Chapter 9919 Best Actor (Third Watch)

“My mother has always been very strict with me. Half of the reason I won this award is because of her.”

Carrie held the Golden Best Actress award in her hand and began to think about winning the award. The first part of the speech was very formal and appropriate. Later, when Carrie looked at Jose.

Jose knew that this little devil... Miss Black Swan was going to start trouble.

“Also, I have to thank an unknown friend. He really taught me a lot of things that my mother didn’t teach me. For example, some interesting lines from the movie Matilda, and the meaning of the middle finger gesture.”

Gloria seemed to have a lot of thoughts to say, but she had already noticed the kind look in Mrs. Caesar’s eyes. She pursed her lips slightly, and in the end, she left an impeccable smile, she took the best actress award and walked off the stage.

“Who is the friend that Gloria mentioned?”

Cecily clapped her hands and asked Jose curiously.

“Maybe It’s me? Okay... I know it’s me.”