The Prom

2 months later, prom season was fast approaching and I didn't have a date. It's not like I was going to go anyways. I'm sure Taylor was going with Scarlette. I still kind of wanted to go with Taylor, just as friends though. If he was dating Scarlette, I'm sure he's completely incapable of reciprocating my feelings for him. I struggled with my emotions for a while but I'm starting to get used to handling them. Guess being friends with your crush wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be. 

As I said, prom didn't matter to me. I had some exams to study for and that's all I'm going to focus on. Suddenly I heard Taylor's voice call me and I turned around to find him with some food. He probably bought some lunch for me, again.

"Hey buddy! I got you something."

He handed me a brown paper bag and inside it was every sweet bread I used to eat as a child. This brought me back so many memories when I was much happier than I am now. Everything Taylor does just gives me nostalgia and I know he has good intentions, so it feels very comforting as well.

"Thank you Taylor!" 

My eyes sparkled at the sight of all this bread. For sure I won't be starving now.

"No problem. I thought since exams are around the corner, you're most likely going to be studying a lot. You'll barely have time to eat and stuff, so I got you all this so you won't starve to death. Y'know you can't think on an empty stomach, right?"

"I do know that." I giggled.

Whenever I was around him, he just made me feel good. Whether we were friends or brothers, I'm just glad I have him by my side. 

The class bell rang and we headed to our first class together. Everything's gonna turn out alright between us. I just know it will.

We sat down next to each other and I thought that I should probably ask Taylor who he was going to prom with. Of course I knew the answer, but he doesn't know that I know. So I wrote in my notebook and showed it to him, Are you going to prom?

When he looked at it, a veil of guilt had suddenly covered his face. Did I do something wrong? Did they break up? Oh my gosh, I'm an idiot. However, he started writing his response and it read, Yes. I then proceeded to ask my next question, Who are you taking?

Again, he still looked guilty and a bit worried too. I wonder what was going on. He said, I'm taking Scarlette to prom. Even though I knew the answer, my heart still felt like it was stabbed. I hated feeling this way, it hurt so much. All I wrote in response was, Hope you two have fun! I looked up at him and gave him a beaming smile to show my support, but deep down, I was in excruciating pain.

After our class ended, we went our separate ways and I was alone with these horrible thoughts of envy. I felt like crying, but I couldn't do that in front of all these people. They would taunt me and I'd become the laughingstock of the entire school. Being invisible was better than being known for something ridiculous in this school.

I tried finding a place to hide and I thought what better place than the janitor's closet. How predictable is that. Once I locked myself in there, everything came out. Feeling these emotions really have taken a toll on me. All these years, I was used to feeling nothing and now, it's like I'm feeling everything at once. My sobs were quiet at first until they gradually started becoming louder with every second that passed by. No one would bother to open the janitor's closet if they heard these noises. However, one person would.

In the midst of my emotional breakdown, a crack of light poured in through the opening door. When I looked up, it wasn't who I hoped it would be. It was a girl, but I recognized her. It was the girl from earlier in the year. She saved me after getting beaten up by Ivan. I never thought I'd see her again, yet here we were.

"It's you again. What happened now? Did that guy bully you again?"

"No," I sniffled, "it's something far more complicated than that."

"Tell me what happened now," she said, "Well first, I think we should introduce ourselves. My name's Bridgette Hanson."

"My name's Haden Sallow."

"What are you doing crying in the janitor's closet?"

I wasn't sure if I should tell her what happened. We barely know each other, but should I really tell a stranger my entire life story right now? I decided to tell her because I heard talking about your feelings really helps a lot.

"Well, you see, I barely started to discover my feelings and now they're all over the place. There's this guy I know and we've been friends for such a long time but then we lost communication for 10 years. And now we're here in senior year, in the same class, and we're talking again. I mean, he's being so nice to me but I'm starting to have these feelings for him. And I don't know if he feels the same way because he's dating this girl and they're going to prom together. And now I'm here, crying in the janitor's closet because my heart feels so broken. I don't know what to do."

