We got to the castle around 7:30 pm, my mother and I were tired, the movers had already brought our items an set them up in the castle. They had called me a few weeks prior to set everything up, apparently I had some extremely old furniture an other items of that nature. I told them to put the items in one of the spare bedrooms, I told them how I wanted the place to be set up, I called the electrician to set up the power in the castle, they told me it would be cheaper an cost efficient to have a solar panel set up and I told them to do it.
I hung out with Mara a week before I left and she left before we did, apparently her mother had some business to handle before we came out an she had a few lawyer appointments set up for me as soon as I got out there, Mara told me she had some friends to meet of hers who could show me around an I was sort of overwhelmed by the whole experience but I welcomed it with open arms because this is what expected by being an adult an a prince.
I put the music on in my car, I lit a cigarette and recline my seat back to relax. The stars shined brightly above me, I nodded my head to the tape playing in my tape deck, I found it my father's stuff that I found in the attic during the big move and of course I didn't tell my mom because she had enough going an I didn't want to freak her out. I took a hit from the cigarette, held it for a few moments before releasing from lungs, I guess this was the only way I could get close to my father in some certain way or fashion. My phone rang and I grabbed it from the cup holder, the number belonged to Mara, I answered it.
"What's up Mara?" I answered as my heart pounded with excitement because I hadn't seen her in a week, but we still talked every day.
"Oh nothing much, I was just curious if you had made it to your new home?" she responded with what sounded like a smile on her face.
"In fact we just made it here like ten minutes ago." I immediately answered.
"Perfect, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with some of my friends tonight?" She was quite excited, if I had to guess, even though I was tired I couldn't pass up the moment to see Mara and hangout with her an her friends.
"Of course Mara. What time should I expect you?" I asked automatically, my heart leaped from my throat practically. Every time I was around her I would get this feeling of butterflies flapping around my stomach and my grandmother used to say the same thing when she first started dating my grandfather, she would say, 'That's how you know you're in love Jason, once you find it never let it go.'
"Great see you in a hour hun." she got off the phone immediately afterwards and I couldn't believe she called me hun. That made my heart pound even harder and than excitement came in.
A song started to play that I never heard before it was light techno with a mixture an electric violin, I started to get pumped, I turned it louder and I jumped out the car. I closed the door an I started to dance out of excitement, the music was so unique an infectious I couldn't help but dance to it. I flicked the cigarette away an spun around and started busting out moves that I did back at my high school prom, even though I didn't have a prom date I still got down on the dance floor. I couldn't believe that Mara might have feelings for me like I did for her and I started to think of what could be and might be with Mara. That thought made me dance more and with joy an happiness in my heart, the song ended an I slowly stopped dancing.
The next song that played was a song that I used to play all the time in my freshman year of high school and I nodded my head to the beat. I hopped back in my car an turned down the music, that's when my mother made her way to the car and open the door an joined me in the car.
She lit a joint, she nodded her head to the music, she took a few hits off of the joint and than passed it to me. The only time she would smoke weed is when she was super stressed and her depression was kicking her in the ass. I knew this move was a big deal for her because she grew up in the house we just moved from but we didn't sell it and I think that majorly helped her with the move. I took a long puff off of the joint and held it in while I passed her the joint.
"I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me, you have matured even more than I thought you would. Your grandparents would be proud of you as much as I am. I'm sorry you never knew your father but just remember somethings you find out can't be forgotten and maybe I wanted to protect you from. I know you might have questions but those will be answered in due time Jason. Be patient." my mother spoke seriously and softly, she took a few more hit an passed the joint back to me to finish off. She smiled at me and kissed my cheek an with that she left the car to go into the castle.
I sat there with curiosity, confusion and a little irritated but I knew my mother wouldn't do anything without thinking about it thoroughly first. I took a puff off of the joint and felt it in as the song finished, I released the hit an I found smiling a little bit. The weed that my mom rolled up had a nice kick to it and it relaxed my nerves, I thought about Mara, my father and the night of my heritage revealing, it all felt like a dream but it was now my reality. I had to embrace it without doubt or negativity but rather an open mind.
I finished off the joint, turned off the radio an than turned the power off to the car and closed the door an locked it. I went into the castle, I took in the sight from the inside and it was beautiful an made with a craftsmanship from an age lost since passed.
