The Car, The Necklace and The Move

It's been a few months since finding out I am a Prince and now we went from being broke to now being wealthy, my mother of course wouldn't stop working at least one job. She said it made her keep busy an that as parents and adults we all have responsibilities to ourselves an to our children.

I admired her strength, her honor and the way she would tackle a situation without getting angry. She was the sole reason why I am the man I am today, without her patience, guidance and love. I think I would be not even close to the man I am today, so I had to get her a gift but what kind of gift though? I had to think about this and try to figure it out. I decided to call Mara, we had spent a lot of time together these last few months and I had grown fond of her company.

I pulled out my cellphone and called her.

"Hello Jason, what's up?" Mara spoke softly and I think she was happy that I had called.

"Hey Mara I wondered if you wanted to come with to by my mom a gift and to help me buy a car? Plus, I wanted to hangout with you, if that's cool with you Mara." I responded with giddy anticipation and I was hoping she would say yes. I lit a cigarette waiting for her response.

"Of course Jason I would love to, plus I like hanging out with you. I'm happy you thought me to help you buy your mom a gift and your first car. I'll see you within the hour." Mara sounded excited.

"Sounds like a plan to me. See you soon." an with that we were off the phone and I now had to figure out what I was going to wear when we went out. Mara and I had gone to the movies, the summer festival, we went out to dance a few times and we went to dinner a few times as well.

So figuring out what to wear was sort of an issue but I had gotten used used to the feeling of being nervous around Mara.

I took a few drags off of the cigarette while I looked at my closet. I grabbed a pair of black pants, a white tank top, a black button up shirt, a pair of black ankle socks, a pair of boxer briefs and a pair of black leather boots with metal on them. I died out the cigarette, grabbed a towel and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. My mother was making a pot roast, the aroma filled the entire house and I knew I couldn't eat it until later because it was cooking in a crockpot. As I started the shower, I found myself rather excited for what was to come this evening events with Mara. I jumped in the shower after I took my clothes off and the water was relaxing and soothing to not just my body but my mind an soul as well. I bathed myself and with 45 minutes I was done taking a shower.

I turned off the water an dried myself off and proceeded to get dressed but before I did that I put some music on. I started to nod my head to the beat of the music and started to dance goofily as I got dressed, just as I was almost fully dressed I heard laughter and clapping. I spun around and found Mara there smiling an laughing at my goofy antics. I fell on to the bed and rolled off, Mara came over an helped me to my feet, we locked eyes. I began to move closer for a kiss an so did Mara but we were startled by knocking on my door frame, it was my mother. We immediately moved away from each other as my mother was reading a cook book that I had bought her for her birthday the year before.

"Dinner will be done at 9:30, so if there's anything you want to do I would do it now before dinner is done. Mara's mother Saraphina is downstairs, both Mara and Saraphina will be joining us for dinner Jason. You two have fun." my mother moved to go downstairs but bumped into the door frame. Mara and I slightly chuckled at my mother being a small klutz, I put my boots on an I put my belt on so my pants didn't fall off. Mara and I came downstairs an I saw Saraphina reading a newspaper, not even paying us any attention. I grabbed a apple and handed one to Mara as well, we left the house an we saw Mara's butler waiting for us to come to the car. The butler opened the door for the both of us, but not before the butler and I exchanged words.

"Lord Van Krinn how are you feeling this beautiful evening sir? I wanted to let you know that I have a vast knowledge of automobiles and I would be honored to help you select if you so wish." the spoke after he slightly bowed and he ope ed the door for me.

"Of course I would be in your debt for doing so." I replied as I sat down next to Mara and She looked at me without hesitation an my heart started to beat like a Jack rabbit. I wanted to get to know her on a more personal and intimate basis but how to go about it would take some finesse an patience. I offered Mara a cigarette, she took it with a slight grin and I pulled out one for myself. I struck my zippo, it immediately came to life an I lit my cigarette and I offered the flame so Mara could light hers as well. She did and for the second time we locked eyes, we didn't say anything but we just held hands an what happened next shocked the living hell out of me. We kissed, it wasn't just any kiss it was a French kiss, passions were running high, we ran our hands on each other hair and body without thinking but rather by letting our body's flow through the pure emotions that we were erupting from each other.

