Vol 9: The Fiend Is Coming

Ibro then started to implement his plan, as his system began to move him around the two groups. He was like a shadow appearing from nothingness and disappeared into it again. 

Every time he landed a couple of strikes over the twin system holders, then he vanished to lay another attack over the other group. The system was smart, as it didn't move him in a fixed pattern, sometimes he moved him from place to another, and other times he moved him around the same group. 

The two groups were trying to defend these unpredictable attacks, and sometimes tried to attack him, but all was in vain. Ibro's movements were really sharp, his attacks were precise, and his energy was superb, so no defense could stand a chance against him.

'Two are down, and there are another three who look to be at their last breaths, so do you want to kill them or keep harassing the others?' the system asked.