Orion 2

"Like the constellation of the hunter, Orion?"

"Yes exactly like the hunter, except I am a hunter of men"

"Oh so now you're a Nimrod?"

"A what?"

"You know a biblical character who was King of Shinar and commissioned the tower of babel?"

"I am not completely versed in this world history, folklore, or legends," Orion confessed

" What do you mean by this world's exactly?", Diane asked, now wondering if she truly was out of danger or if she was now in a whole new level of it.

"I am an inter-dimensional being that has been sent here to help that unconscious oaf over there fix your mistakes?", Orion said with an off handed gesture in Jerry's direction. Diane glanced at him to make sure he was just sleeping and not bleeding to death from that blow to the head.

"So what did my sending Mike away do exactly? How bad could one person change things to make it that you have to step in?", Diane asked feeling her defiance build as she began to feel the situation was being completely over exaggerated.

Orion looked at Diane as if she were the stupidest being he ever laid eyes on. His silence mixed with that condescending look on his face started to make her feel awkward and very self-conscious. He stared at her for so long she thought he would never answer her. She started to say something to him when he finally spoke over her, " That has got to be the dumbest statement ever ushered forth from the mouth of a complete simpleton. You finally learn to unlock an ability that was never supposed to be and the first thing you do is use it to erase an innocent man from his existence. Then you have the audacity to ask in the most flippant way possible how bad did I mess thing up? I should have let him hit you...." Orion said trailing off as he began pacing before her. Diane wanted to lash out and tell him about himself. Who did he think he was to condescend her like she was a child. But when she opened her mouth he looked at her out of the corner of his eye with so much menace and contempt, she realized the smartest thing to do at that moment was keep her mouth shut.

"The saddest thing is that you ruined three innocent people's lives with your actions, and you don't even care. Your husband who toiled endless to help a man who couldn't have been closer to him if they shared DNA. For a wife and children to give them a better life. And to bring back a love that was meant to exist throughout the ages. And in one sad pathetic attempt at your own so called happiness you destroy lives as if they are mere playthings to you. Do you even have a heart? Do you even understand what it means to have a soul? I was sent here to put you on the path to redemption. To give you advice until your guide arrives, but I no longer have any pity for. I'm banishing you to a realm where everyone you meet will toy with your life just for their amusement. You will be hunted and alone, you will feel what's it's like to have everything you love stripped from you!" Orion's anger grew with each word he said. He wondered how she could sit here as if what she had done was perfectly fine? Did she not realize that taking Mike from his time-line to not only his secular accomplishments away, but also his physical accomplishments? She erased her own kids out of existence and doesn't even understand the repercussions of her actions.

Diane sat there utterly terrified listening to his rant about what he planned on doing to her. She started to shake her head as his voice grew louder. He couldn't send her away, what about her kids? No she was going to put a stop to this right now. " I don't know who you think you are but I'm not going anywhere! Take him where ever you think you need to but I'm staying right here. My kids are waiting for me inside. You can NOT take me away leaving them to fend for themselves. What kind of monster are you!" Diane was screaming and out of breath by the time she was done. She looked at Orion expecting him to react to her desperate plea about her kids, but his hate filled expression never changed. He open his mouth and slowly enunciated each word, "Don't worry there are no kids...." Diane stared at him dumbfounded. "What do you mean there are no kids? My kids are in the house right now, mostly scared to death to see first their uncle and now some very tall strange man yelling at their mother right outside the house." For a brief moment, so quick Diane wasn't even sure if she saw it or not, his expression changed to one of grief. But just as quickly his eyes shot death her way. Orion was trying very hard to keep what little of his composure he had left intact, but every time she opened her mouth she eroded away his will to not kill her himself. He had to keep the bigger picture in mind to remember the end game. As much as he practiced and prepared for this moment in time, actually being here slowly stripped his mind of all reason. Taking long, slow, deep breaths to calm the rage building inside him he finally opened his mouth and enlightened her.

"Your kids are gone, dead. It will happen slow, but time has to remain at a balance. Your ignorance is not so short that what you did will only effect the people you know. Mike never existing means Mike was never born. His parents whose marriage was on the rocks before his birth never come together over the shared joy of their son. They divorce on what would have been Mike's birthday, how's that for irony. Mike's dad turns to the streets he was from, making money anyway he could. A family is no life for a thug. Mike's mom shunned by her strict religious family has nowhere to go. At a party with some friends she confides in the wrong man, who drugs her, then beats her, turns her into another street walker to go with his growing collection. Mike as a teenager, being the kind considerate boy his is, helps save an old man with dementia. The gentleman was starting to walk across the street when a car was coming. This simple act of help changed lives. The older gentleman's family finally realized he needed help and got it for him, hiring a young single mother. With that job she was finally able to provide for her son and herself. Being able to move to a nicer neighborhood and getting her son away from the wrong type of kids who would have turned him into a gang banger. The woman driving was temporarily distracted by her coffee spilling on her lap. She stops inside the crosswalk area, if Mike hadn't stopped the older gentleman from crossing she would have hit and killed him. The incident awakens in her a need to do more for senior citizens. She works hard as a politician to enact laws to increase funding and help with proper training for people with dementia. These laws help families financially and give them hope and peace of mind when it comes to their ailing loved ones. But now it won't happen. The old man dies, and she goes to jail for the rest of her life. All because you wanted to be happy. How happy are you exactly? Is life everything you were hoping it would be?" Orion's voice was dripping with sarcasm at the end. Diane heart sank further and further with each word. She was spiraling into a deep sea of despair. She turned from Orion threw open the front door and ran thru the house yelling for her kids. She searched ever room, even the closets. And as she ran downstairs she saw Orion standing in the doorway. His smile mocking her. "You see my dear I was telling you the truth. Every word I spoke has come true except for one." With that he shoved her back and she felt herself falling, and falling, and falling. And as she fell she could hear him say," I banish you to Oblivion!"