Chapter 998, Best Actress

“The winner of the Best Supporting Actor Award is... Master Morgan, who played Rhett in Shawshank’s redemption!”

The bronze dragon read out the first award that night. Although this bronze dragon did not give face to the Faroese nobles, he still gave face to Jose.

At the very least, he was seriously playing up the atmosphere of the entire venue..

After the Bronze Dragon announced the winner of this award, a few scenes of Morgan in the Shawshank Redemption appeared on the screen at the back.

The legendary actor Morgan, who was quite famous in Faroese, also stepped onto the stage and took the pure gold award that the bronze dragon handed over.

“To be honest... I did not expect to receive this honor at all,”Morgan said with emotion as he held the award.

“The first one is master Morgan, and it’s still close to 670,000 votes. Looks like mother’s prediction was right.”