"Well sounds like you should go to that prom."


"How about you and me go to the prom together? I mean, as friends obviously, but we can go together and you can make him jealous. If he likes you, he'll get jealous and you'll be able to tell. Guys are good at showing jealousy."

"You're kidding."

"No, I'm not. Come on, it'll work. We won't look like idiots going by ourselves and you'll get your man, it's a win-win."

Her plan sounded absurd, but she was right. It's time I start taking risks. If he doesn't feel the same way I do, then it's his loss. I felt the adrenaline pumping and I've never felt so ready in my entire life.

"Let's do it."

"Yes! Okay, we should exchange phone numbers so we can text where to meet and stuff. I'm sure you don't wanna wear matching outfits because that's kinda stupid."

"Yeah, it totally is."

We laughed and then we exchanged phone numbers. It was nice to have a friend now. I'm surprised I made one in the first place, but I'm grateful. Things are about to get interesting.


I felt like absolute shit having to tell Haden that I was going to prom with Scarlette. I wish I could go with him, but I'm practically being held hostage. I wanted to tell Haden the truth, but that would also mean confessing my feelings to him. I don't wanna put that pressure on him while he's studying for his exams. He would hate me if I did that to him.

I suddenly get a text from Scarlette, telling me to meet her at the gym. That does not sound promising, if anything sounds more like an announcement she's gonna make. To avoid getting on her bad side, I decided to go. Anything to keep Haden safe from that she-devil. 

I headed over to the gym and already there were a lot of people in the hallway. How does she manage to get so many people to come to her stupid events? As I walked through the crowd, people were making a path for me to come through. I can hear Scarlette's loud, annoying voice trying to persuade everyone to vote for her and me as prom queen and king.

"Hello fellow classmate! I wanted to strongly advise you all to vote for me and Taylor Fernsby for prom queen and king!"

From the corner of her eye, she saw me and instantly called me over.

"Oh, look at that! It's Taylor himself coming to the stage!"

I really didn't want to go up, but the people were pushing me to go on stage. And within a matter of seconds, I was standing next to Scarlette on the stage.

"Look at this tall, handsome hunk right here! Isn't he king material?"

Everyone cheered in agreement, but I felt like I was being completely ridiculed. I can't stand any of this bullshit, but I must endure it until tomorrow night. After that, I can get her out of my life once and for all. 

"If you vote for me and Taylor, then you'll all get tickets to my exclusive after prom party!" 

The crowd burst into uproar. The things Scarlette does just to get her way, it sickens me. She's obviously never learned to lose before. She hasn't struggled before, nor has she experienced pain. It's those types of people who have been sheltered their entire lives. Well reality is gonna be one rude awakening for her someday. 

After that ended, I just left the gym to head to my next class. However, she had other plans. As I was walking away, she pulled me by the arm and spun me to kiss me. I quickly backed away in complete disgust. 

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Trying to make you straight, or bi. I don't judge."

"It didn't work, I'm still gay."

"Why the hell did you date me in the first place?"

"I was experimenting."

"I was just an experiment to you? And I failed?"

"Yes, you failed. You're not all that, you know? You're not this indestructible queen who can get whatever she wants. One day, you're gonna realize this is all just a fantasy. Popularity doesn't mean shit in the real world."

"Lemme kiss you again."

"No, back the fuck away from me! I'm in love with Haden."

"You fucking fag! I'm gonna expose you to the whole school. Win or lose." 

"Fine, whatever! I don't care anymore! It's not like he's gonna be there anyways!" 

"God, you're so stubborn!" 

"Whatever, I'm leaving. I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow."

"You better get a limo!"

She is the absolute worst. How did I survive a relationship with her? I left the gym and waited for the day to end. After a few hours passed by, I went straight to texting Haden. All I wanted to do was see him again and be by his side. He didn't answer for a while, but then he told me he was at the library. So I ran straight to the library to see him.

