
The King Mehmet I is now on his 35th Year of reigning Townsvalley. Recently he ordered construction of many hospitals & schools for the country. The Military expansion was halted as the govt. paid no heed to it. he was now Old. and was probably on his last days.

The Scene--

The King was sitting on his throne, His eyes were closed. and he was thinking about something. someone knocked the door.

"Come inside"

"Yes my king" - He bowed.

"Listen to me Vanguard, I may not have much time left in this world. you must do what I have told you quick, before it's too late"

"My King, You are absolutely right, we must do it. it is the only thing that will sustain your family in Townsvalley."

"Be on your way now. pass me that book before you go"

"As you wish, My King" - Vanguard.

The King read the book and slept quietly.


Two Men were busy constructing a building. one of them wiped off the sweat from his forehead and said to the other one

" Man , The News Papers are very quiet about the Killings happened a while ago, no investigation results. feels like an inside job to me"

"Man, I don't know, Something seems fishy".


The Current Affairs:

The Country is in 35th year of King Mehmet I, His health is deteriorating.

the Statistics show that crime has reduced drastically. Taxes are approximately 67%. and Industry is booming. People are fairly happy and positive about the country's future. The Kingdom is now knowned to the world as one of the best, With Newlands one of the best city for businesses.


"Khalid, look over there, Our prime target"

AREA: Near Newlands Central Highway

khalid looked on the on the road and said

"Prime target, it is"

He readies his bow & arrow and shoots. the arrow passes through the neck of the "Prime Target" and in a split second, the The Prime Target dies.

khalid runs away and says "Job Done".

News breakout of the killing of Shonunsui , One of The King's selection members. This became major news , The world was shocked, There were only two members that were left alive now. The world took notice of This abnormality and King's ignorance. The newspapers worldwide published this story and allegations were now being put on king himself that he hired gun to kill the members so he can put forward a new successor, the one he liked. This was reported to the King.



His secretary said " sir calm down, They are just allegations, you know world news. it's just a trend for a while, then people will forget

"Your right, I shouldn't be too worried, but our image is damaging. put out a statement denying allegations and pressurise world news however possible , even through money"

"ok , His Majesty" - secretary.


*Narrator/Story overview:

Till now, General Ouki III and Kyoga have died. There are 8 members which are still alive and they may be able to turn the tables , Namely: (their numbers were changed after deaths of ouk and kyoga)

Yu : member 1

Gin : member 2

Honu : member 3

King Meckenzie : member 4

Shuho : member 5

Urlok : member 6

Wabi : member 7


*door unlocks*

A man, in his mid-thirties enters the Newlands Palace hidden chamber room, which has alot of artefacts and other historical valuable items.

"I have to find it" - He speaks to himself

Later he left the building.

"Damn it!"


Meeting of members has begun. this time with only 8 members. time is running out.

All of them are sitting on the chairs. this time, the meeting is held at An underground basement in Honu's Mansion. The Basement door was sound proof.

There was a fairly large round table. the light was dim. they were eating dinner while discussing the future.

"King Mehmet's health is deteriorating. we have to do something quick. we are only 8 people. we can prevent something very dangerous that is about to come" - Honu

"Yes. But I don't know what to do" - Wabi

"This sucks, WE HAVE TO Initiate an all out attack" - Hughes (The 8th Member)

"NO! that will draw public attention. disrupt peace and destroy financial markets" - Shuho

"I dont understand. Our General Ouki and Kyoga....." - Urlok starts crying

"It's ok. We have gone through alot. We will not fail." - Honu

"How about this, we trap the enemy in... uhh.. some empty area. say when our king goes to Regular nightly walk. we go to him. and try to convince him to stop these killings or face a coup." - Gin

"quite possible. How will we do that?" - Yu

"we can do it tonight. by using Meckenzie's Special access membership, we can enter The building and put forth the demands".

" NO, that access is only for emergency use, say when the king is in danger or When he needs special protection from me. " - Meckenzie

"Heyy Shuho, What about the situation in the secret chamber we asked you to visit to collect data?"

"Yeahhhhh, Well... (He stops for a second and looks towards the floor."

"I have to tell you something"

Every single member looks a Shuho with curiosity "

"I went there and saw a text written "

" it read " ( He pauses for a second )

"Next will be Queen Liliana "

Everyone's eyes gets wider and open.

*Door knocks*

"OPEN UP " - Voice comes from behind the soundproof glass door.

Everyone's shocked, so no one does any movement.

"We are the police and we are here to arrest you for crimes against The Kingdom."

Everyone is shocked so no one reacts.

the police barges in, grabs everyone and cuffs them. takes them upstairs and while going towards the front door to exit the building. Honu wonders in his mind "Who told them we're here".

immediately he looks at his maid. and understands that it was her. but how? the maid also looks at him. she was standing there just looking. But then she speaks

"Oh now now , Let me talk to the boy"

The police stops

"You are probably wondering how did I know?

Well... simple. I looked through the glass door while i was cleaning and saw someone's mouth moving. it made the word "Lilana". and I'm no maid. (she takes off her white kitchen cloth), I am Intelligence chief Hanama Kotonoi. I was following you for a long time Mr.Honu. and I guess it paid off."

They all are shocked. realizing their mistake of having a glass door instead of the steel one for the most important meeting

They all are arrested.