"Uh..hmmm..." the butler made a coughing sound, Mara and I giggled for a few minutes an smiling, we kissed one more time before taking our original seats. Thankfully my cigarette was still lit because I needed something to calm my nerves from what just transpired.

"We are almost there my Lord." the butler spoke softly with never taking his eyes off the road.

"Amazing my friend and I appreciate you coming with us too." the words just flew from my mouth so naturally and I never even gave it another thought but I was in a great mood. I rolled down the window to let the brisk night fill a small portion of the car an so I can throw out the cigarette butt as well, as we neared our location I could tell we were pulling into to the O'Brien's car lot.

When the butler parked the car Mara and I started to roughly browse the cars but one in particular caught my eye a 1967 Mustang Shelby GT 500, sort of beat up but it looked beautiful to me an I wanted this car. The car dealership owner came up from behind me and sort startled me.

"Ain't she a beauty, for just 25 grand it's yours." he shook my hand quite vigorously an he looked happy to see me, which he should've been happy to see me because I paid him quite handsomely to stay open a little longer than his typical daily hours.

"If I may my Lord." the butler whispered as he popped the hood and I was simply bull shitting with the car owner until the butler was done doing his thing with looking the car over.

"I would pay more than 10 grand my Lord." the butler whispered in my ear as he passed by me. I nodded at him with respect.

"10 grand is my offer Mr. O'Brien. Take it or leave it, your choice sir." I spoke quite loudly to cut off Mr. O'Brien and he looked at me for a few an than he shook my hand vigorously again.

"Deal Mr. Krinn. Just let me get the necessary paper work in order and of course your car keys." with that Mr. O'Brien damn near skipped to get to the door faster so he could make this sale final.

"Lord Van Krinn I have connections to these kinds of parts and I can show you how to fix them an how to identify when these parts break down or show signs of needing to be fixed." the butler pointed out as he lit a cigarette himself.

"That would be awesome and I appreciate it. What is your name by the way? I've never asked until now and you never gave it to us during the Night Of Heritage?" I looked at the butler with curiosity because I never knew his name an if Mara and I were gonna spending more time together than I thought it might be important to know these kinds of small details.

"My name is Oswald." he looked at me with such a manor that I knew this conversation was over, Mr. O'Brien came out with the paper work and the keys to the car as well, but he needed my John Hancock on a few forms before we could leave.

With a surge of adrenaline I finished signing everything I recieved the keys and the pink slip of onwership of the car.

"You wanna ride with me Mara?" my heart started to pound with anticipation because I was awaiting her answer.

"Of course hun. who wouldn't want to ride in a American muscle car? she commented as she got into car and immediately putting on some alternative rock music an she began to nod her head to the beat of the music. I pulled out my soft pack of smokes and my zippo an lit a cigarette, I inhaled deeply an exhaled shortly after. I open the car door I sat down put the smokes, zippo and cellphone into the cup holder, an I put the pink slip in the glove box.

I started the car, it roared to live an it began purring like a kitten, I slowly pulled out and as soon as I got on the main road, I floated this car to life.

"Woohoo!!! Yeah!!!" Mara screamed out loud as we went faster, she smiled but when she did I could've sworn that I saw her fangs grow in length. I looked away and shook it off an when I looked back her fangs were back to normal. I figured I was just looking at here at the wrong angle or something.

We drove down the road listening to different types of Rock n Roll, some she showed me, some I showed her and others we both already knew of an heard before. She pointed at the smokes, I nodded she lit two cigarettes and she put one to my lips an of course I immediately started puffing on it. I took a drag and rolled down the windows, so I wouldn't burn anything in the car an Mara did the same thing. I checked the time it was 8:15 pm, as I took another pull from the cigarette, I saw on the side of the road a familiar antique store that my mother and I shopped at before, quite a few times in fact. I slowed down an parked the car nicely in the parking lot, Mara an I moved quickly into the shop so we can get my mother a nice gift but nothing weird or too far out there, but rather something elegant.

The owner of this store was a middle aged, sweet and kind woman Miss Olivia Pelt. She has hosted soup kitchen's for the homeless, local fundraisers and she has volunteered for the summer festival for the last 15 years.