When I found him, he was with some girl I've never seen before. They were laughing together. I felt a tinge of jealousy, but I couldn't show that; I would look like a fool. I still approached them though so Haden can know I was here.

"Hey guys."

"Oh hi Taylor, this is my friend, Bridgette."

"Nice to meet you, Bridgette."

"Hold up, aren't you Taylor Fernsby, the smooth, popular rebel?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"Oh my god, Haden, you didn't tell me your...friend was Taylor Fernsby!" 

"I'm sorry." Haden said.

"Wow, this is interesting." Bridgette said. 

"Anyways imma get going now. I'll see you tomorrow then?" Haden said.

"Sure thing, text me when you're ready." Bridgette said with a wink.

"Alright then," Haden replied, "Come on Taylor, let's go."

And so I walked out with Haden, but what was going on tomorrow between them. Are they having a study date? Or...even it possible?

"Hey, what was Bridgette on about?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Where are you two going tomorrow?"

"We're going to prom together."

"What? I thought you wanted to study for the exams."

"I had a sudden change of heart, I want to take advantage of this event. Go out and have fun for once." Haden said with a smile. 

"Well that's good, I'm glad to see you're coming out of your cocoon."

"Yeah." Haden said with a small giggle.

Crap, since he's going now. He's gonna be there when Scarlette exposes my feelings for him. I can't let that happen, I had to stop Scarlette from ruining everything. What if Haden doesn't feel the same way, it'll only strain our friendship and we'll go back to not talking anymore. It's been 6 months since we started talking and we've formed a strong bond already. I couldn't let all those memories go to waste. 

"Haden, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"These past 6 months, did you enjoy them? Like us talking again?"

"Of course I did! I'm really glad we're friends again."

"Do you think there's anything that could ruin our friendship?"

"I'm not sure. It depends what you mean by that." 

"You know what? It's nothing. I'm just being stupid. I'm glad we're friends again too." I said with a smile. 

God, I hope nothing changes after tomorrow night.


As Haden and Taylor continued walking home, they were unaware of each other's plans for the prom. Whether they end up clashing or not, things were certainly going to change between them. 

When they arrived home, they got their tuxes ready for the next night. Haden got a text from Bridgette, regarding the news she learned earlier. 

Bridgette: You're kidding me! I didn't know Taylor Fernsby was your childhood friend and now crush!

Haden: I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't think you knew who he was.

Bridgette: Well duh, everyone knows who Taylor fucking Fernsby is! Omg, this is insane. If y'all end up together, that's gonna be some power couple shit.

Haden: I really doubt he likes me back.

Bridgette: Bro, I could literally see it in his eyes. He clearly loves you.

Haden: Come on, don't say that. You're gonna get my hopes up.

Bridgette: LISTEN

Bridgette: TO

Bridgette: ME

Bridgette: TAYLOR LOVES YOU!!!

Haden: Stop, I'm starting to blush.

Bridgette: Omg, I swear boys are such idiots. EVEN THE GAY ONES! 

Bridgette: Just trust me, he likes you. And if he doesn't, then it's his loss.

Haden: Thanks for the words of support.

Bridgette: No problem

Bridgette: Btw wear whatever the fuck you want to prom.

Haden: Alright, see you tomorrow then.

Bridgette: See ya!

Haden still found it hard to believe that Bridgette's words might be true. If what she said about his eyes is true, then maybe he could test it out for himself. 

He left his room to walk over to Taylor's.

Once he opened the door, he caught him in the middle of changing. Haden let out a small squeal before slamming the door closed. His heart was beating so fast. He never thought he'd see Taylor half naked.

The image of his upper body was stuck on his mind. He could feel his face burn up so he went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water. He looked at himself in the mirror and thought to himself, am I even worthy of being loved?

Once he left the bathroom, Taylor was standing in front of him, fully clothed. He had this curious look on his face. I'm sure walking into his room without knocking first would of course raise some questions. 

