We are coming for you

Similar responses were observed by other participants. Some were for taxes some where against it. But the dream for 15% taxes was long gone. It was definitely not going to happen ever. Reducing 50% tax to 15% is a not possible. The reactions were honest and genuine , this survey was reviewed by the King surprisingly.

The survey was presented to him by his servants when he was at his throne room.

"Ridiculous ambitions of my ancestors"

"Take the survey and put it anywhere you like" said the King to his servant.

The king looked up on the ceiling and said to himself


King performed his duties and trained to be better warrior. He wasn't concerned about economy or black market as the country was running great as usual.

Four more members of the King's selection meeting died. The matter was concerning at national security risk, it was a top secret. And it was on hold. The total number of people who died were 10, other members ,remaining 10 were worried about this issue and scared of their life aswell.


The king was very fond of tall buildings , and he enjoyed them in Newlands. And other cities. The King was aging , He already ruled the country for 15 years. His reputation was that of a great leader and some people even called him Custodian of Peace. Townsvalley's economy was booming rapidly. Investors were proud of their work and an average share price in Townsvalley stock market was 100+ Hektes. The Hekte had been strong & stable

The concerning situation of 10 deaths alarmed the remaining 10 members , they held a meeting outside the Palace, this meeting was arranged outside so that this meeting and further plans donot come even near the Majesty. They all sat on a restaurant that has VIP lounges & private area. They all sat in private area and conversation started

"What's going on?" – Member 1: Yu

"This is bad, I have wife and kids. I won't die this easily" – member 2 – Gin

"How could this be?, We are most powerful fighters in townsvalley." – member 1: Yu

" but this job has made us lazier" – member 9: Wabi

"Shut-up!!!! , we will fight to death, we are everything BUT LAZY" – Member 8: Shonunsui

"MEN! , This is not right , someone is trying to do something very dangerous, something very terrible, it threatens our existence as members of the MSC, someone is trying to...." as member no.5 (Honu) was about to speak the words , member 4: (King Meckenzie) Spoke in between

"Consolidate Power"

"OK I was about to say They were going to murder us all, but you could be right aswell" – Honu

"How do we solve this problem" – Shonunsui

They stopped for a while ; Shonunsui was thinking with his head a little bit titled downwards. Honu's face was on the left side as she was looking to the night and moon from the left window. All other members were thinking aswell.

"How about we Do their job ourselves, you know takeout the ... majes.t..."

He was immediately stopped by Shonunsui

"NO , Shuho (member: 6) we are not reckless murderers. DO YOU WANT TOWNSVALLEY to Self-destruct? "

"No ,No I ..... hmmm. Let me think then...."

"We should consider forming a secret team. This team will give us all information and Kill the enemies." – Honu

"How will we know who's the enemy, they just spawn and kill" – Shuho

"well one of them says 'the job is done'.....soo.... that's a start" – King Meckenzie

"Okay, what about others? Are you sure that OUK and Kyoga."

"hmm... they seem identical, but I'm not sure" – Honu

"We could Directly track all the entrance points of the country and Track the killers or potential killers for that matter" Urlok (member :7)

"that would require alot of public yada yada and noise ,you know" – Honu

"This is going nowhere , we are just wasting our time, Listen Members we are senior most persons after the King. We should be better than that" - Shonunsui

"Well we can't find any solution, killers are out there and there is nothing we can do, nothing" – King Meckenzie

"This is sooooo frustrating, the Criminals are at large and this isn't even our job, we are not the police" – Urlok


"OYYYYY!!!!!!!, ARE YOU ALL FOOLS" Member 1:Yu

"WHAAAAAAAAAAA, why would you say thaaaat" – Shonunsui

YU smiled

"We can win, if you follow my plan" he laughs , more like he chuckled. . .

The members looked at Yu...

The Night was beautiful as it was getting dark. All the members exited the restaurant. The restaurant was closed. They all went their own ways.

A slight noise was noticed by a member , it was as if that noise came from the restaurant's front wall. Just beside the door, The member was a bit far from that wall. But still he noticed it. But He ignored it and went wherever he wanted to go.

It started raining. The whole Newlands was washed , cleaned. It gave a glowing view of the glass building. King enjoyed this view. And enjoyed the Beauty of Townsvalley. These were the days he waited for, the night scenery , sad to many , but he was quite delighted by this view. He thought of His Kingdom, His progress and the Way forward. He then started reading a book.read about 50 pages and then he slept soundly. Peaceful sleep was his desire and when he actually got peaceful sleep, he would be energetic the next day. He noticed the absence of The 10 Members. But He didnot say anything to them. He thought to himself that maybe there is something he should know but that thing is hidden from him. But it was confusing as to what he was thinking. Only time could tell what the future holds for the Kingdom. Maybe not the future, maybe everyone knows what is going on, the mysterious killings and brutal fighting witnessed by many , who are these killers,what is the plan of the members?