The Conquest

"All noblemen of the Land , do you surrender your land?" Announced Novagen

"Yes Sir!"

"Then Let me Brief you, From Now on I am Your King, All the land under your possession has been bestowed with a unique name "Townsvalley" , Why towns? Because I Honor my Noble Man From Tuwns, I am officially called King Of Townsvalley, We will begin our conquest* tomorrow , and Let it be known ,to every man and woman that Kingdom has been established , The sun will now shine brighter than ever ,from tommorrow we will begin our Exploration we will reach new heights , MAY Townsvalley PROSPER!!"

And so it happened , The News spread throughout the Land , North Mainly but south and east Also heard about the New Establishment.

-The First Day of the Kingdom-

Early morning the King woke up, He walked in his land , analyzed it , And sat on a table , he gave the following orders to his subjects

"My people, I care about you more than anything , We need an order of work, We need a system , And with that said I will design a new system for you"

"Starting today, We will have the Gold currency called "Hekte" and silver coins "Hekta", This is a Kingdom , I shall also announce that we are going to plant crops, I have sent my envoy to the explore neighboring countries and purchase seeds , also we are going to produce fruit and vegetables from today and I expect great harvest by the end of the month. And After these orders , I am also telling you that I am heading out, I will assemble an army of 300 men and will expand Townsvalley"

The subjects listened carefully , they knew townsvalley is the right direction for this Land , Therefore they did just as King Ordered.

-The Second Day-

Army of 350 Men has been assembled , Townsvalley's New King sets out on a journey he isn't even sure if the path is right.

The Army moved slowly and Conquered 12Km of land on the first day of conquest

"Listen up men!, You are allowed to eat to your fullest , there are animals nearby Kill them , and enjoy your meal, we will continue our journey till we face an enemy, we will not attack anybody, we will just have a talk with other Kings."

and hence the Journey continued The 300 Men saw New Lands they saw never before, They were astonished to see that there was so much to explore, their love for the King Increased.

"I need two men side by side , they will protect me" (While on the move, Two men came forward) "I name you two Hamilton and Werchrisht , You are my personal men , Your duty is to protect me and this Kingdom , the safety of this Kingdom depends on you now".

Listening to this , they started to sweat , they got nervous but they knew they were the chosen ones , The King was on the move

the chit chatters were whispering

"We Know we will survive Jugram"

"Yes Hao, With Novagen , I think we might conquer the world"

they were chatting , suddenly ,The King spoke

"I want 26 men , To bring their kids and families here and settle in this empty land , You may go home and carry all your equipment, and bring them here and similarly I want 250 men to settle in this land with 25kilometers distance , Let's Expand Our Kingdom!"

and so it happened, The Newly Taught Techniques and styles revolutionised the Barren land and it's People , The people quickly spread into the land , After Settling and resting for 26 days , The Conquest Continued

"Lord after so much effort we didn't find any kindom, Shall we return" complained a soldier

"We may not , Soldier. the moment we step on a land , Its ours, unless ofcourse it is taken by someone else before us ,This is our land, You live here , This is your home, The only way is the way forward, there is no way back , only forward , We are running out of water , we have to find a river or we'll have to retreat"

Saying this King and the soldiers began expanding again, with limited supply of water , There were signs that this conquest may end before a month ,But the future was uncertain, But it was certain for The King, Because his look was so confident, he was vigorous and vigilant, It was like He knew the future

"HELP ME" - Shouted a woman, "OH MEN , HELP ME , MY KID IS THIRSTY, WE NEED WATER, Please, Anyone"

King Could not wait another second, he Rushed towards that woman,without even thinking that the water Bucket they had was the last bucket of reserved water.

"Here you go" , " May your Kid live long" said the King

"who are you?" asked the woman

"I am the King of this Land, Would you like to live in our house?" , said the King

"Is it ok? , I am not of Any of Tuwns or Quyo Tribes", said the women.

"it's perfectly fine, we accept everyone , Come on, Join us , We will take care of you and your child"

"SIRE!", Screamed Hamilton with Fear, " We've run out of water, I think we may have to go back to Tuwn Noble House and re-equip our selves with more supplies."

"One May not interfere In nature's way my soldier Hamilton", replied Novagen with soothing and calm voice "You have lived without anything up till now, what makes you think shortage of water for a little while will kill you , we will expand our borders and we will find a river, donot give up"

The time passed by and Six hours later , at the afternoon , the sun was setting , the view looked beautiful, James Hamilton Stopped his horse and cried that he needs water or he will Not be able to continue the Journey,

The King's Heart Melted ,

"Men!, give Hamilton your Kindness and care , I shall pick 3 men, We'll find a river today and we'll return once a river has been found!"

They begun another Journey, The King Knew there was a river south to the Land, But he was expanding north, He Was sure there must be a river in the north aswell, or any water resource basically , Right now The Necessity was water.

The King Traveled and traveled with no brakes , He explored the mountains and plains even he didn't knew existed , After 7 hours of traveling,there was no sign of Water ,The King , as disappointed and hopeless as he was, Continued his journey, With a single purpose ; Find water.

The King continued His journey on the Other hand

12 hours had passed

"Listen Chrisht" Said Hamilton with deep and cracked voice "I may not live long enough"

"no!,don't say that Hamilton"

"No ,You have to face the reality, I have this mysterious problem , and I am telling you right now ,It is not due to shortage of water ,It is something else , If I die ,Please ask the King to Make Dean , My close friend his personal man"

"No no no, Hamilton , You cannot die , we are best friends , and your my only friend , in a month , I've enjoyed the life I wanted for years , Please don't die , Please"

The Next Morning Wasn't A Bright morning, The Dark Clouds covered the Sky , There was no sun , Hamilton saw a dark crowd reaching towards him. his eyes couldn't open fully so he assumed it must be the King coming back empty handed , He knew his days were numbered , After a while his eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped , The King Returned with Full buckets of Fresh Water ,

"My king, Your the Greatest, You're the Saviour" shouted Hamilton.

"Here you go Hamilton, I told you, I'll find water , You will live and succeed in life Hamilton, I care about you"

After Drinking to his fullest , Hamilton was chatting with the King while laying down, Passing smiles, Laughs , Everything was back to normal

When suddenly , a Hamilton's body started shaking and he became unconscious , There was panic in the air ,The King Tried everything,Gave him water, Prayed to Lord,Asked for forgiveness , Cursed himself because he was too foolish to order such quick expansions when he knew not every human can live without water this long enough. He was in shock , The body of his Man wasn't moving, Everything was fine but suddenly what happened, The King couldn't answer all those questions at the same time....

The Bright Eyes of Hamilton.... did not open again. The smiling face never to be seen again. Another Human soul returned to the Creator of Mankind.

Perhaps The Clouds broke in tears too, And A King Bathing in those tears , Holding The Body of Hamilton Said:

"No ..... Hamilton....., this can't be ......

You were my friend"

------ To Be Continued ------

*Think of the conquest like this, The Conquest Mainly refers to king going straight on the North , He Keeps going straight and expands his land, He orders his soldier to settle In the empty lands and formally claim the territory. There may or may not be enemies in the future.