"Why did you go in my room earlier?"

Haden tried to take a peek at Taylor's eyes, but all he could see was normal eyeballs. Most likely, now wasn't the time to exactly inspect his eyes seeing as he might have a million questions on his mind right now. 

"I-I wanted to borrow your comb."

"My comb?


"Oh okay, just hang on a sec."

He headed back into his room to grab his comb and Haden stood there in complete embarrassment. He couldn't believe he didn't knock first. Taylor later came back with his comb and handed it to Haden. 

"If you want, you can keep it."

"O-okay, thanks." Haden said and ran back into his room.

He locked himself in his room and came in, feeling out of breath. There was no way Taylor could ever like him back. He was this otherworldly being and Haden was nothing compared to him.

Bridgette was wrong, they wouldn't be a power couple if they ended up together. It would only cause havoc and chaos amongst the social pyramid that their high school had created itself. Not only would it bring down himself, but Taylor along with him. Taylor dating him would completely ruin his reputation


The next day, it was officially prom day. I combed out my natural wavy hair and put on my suit. The suit I picked out was pretty different compared to the original black and white. I got a blue velvet suit with black outlines. The tie was black and my pants were also going to be black. I didn't think blue and black would look good together. Also, the color kind of made my eyes pop, just as Bridgette said. I think I looked good, but not good enough to stand out in a crowd, which was perfect for me.

The day felt short, which meant the night would be long. I wasn't prepared for this because I was not used to elaborate social gatherings. Honestly, who knows what could happen tonight? I think I'm starting to get the excitement for prom. It's all about the unknown and not knowing what will happen. That is quite exciting indeed, I almost got goosebumps. 

I texted Bridgette that I was ready and with barely a second passing, she replied. She said she was on her way in 10 minutes. So I waited for her in the living room. I think Taylor left earlier with Scarlette, which I didn't mind. They were both technically the stars of the show.

I heard a honk come from outside the house. I opened the door to find Bridgette waiting for me in her car. 

"Come on! It's time to get your prince charming!" she yelled.

Was I really about to do this? All of this felt so overwhelming. As I felt the adrenaline kick in, I thought to myself that I sure as hell was ready for tonight.

I hopped into her car and off we went to prom. I really didn't expect any of this to happen, but this sure felt the right thing to do. I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen tonight. I couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing, but it surely felt life-changing.

We arrived at the school and we could hear the music booming from the outside. There was a red carpet laid out in front with gold and silver balloons spelling out the word: PROM. There were security guards at the entry, I guess so alcohol couldn't be sneaked in. 

Bridgette drove the car into the parking lot and we both got out to head into the school. Once we entered and went into the gym, it was dimly lit. It looked like it had a night gala theme. There were stars everywhere, which made the room have a very nice universal atmosphere. They were playing nostalgic music right now, which was better than the crap that they put on the radio nowadays.

I scanned the crowd to see if I could find Taylor, but he was nowhere in sight. Then again, the gym was outrageously huge so it wouldn't be that easy to find him. 

"Have you seen Taylor yet?" I asked Bridgette.

"No, I don't think so. I'm sure he'll turn up eventually though." she replied.

I started to doubt if coming here was a good idea. What if I was making a complete fool out of myself? I mean, what was I thinking? What was I trying to achieve by coming here?

"You wanna get some punch?" Bridgette asked. 


"Okay, I'll be right back." 

She left me alone now and it felt strange to me. Even in a crowd like this, I still felt alone. My head started to spin and my hands started shaking. I had no idea what was suddenly going on with me. This has never happened to me before. I soon started sweating profusely, which would not be good for me hygienically. By the time Bridgette came back, I was a complete mess.

"What the hell is going on with you?"

"I don't know, but I'm getting worried. Coming here may have been the biggest mistake I've ever made." 

"Do you need to go to the bathroom to cool off or something?"

