Chapter 315 - Prophet’s Ambition

Joshua was currently painting one of the Klia Alchemic Shop's walls white.

Normally, a miscellaneous task like painting the wall should be left to the Klia Alchemic Shop's attendants. But, the attendants were all busy examining their alchemic goods and picking out the ones with quality issues.

They were simply too busy to set up a 'television' in the alchemic shop.

In order to experience painting a wall with magic, Joshua offered to do the miscellaneous task himself.

That said, the person accompanying Joshua this time was not that mage lady. Instead, it was a little girl who seemed to be very young. That said, her psychological age was not that young.

"Your Highness, I seem to remember the Klia Trading Company is in cooperation with you?"

Prophet was unable to understand why Joshua would do something like painting a wall. But, she didn't want to learn the reason for his actions either.