Orion 1

Jerry wakes up and can immediately tell that something is wrong. The smell.... it's different but very familiar. He hasn't smelled this since before he fixed his time-line. As he opens his eyes and looks around it takes him a second, but he realizes he's back in his bedroom. Back in his one bedroom apartment when he was single. But this can't be right. He remembers fixing his mistake. He remembers his life with Lisa, seeing the birth of his kids. He remembers the years watching them grow up, the years with his loving family. The years with Mike and Diane as loving aunt and uncle to his kids. Watching his family and friends prosper in love and happiness. But looking at the date it's as if all his memories took place in just a single moment in time. This can't be right, it wasn't just a dream. Everything he remembers is just too real it had to have taken place, he knows it.

Jerry starts to think of Mike and his experiment that allowed him to go back in time. "I'll just go back in time and do it again", Jerry tells himself. He sits up in bed and starts to align his chakras. With his eyes closed he can see the light begin to surround is body. He feels his spirit leave his body. When he can see the stars and planets from outer space, He focuses on his memory of that fateful day. He can feel his essence being drawn to that exact time, but right before he inters that moment something is blocking him. Like he walked into a glass door he couldn't see. Jerry was stunned by this. Even though he was new to his abilities he knew this shouldn't have happened. Something was not allowing him to fix his time-line, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get where he wanted to go. Seeing his efforts were futile, Jerry paused for a moment to figure out the problem. As much as he tried he just didn't have enough answers to come to an accurate conclusion. He needed more information and the only one he knew who had that was Mike. Jerry pictures his room the morning he woke up to meet Mike in his office. He relived his experience with Mrs. Sanchez and chuckles to himself because now he knows what happened and why. When he gets to Mikes office he knocks on the door, that's when he realized something was wrong. The building looked old and run down and abandoned. Looking around Jerry notices that Mike's car isn't in the parking lot. Too many things aren't adding up and Jerry was feeling a mixture of emotions that held great quantities of confusion, frustration and anger. Driving up to Mike's house he could tell instantly that something had changed here too. There was a presence that was missing from here, as Jerry thought on what he was feeling he just couldn't find words to describe it. It was as if the world was missing a part of itself right here where he was standing. He looked around in utter confusion and wonder. This missing part had to be replaced, he couldn't possible allow this travesty on a universal scale to go unchecked. It pulled at his soul to do something, any and everything he possible could to correct this. As he shuffled forward one awkward step after another, Diane exited the house and stopped him dead in his tracks with the words that came out of her mouth.

"He doesn't exist anymore Jerry," Diane says.

"What do you mean he doesn't exist anymore, and why does it feel as if the world has a gigantic festering wound right here at your house." Jerry pauses for a second to think about everything he's experienced so far. He looks back up at Diane and sees her completely differently than he did before. First he noticed the rainbow of colors that seemed to surround her. When he softened the focus of his eyes on himself he could see that he had the same rainbow surrounding him. Then he noticed her facial expression and couldn't in all the years he's known her remembered her looking like that. There was outward disdain and malice, tempered ever so slightly by grief and acceptance. No not acceptance but a giving in, as if her spirit had been broken and finally accepted her miserable fate. Seeing all of this Jerry asks, "What have you done Diane?"

"I did what I had to do to save my family," Diane replies with a firm resolve in her voice

"And what exactly was it you had to do to save your family?", Jerry asked angrily.

"I want to start off by apologizing for your loss, Lisa and you were very happy together. And your time-line you created was very beautiful indeed. I wish that was the time-line I could have chosen for myself, but it seems fate has other things in store for me. I watched as my kids were first ignored and then abandon by their father. I watched as my kids became alcoholics and drug addicts right before my eyes. In the very next moment I watched my family disintegrate into nothing. I loss everything I hold dear just so Mike can chase some dream of fame and fortune?"

Jerry was shaking with rage at this point, he shouted his words with such venom and animosity that spittle few out of his mouth," So it's okay for me to lose everything then?!!! Your happiness is of greater importance than mine! You miserable, narcissistic bitch!" Breathing violently Jerry paces back and forth, he feels like he's losing his mind. Nothing is making any sense to him. How could she do that to him, to her own kids..... to Mike? Diane's actions are so contrary to everything he has come to know and understand about her that it's as if Diane is a complete stranger to him. This wasn't his best friend's wife, the loving aunt to his children. No, this demon doppelganger was somehow sent to this world to destroy everything that he held dear. Seething with rage Jerry slowly starts to march toward Diane, a look of pure murder in his eyes. Diane seeing this kind heart-ed man snap at the realization that she was the cause of his unending torment, is paralyzed with fear. She knows she should run but her feet won't respond. As Jerry hovers over her she looks at a man that she knows would never lay a hand on a female, bring his arm back, fist clenched ready to beat her to the ground.

"Well that's enough of that for right now," a stranger says as Jerry inexplicable falls unconscious to the ground. He is tall, very tall almost seven feet tall to be exact. He has silver hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. His eyes are a deep amethyst color that seem to glow. He has a hawkish nose and pointy chin, this combined with his slightly pointed ears gives him a very sinister countenance. Everything about him seems pointy from his long fingers to his brown leather boots custom made for his long thin feet. He wore a gray-ish blue shirt of what looked like silk. His pants were a dark navy blue of a style she had never seen before. He also wore a cape of charcoal color that shined slightly in the morning sun.

"W-w-w-who are you?" Diane stammered not knowing what else to say.

With a fluidity and grace that shouldn't have been possible for someone his size, he bowed and declared," My name is Orion."