"Beautiful isn't it Jason?" my mother was standing quietly and kinda startled me.
"Yes it is mom." I gave my mom a side hug and we started looking around more. I figured the person who built this castle was a craftsman that was way before his time. He had a touch that made this castle so exquisite and so detailed that it's one of a kind.
"I gotta get ready. I am going out with Mara and she is going to introduce me to some of her friends." I told my mom as I went up the stone steps to my room, I recieved a map that showed the layout of the castle and which room was who's. So I knew where to go and how to get there, as I made my way up the stairs, I saw a figure in my room and I slowly moved closer I made sure not to make noise, as I moved closer I could see the figure looking outside into the night.
"Hey! What are you doing in my castle?" I caught the mysterious off guard, as the individual turned around it was a middle aged man who looked like a butler.
" Excuse my intrusion my Lord I am Jarvis, I am your butler hired by Saraphina to work for you and she told me you met my brother Oswald." the butler had a shocked look on his face, an immediately apologized for his intrusion and bowed slightly just like his brother. He looked like a younger version of Oswald and just as pale as well.
"Why didn't you come down when my mom came in or greeted us at the the door Jarvis?" I asked the butler while waiting for his response.
"I did meet your mom but I think she was in awe of your beautiful castle my Lord." he replied while looking nervous for some reason.
"Mom did you meet our butler!" I screamed to my mother was on the main floor.
"Oh my world, yes Jason. I'm so sorry for not telling you, I thought it would be a nice surprise if you found out naturally!" she yelled in reply.
"My apologies Jarvis but next time could you make your self known? I don't like being startled."
I verbalized to Jarvis while not trying to sound like a complete dick.
"Of course my lord. Oh the shower was just installed to today and it's just around the corner over there." Jarvis added before slightly bowing and leaving my room.
I immediately got my clothes out from the dresser, my towel from my bag that took me a few moments to go through, I went into the bathroom and I started the shower. I got undressed, I jumped into the shower and I bathed myself. When I was done I dried myself off an got dressed, I looked at my phone and I hurried up, I even sprayed cologne on me too make sure I smelled good an clean. As I was finished, I put my dirty clothes in the hamper, hung up my wet towel to dry and than I made my way down the stone steps. I still couldn't help but stare at the craftsmanship of the inside of the castle, it was just a sight to behold, you had a mix of middle ages colonial craftsmanship with a touch of Greek and it was subtle.
I was close to the large fire place, my phone to ring and Immediately answered it. Its was a high school buddy, Saturn, we graduated together, I know his girlfriend because she was from our '19 graduation class. Her name is Shiann, we were sort of close but not really, I knew I can trust her an that's all I needed from a friend. Saturn we got along because we thought a lot like but also different at the same time, if that makes sense. Saturn, Shiann and me we like to play video games an especially back than.
"What up bro?" I answered an I was curious to find out how Shiann and him are doing.
""Nothing much bro, just seeing how are doing since you moved to Transylvania? How is your mom doing?" Saturn replied sounding pretty excited to hear from you and relieved that my mom an I were alright.
"We are doing pretty good Saturn an I appreciate you caring enough to call. I am actually going out tonight and my mom is really stoked about being in Transylvania. How is college going for you guys?" I took a cigarette from a pack a cigarettes on the table close to the front door, I took my zippo and I lit it up an puffed on it a few times.
"We are doing good, we miss hanging out with you, school is tough but they're a lot of cool and funny people out here. You gotta check it out or maybe we could come join you in that nice ass castle of yours." his laughter echoed only for a short while.
"That would be awesome bro, but I gotta fly I gotta date tonight." I tried to sound distinguished but I just chuckled a little because I sounded goofy as hell to me.
"Alright Jason we shall talk soon and good luck on the date tonight." Saturn hung up shortly afterwards, it got me thinking though, we should throw a ball or a big dance an that I can meet people an they can meet my mother and I.
"Jarvis?" I called out while putting the phone back in my pocket, I took a puff from the cigarette, I wanted to know what he had planned or rather what my new status had planned for me and I would get those answers from Jarvis.
"Yes my lord." Jarvis answered quickly, professionally and with a certain sense of honor when he stood straight up.
"Do we anything planned for tomorrow?" I asked plainly and quickly.
"Not that I am aware of my lord. Should there be my lord?" Jarvis replied