"Yeah, I think that'd be a good idea." 

And so, Bridgette took me to the bathroom and waited for me outside. This sort of situation has never happened to me before. I don't think I've been left alone in a crowd before, actually. I usually had Taylor with me when that would happen.

Is it possible that I had some sort of social anxiety? I probably just have never known it before because I spent most of my life being alone. 

I washed my face and tried drying myself off. Unfortunately, the stench won't go away. It's these types of situations that I'm never prepared for. 

"Haden! Are you good there?!" I heard Bridgette call from outside.

"Yeah! Hey, you don't happen to have any perfume on you, do you?!"

"I do, actually!" 

Thank god, I had her by my side right now.

"Do you mind if I use some?!"


I opened the door and she gave it to me. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with this stench for the rest of the night. I sprayed some on me and suddenly, it was like nothing had happened. I left the bathroom and I was suddenly with Bridgette again.

"You good now?"


"What happened earlier?"

"I don't know, but you should probably stick by my side for now."

"Okay then. Well here's your punch, this might help you cool off or something."

"Thank you." I said as I took the cup of punch from her hand.

I drank the punch and instantly, I felt this tingling sensation run through my veins. I could feel the hairs on my neck stand up and I suddenly felt this surge of confidence. Whatever was in the punch certainly cooled me off. 

"I think I'm ready to head back."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I've definitely never felt more ready in my entire life."

"Okay then, whatever you say."

And so, we headed back into the gym where everyone was dancing and having a fun time together. Meanwhile, I still couldn't find the person I've been trying to find all this time. I had this sudden craving to drink more of that punch, so I headed to the refreshments table. 

"Hey Bridgette, did your punch have anything kind of stimulating?"

"I don't know, I didn't get any because I didn't feel like drinking any."

"Oh, I see. Well I think this punch is amazing." I said as I downed my second cup of punch. 

"Umm, are you okay?"

"Me? Okay? I'm more than okay!" I said as I downed my third cup. 

"You seem a bit off right now."

I could suddenly hear a group of guys talking in a corner. 

"Bro, that was so slick."

"Yeah, how'd you get the idea?"

"Easy, I knew there was gonna be some security checking if people were bringing alcohol so I put the alcohol in the punch! They didn't suspect a thing."

"That's so cool bro!"

"Damn, everybody's gonna get wasted tonight!"

Oh crap, I was getting drunk. That's why I was suddenly feeling good. Guess it's true what they say about alcohol; it's like liquid courage. 

"Uhh, Bridgette, this punch has alcohol in it!"

"Oh shit! We gotta get you outta here then!"

"No! This might help me, I can be confident enough to tell Taylor how I really feel!"

"Uhh, I don't think that's the best thing to do when you're drunk. You'll most likely end up regretting it the next day."

"I don't care, I wanna tell him now! I wanna tell Taylor that I love him!"

"Well now seems like the perfect time."

I turned around to see Taylor coming my way and the alcohol was boiling in my veins, ready to say everything that was on my mind. 


Scarlette texted me, insisting that we both wore matching red outfits. So I combed my hair to the side and now, I'm wearing a dark red suit and tie with white complimenting the outfit. I thought it looked nice compared to the original black and white. Scarlette wanted me to pick her up earlier so we could be one of the first few at prom already. I didn't understand her logic but I had to do what I had to do. 

I got the limo, as Scarlette insisted. She's lucky I still had money after this. It felt strange leaving without telling Haden goodbye, but I didn't want to interrupt his plans. So I just headed out the door and texted Scarlette that I was on my way to pick her up. I hated doing this, but I had to, for Haden's safety. This whole situation was completely twisted, I was being forced to be someone I'm not for one night. This all felt like a nightmare come true. 

I got in the limo and told the driver to go to Scarlette's house. I sent him the location and off we were. Once we arrived, we had discovered that she lived in a luxury home. Not surprised. 

