay Jason?" it was the hostesses daughter she had a face of true beauty and I tried to compose myself.

"Yes I am fine. what happened? I shook off the dizziness and slowly got up. I took a sit and held the large envelope in my hands still.

"You laughed and than passed out. It was strange to see but sort of funny." she smiled and was being sweet an she didn't leave my side. Which I wasn't used to that.

"Glad I could make you smile." I smiled and sort of blushed. I looked at the contents of the folder and it said that I was a direct descendant of Victor Van Krinn who was a king from the early 1400s and that I was the holder of a small castle in the UK an I had a small fortune.

"This cant be right, can it? I spoke out loud but I didn't meant to it just sort of slipped out.

"What is it Jason?" my mother asked quite worried about me, I could tell by her facial expression.

"It says that I'm a Prince of the royal Van Krinn family..." I sat there in shock, as did my mother but a new life was about to start. The hostess and daughter smiled at each other and than at me. I knew my life would never be the same ever again.