Chapter 316 - A World Without Pre-recorded Broadcast

"A short film for 'Beauty and the Demon?'"

The girl from the Nation of Frost, Sansa, immediately noticed the words spoken by Gallolie in the 'television.'

She immediately placed down the alchemic merchandise she was holding in her hand and, in a short few seconds, came up to Joshua and Prophet.


Prophet quietly moved several steps toward Joshua. She was not fond of being too close to others. Sansa's sudden arrival had clearly exceeded Prophet's range of tolerance.

That said, it was not only Sansa. When the few remaining customers in the shop heard Sansa's voice, they all lifted up their heads. When they saw an all-new television was installed into the Klia Alchemic Shop, they, like Sansa, all rushed over.

The guests completely failed to notice that there was a petite little girl. By the time Prophet realized what had just happened, the 'television screen' was blocked by over a dozen people.