The driver pulled up at the front of her house and I texted her that I was outside. There was no way I was going to her porch to pick her up because she was not that kind of date. When she opened the door, I could hear her scream.

"Daddy! My date is here!" 

"Okay sweetie! Make sure you take pics!"

"Okay daddy! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

She closed the door and headed to the limo where I was waiting. 

"What the fuck took you so long?" 

"Just get in." 

I was not going to have any of her bullshit tonight. 

She got in the limo and off we headed to the prom. On the ride there, she kept trying to talk to me and touch me inappropriately. I was practically being molested every time I was around her. 

"How do you not feel anything when I touch you there?!" 

"I just don't. I'm not yours and I never will be."

"We'll see about that." 

The rest of the ride was silent and honestly, I wasn't scared of her. I knew she was capable of inexplicable things, but I didn't care. She was this ruthless monster with no heart whatsoever, but there's nothing she could do to make me give in to her. She'll be gone someday and everything will be perfect. 

We arrived at the school and a herd of people were barely entering the school. The process was slow, seeing as there was security to avoid any alcohol from being sneaked in. I feel like coming here early was completely stupid. I don't know what the hell Scarlette was thinking. 

"Come on Taylor, let's go!"

I groaned and opened the door of the car to head into the building. Scarlette insisted we locked arms, like I was some sort of side candy to her. Which made a lot of sense, but still, I was being objectified all for the sake of some stupid high school competition. 

We walked down the red carpet together and I could hear the crowd murmuring as we got closer to the entrance. People made way for us and let us cut to the front of the line. It felt strange garnering all this attention. I never got used to it so I wasn't really a fan of any of this. It all just felt so unnecessary.

When we arrived at the prom, I could see how much effort they've really put into this prom. The theme was so elaborate that it actually felt like we were under the stars. I only wished Haden was by my side instead of this witch. 

"Oh honey, we should take some photos over there!" 

"Whatever, but don't call me honey again."

"You're so mean to me." 

We headed to the photographer and did some poses together. I felt disgusted doing this. For the grand finale, the photographer suggested we do a photo of us kissing and I instantly backed away. However, Scarlette forced her lips onto mine and as soon as the photographer took the photo, I pushed her away. I was not gonna be treated like some boytoy; it felt extremely demeaning. 

I watched as she batted her eyes at me, it made me feel uncomfortable. 

"You don't really think that by the end of the night, I'll fall in love with you, right?"

"I don't think, I know so."

"Well keep dreaming." 

"Ugh, you're such a cockblock!"


"You know what? I'm gonna get us some drinks." 

"I'm surprised you don't want me to do it."

"Well I wanna make sure you don't try and drug me."


She walked away before I could finish my sentence and now I was alone in the crowd. I wonder how Haden is doing, or if he's even here yet. I could text him, but I doubt he'll answer me right away because he's having too much fun with Bridgette. Where the hell did she even come from anyways?

Suddenly Scarlette came back with the drinks and she put mine in my hand. 

"Here you go."


I looked into my cup and noticed that the color was a bit off compared to hers. 

"Come on, drink it."

I raised the cup to my lips and before letting it seep through, I could smell a foul scent. It reminded me of alcohol. Someone must've spiked the punch before it was even brought into the school. That still didn't explain why my drink had a different pigment than hers though. 

"You know what? I'm good."

"Are you sure? This stuff is pretty good." she said as she gave a drunk giggle afterwards. 

I cannot believe this was really happening. Now everyone at this prom was most likely going to be drunk by the end of the night. Which meant...Haden! 

I desperately scoured the crowd to look for him. I didn't even know what he was wearing today. Fuck, I was panicking now. Where could he be? Again, I couldn't ask anyone where he was because no one knew him, but I remembered someone who might. 

Finding Rick would be a lot easier than finding anyone else I've ever met because if I knew Rick well enough, he would most likely be by the DJ. When I arrived where the DJ was, I was glad to find out that my suspicions were correct. 


