Vol 9: Battle with Twin System Holders Part 2

As he descended by his sword over that twin system holder head, suddenly a shield made of fire appeared above that man. Ibro's sword was able to crush it, but soon another shield appeared, then a second one, and a third. 

Everytime Ibro cleared one of these shields, more appeared. That man wasn't trying to attack, as he concentrated all his power and concentration on defense.

'This is a natural energy system holder, I told you they were hard to deal with,' the system commented.

'Don't just repeat your words and tell me how I can beat him?' Ibro said angrily from his system behavior.

'You either need to be faster than his shields' summoning speed or try to sneakily attack him anywhere else,' the system commented neglecting Ibro's tone.

'Try to sneakily attack him anywhere else, what this is supposed to mean?'