He Was Not Dead Yet..

After swallowing her corpse pill, although Bai Yingying's injuries were still very serious, she had at least guaranteed the "Source of vitality". As long as the source of vitality was still there, she could slowly recover in the future.


Bai Yingying fell down from the utility pole and slowly closed her eyes, falling into a deep sleep. A faint luster was flowing from the wound. The power of the corpse pill was slowly helping her to repair her body. Although it was very slow... she might even have to pay the price of losing her cultivation base, but at least things were developing in a good direction.

Zhou Ze put down the old man's almost shapeless body and threw it on the ground. He sat on the ground and slowly lowered his head.

The night wind blew continuously, and Zhou Ze's hair kept shaking. He just sat there silently, as if he had fallen into a state of dozing off.

The Little Loli in the distance had been hesitating.

She felt...