"Whaddup Taylor!!"

"Have you seen Haden anywhere?"

"Haden? I didn't even think he would come to the prom since he's a nerd and stuff."

"Well he came...with a friend. Oh my god, I had to find his friend." 

"His friend? He has a friend? Good for him!"

"Glad to see you're not that drunk." 


"Nothing, I'll see you later!" 

"Alright dude!" 

If I was Haden, where would I be at a social gathering? I suddenly remembered Rick's comment earlier. He's right, if he's a 'nerd' and antisocial then he would most likely be at the corner. So I pushed through the crowd to get to the corner of the gym, and in the far distance, I could see him. Crap, I might be too late. He already looks drunk, which meant I had to approach him quicker now. 

I could hear him yelling something but I couldn't quite make out what he was saying with the music blasting. Suddenly, it seemed Bridgette might've pointed me out to him because he turned around and saw me. His eyes widened in shock but he had this confident glare in his eyes. I wonder what was going on with him. And now, that we were standing face-to-face, it felt like something shifted in our synergy. What the hell was going on?


With a drunken Haden standing in front of a sober Taylor, he had a million thoughts running through his head and a surge of alcohol running through his veins. He felt absolutely confident about what he wanted to say to Taylor right now, at this moment. 

"Pardon me sir," Haden began, "I, Haden Sallow, have something to say to you. You, Taylor Fernsby." 

"Haden, you're drunk. Anything you have to say to me will most likely not be true." 

"No, no you're wrong...sir. Alcohol is a liquid courage and it sets the truth free!" 


"Shush there! Taylor, listen...listen to me."

"Haden, please, let me take you home."

"No, I have to...I have to say this right now. I-I like you, Taylor Fernsby. No, I'm in love with you."

"Haden, stop."

"I'm not lying! I-I think I've loved you since we were kids, but...but I didn't know how to feel. And every time you were around me, I would feel something that I couldn't explain. I didn't know how to put it in words and when we stopped talking for 10 years, I felt alone. I was alone and I started to numb my feelings. I forgot about myself and only focused on my future. But when we started talking again, I felt it again. I felt...happy. You made me happy, but I still didn't know what to do with those feelings. Over these past 6 months, these feelings continued to grow until...they became hard to ignore. It took me remembering everything that happened between us to realize life would be nothing without you. Taylor, even though we didn't talk for 10 years, these past 6 months felt like an eternity. I want to live the rest of my life with you, Taylor Fernsby because I love you." 

At that moment, Taylor knew that this wasn't only the alcohol talking, Haden had just confessed his feelings for him. He felt this overwhelming feeling in his chest. He knew what he had to do now. 

"Haden, I-"

He was suddenly interrupted by Haden vomiting on the floor. Taylor panicked and quickly carried Haden into the bathroom to finish his business. 

A few minutes later, Haden had seemed to finish vomiting all the alcohol out. 

"Hey buddy, are you okay now?" 

He suddenly heard sobbing coming from the other side of the door. Taylor opened the door and found Haden crying by the toilet. Taylor went to comfort him by hugging him and when they pulled away from the hug, Taylor wiped the tears off Haden's face. 

"What's wrong?"

"I ruined everything. I bet you don't want to be friends anymore because I just said all that to you. I basically tried to ruin your relationship with Scarlette. And I also got vomit on your suit." 

"Haden, you didn't ruin anything. Scarlette and I aren't in a relationship and you're right, I don't want to be friends anymore. I want to be something more."

"Taylor, what are you talking about?"

"I've been in love with you since we met. You were the one I wanted to be partnered with for our kindergarten project."

"You're kidding."

"No, I'm not."

"I thought you hated me these past 10 years. I don't understand, I'm so confused."

"What made you think I hated you?"

"When you said, you didn't me to be your brother."

"Oh my god, Haden. I said that because if you were my brother, I wouldn't be able to date you. It would be weird if we were considered brothers when I liked you as more than a friend."

