Chapter 349 - New Chapter

Wanting to meet the movie's screenwriter?

That was one of the questions Madam Schroder heard the most since the screening of 'Léon: The Demon' and 'Hachiko: A Dog's Tale.'

"The screenwriter is currently located in the distant Norland. Even if I am to invite him to come to Farucci, the journey will take over a month. Your Majesty Klund, I think you should wait till Norland's teleportation formation opens up. At that time, I will personally send a letter of invitation to him."

Having answered the same question multiple times already, Madam Schroder was able to skillfully deal with Klund III's inquiry.

Naturally, the 'him' mentioned by Madam Schroder was none other than Joshua. Even though Joshua had stated that the movies' screenplays were all adaptations and the true authors weren't him, Madam Schroder was more willing to believe it as an evasion tactic from Joshua.