"Hey Miss Olivia, how are you doing this eveing?" I spoke aloud as to grab the attention of Miss Olivia. She never replied all you saw was her head pop out from behind counter with a pair of funny glasses on her head as she laughed at her own goofiness.

"If it isn't my favorite customer Jason Krinn. How's your mother doing?" she asked me after she took her funny glasses off an putting them away somewhere behind the counter.

"She's doing well and thank you for asking. I'm actually trying to buy her something special because of being the most amazing mom ever. You got anything that screams you're amazing and elegant?" I immediately responded as I roughly browsed the store.

"I just might follow me Jason." Miss Olivia pointed towards me to follow her and I did so without hesitation. We passed some old book and some antique jewelry an we stopped in front of a old gold pendant necklace.

""Is this what you meant Jason?" as she pointed the old gold pendant necklace, I looked at the pendant for a few moments and decided that this was a perfect gift for my mother.

"Yes Miss Olivia its perfect. I'll take it and price isn't an issue." I put my hand in my pocket to grab the money and I waited for her response on the price. I hear a loud truck pull up with four individuals, three men and one women. Miss Olivia was almost done ringing up the necklace for it to be sold and then the people came in, the feeling I got from them was they were there to start trouble an that's when my adrenaline kicked in.

"Who's piece of shit car is out there?" this guy that looked like six foot tall, he weighed around 220 and he had a deep voice.

"Thank you for shopping here hun. Have a good night." Miss Olivia obviously knew this group of people and wanted Mara an I to leave because she had a look of worry on her face.

I took Mara by the hand and quickly left the store, my adrenaline was pumping like crazy now an I didn't want Mara or I to get hurt. We were about fifteen feet from the car when we were stopped.

"What? Are you too good to answer a fucking question! Ah! I'm talking to you, you little shit!"

it was big guy that was talking shit about my car and who was now trying to instigate an altercation.

At this point I had enough, I immediately turned around. I was a few feet from this big guy and he was about double of the size of me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat back at him.

"Tough talk from a little guy." he grinned with a wicked smile.

"Swing than or leave me the fuck alone." I hollered back at with fists clenched.

Without warning he charged at me and immediately I went into defense mode. He swung wildly at me an I dodged it quickly and immediately countered with four well placed punches to his face an he fell completely out. I turned to get into the car and I was attacked by the other two guys. One grabbed from behind and the other try to rush me but I kicked him with both of my feet an I swung my head back, I heard the crunch of the blow landing on the guys nose who held me. He let me go and fell to his knee's his nose was bleeding profusely and the woman tried to rush me but Mara punched her in the face an the girl fell out cold.

"Can we go now Jason I'm quite hungry?" Mara asked me with a slight grin on her face. I nodded, I unlocked the door and we both got into the car an I started the car. We looked at each other and than I drove off an Mara took my hand in hers as I drove the car. We quickly got back to my house and the butler of course was right behind us.

I got into the house, Saraphina and my mother were laughing an I could tell they were in a great mood. So I decided not to tell them about the fight I just got into.

"Well how was your night out in the town?" my mother's asked as she moved from the dining room into the kitchen an starting placing the food on the dining room table.

"Well I got myself a car finally and I got you a gift mom." I responded as I showed her the keys and than presented her with a rectangular jewellery box in it lied the gold pendant. I gave it to her and her face lit up like a Christmas tree when she opened it an she hugged me tightly.

"I love it Jason." my mother kissed me on the cheek and I sat down next to Mara afterwards.

" Oh I forgot, I wanted to know if you were gonna come with me to the UK to live in the castle?"

There was a small pause in silence to me asking that question, but my mother's response was quite shocking really.

"You think I am gonna let you move across the world and I not tag along with you, are you smoking the ganja Jason?" the entire room erupted with laughter. We all laughed and we proceeded to eat dinner.

"We will be joining because we have a castle in Transylvania which isn't far from yours." Saraphina spoke as we started to eat dinner.

I was shocked all this time I didn't realize that they had a castle too and I never thought to ask.

After dinner was over, Saraphina, Mara and Oswald left, I went upstairs to room. The last thoughts that ran through my head was, what is the UK gonna bring me, the adventures I might have and the other family I might meet of Mara's. With those thoughts I quickly fell asleep.