Haden's face blushed in embarrassment and hung his head in shame.

"I feel like such an idiot."

Taylor laughed and hugged Haden again. He kissed his head and the two sat there for a while before heading back to the gym. 

"Are you sure you still wanna be here?"

"Yeah, besides you're still nominated for prom king. I wanna see if you win."

"Okay then." Taylor laughed. 

The two held hands and and in the midst of all the drunken people, they could see, what looked like, Bridgette and Rick dancing with each other.

"Well will you look at that. Looks like our friends are getting along very well." Taylor said.

Haden laughed and suddenly someone was approaching the stage, ready to announce the prom king and queen winners. 

"Hello fellow peers! Is everyone having a great time?!"

The crowd cheered like mindless zombies while some knocked out on the ground. 

"Alright! Well it's officially time to announce our prom king and queen!"

"Oh my god, Taylor, it's happening!" Haden squealed. 

"Okay, so for prom king, our winner is...Taylor Fernsby!"

The crowd applauded in their messy, drunken states as Taylor approached the stage. Once he was on the stage, he was crowned as the official prom king. While Taylor was on stage, he could see Haden smiling and waving at him in the crowd. At this moment, he had an idea of what he wanted to do. 

"Okay, so now it's time to announce our prom queen! And our prom queen is…"

"Wait!" Taylor interrupted, "There's something I want to say."

"Oh, well go ahead."

"I would like to announce that...I'm in love." 

The crowd cheered, unaware of what Taylor was about to do. 

"And it's with someone you may not exactly expect. I have been in love with him since as long as I can remember. He's always been the highlight of my life and I don't feel like hiding it anymore. Sure, you all think I'm this popular mysterious rebel, but I don't care. I never cared for the popularity I had at this school because it never mattered to me. So I see no risk in announcing this in front of all of you. If this ruins my reputation then I don't give a fuck because all that matters to me is the love in my life. Haden Sallow, would you come up on stage please?"

Haden was completely shocked by his sudden confession on stage. All this time, he worried that them dating would ruin his reputation but if Taylor didn't care then he shouldn't care either. As he walked to the stage, people made way for him and they all looked at him in confusion. They did not know who this person was, but now, everyone was gonna know him. He was no longer invisible because he had Taylor by his side. 

When he reached the stage, Taylor took the prom queen crown and placed it on his head. The two held hands and smiled happily together. The crowd remained silent for a few moments before starting an uproar of support to the happy couple. Both boys were overwhelmed with the positive reaction coming from their school because they had dreaded the complete opposite. 

"Okay, well looks like your prom queen is Haden Sallow!" 

Everyone continued to cheer for the couple. While everyone seemed happy, one selfish person wasn't. 

"What the fuck is going on here?! Prom queen can't be a guy, and a fag at that! Why are you all cheering for them?! They're homosexuals who fuck each other in the ass! Y'all are completely stupid! Give me my crown! I deserve that crown!" 

Scarlette tried pulling the crown off of Haden's head but tripped in the process and ended up falling off the stage. The impact broke her back as no one decided to catch her. They had finally seen her true colors and no longer wanted to be associated with her.

"Fuck y'all! My back hurts! Oh my god, you're all gonna get what you deserve someday!"

The staff came in to put her on a stretcher and carried her out of the gym. On the way out, Bridgette saw Scarlette and decided to say a few last words.

"Told you karma would get you, dear sister." 

"Oh shut up, you freak."

The crowd cheered even louder as Scarlette was carried out of the gym. For so long, the school was under her reign and finally, she had been overthrown. Haden would soon become the most talked about person amongst their class. 

Both boys knew that this had to be one of the most memorable nights they'll ever have, with more to come. They were glad that they were finally together, just in time before graduation. They ended the night with their first official kiss as a couple, it just felt so right at this moment.

Everything felt so overwhelming that they couldn't think of a better way to end the night. Now it's all a matter of what the future holds for them.