The Humble Beginning Part 2

Bright Sunlight falls from the windows to the table of a Noble Man , His Face is Dark and cannot be easily seen because of the shadow.

He looks about 75 years of age , wrinkles on his face,eyes open but not widely open. he doesn't smile much.

A Man rushes to the noble Man and says

"Sir! , There is a Man outside, He wants to meet the Noble Of the Land"

"Who is he? , I do not speak to mere wanderers" Replied the Noble Man.

"He has few troops with him Sir! He is no mere wanderer, He Says he is from an English Tribe, He is armed sir! But he Says He is Just here to talk"

The Noble Man agrees to talk to him And is astonished by the View when he steps outside the Tuwn House

The Man Sits down, with his head lowered and, in a very respectable way, introduces himself.

"The Great Master, I come from the tribe "Gen" of Englishmen, My Name is Novagen, I am blessed with troops by my Late Great Father, I don't have any territory under my control , I am here to chat about an Important matter, May I?"

The Noble Man was so surprised and felt so respected that he smiled and replied

"Novagen, I am The Noble of Tuwn Family, My Name is "Haveu"*[Pronounced Haev ,like safe haven] , You have my permission, state your matter"

Novagen Stood up and stated everything in detail

"Now , I am here to discuss the matter of territory, I am here to take your land, But I'm not like Cruel Kings of Past, I have Gold and bronze , I will pay you the amount you propose, I come in peace"

"We cannot just sell the Land , we live here , we have lived here since forever, But I like you, at my age , We think about our next successors, I have no son or daughter, But I will give my Life but I will never give my land"

This reply by The Haveu Increased the spirit of the people surrounding Novagen.

"I can see that, You have my respect for this morale and dedication, but think for once , you have not discovered the foreign lands , you are not known by the world, The Wooden sticks you use for defense , the armours, the world has progressed far more than this , I promise this ,Respected Master ,With me as your Guide , Tuwn ,no, Not just Tuwns ,But this barren land will flourish, I will give you a New Modern Solution, And Upgrade your living style"

After listening to this, A Man surrounding Novagen shouted

"How so?"

To which Novagen replied

"Look around you, there is nothing but green plains and trees I will improve the land so you can get variety of foods , There will be plenty for everybody and no one will be poor"

Listening to this all eyes were now on The Noble Man

"In My Life , We worked hard to put food on the table for all of us , I have no one left , But I am impressed by You ,No one passed by this land in 100 years , and in my life I have never seen a person with such respect and dignity, If you truly want to improve our life and you intentions are pure , I can call an official meeting , all the tribes will gather , and we may announce you our leader."

The Men were shocked to hear this, What was so special in this man, that even the noble was amazed.

"and one more thing Novagen, If it was I , Haveu, If it was my Authority, I would've made you my successor"

Novagen , After hearing this , goes on his way

After a week , the day arrives When the noble meeting is to be held , A Man ,White face, Well built , His age would be about 24 , Hairs reaching shoulders and light beard arrives at the meeting , All the tribes were already present.

"With All due respect we shall initiate this meeting" All Nobles this at the same time

The Haveu Presents his case

"I have called this meeting , To discuss an important issue that will decide our future and our existence"

"Please proceed" - Said the Nobleman of the Quyo*[Pronounced Koyu] Tribe

"The Man you see standing is an Englishman Novagen, I know very little about these people but I know English, He wants to take over this land, But He is Not going to take it by force, He is offering us a fortune , He is promising to Eradicate poverty, He says the world is far improved than our defenses , And I believe he is right, only 230 people in our land have swords others rely on sticks ,This may be unreal but I think he is telling the truth and his intentions are pure"

This convinced 75% noblemen and they agreed to surrender their land. one noble asked Novagen

"You look very young for such power. What makes you so sure that you will improve our lives?"

"With your permission , Sir ,Your land is barren, Your future looks uncertain, You have no fruit to Harvest , The Life of yours depends on a wooden stick ,If I become your Guide, I will give you the Fruits , The Latest weapons and The World will Know your name , I will propose a beautiful name , The A Name that shows Unity , Truth and Peace, I may add that your people are loyal and peaceful right now, but if they go rogue someday ,are you sure you'll be able to handle the revolt"?

The Nobleman couldn't speak after listening to this , He sat down, and words came out of his mouth

"I surrender my land to you"

_________ To be Continued _________