Chapter 348 - City Dwellers

A week later. Farucci's Royal Capital. Central Theater.

The Royal Capital's Central Theater was the oldest theater in Farucci. It has survived through all the turmoils of the country. At the beginning, the Central Theater was a simple and crude building constructed of four walls and a signboard. Gradually, it transformed into a five-story grand spectacle that could be seen in all corners of the Royal Capital.

Throughout the years, the Central Theater had witnessed countless grand stage performances. And today, this ancient building would bear witness to the birth of a new era.

Inside the Central Theater's ballroom. Madam Schroder was holding a glass of wine. She seemed to be entranced in thought as she shook the wine around.

"Madam Schroder, what's in your mind?"

A Blackwood Elf accompanying her noticed her lonely expression and quietly asked her.