I Have a Donkey I Never Ride

The early morning sun shines down, bringing the first warmth and beauty of the day.

In a window seat on the first floor of the bookstore,

for the first time, no one is lying there,

there is no coffee or tea on the coffee table that would inevitably appear at this time of the day,

there is no newspaper that has been ironed and pasted neatly,

there was no old man in a Daoist robe who watched videos of his long legs and buttocks on aerobics and followed the "Hey, Hey, hey, Hey, Hey."

There was no man who looked better than a woman who sat there and performed "Morning wake-up"treatments on his skin,

there was no maid who walked back and forth,

there was no cute, ticklish "Hey, hey, Hey, Hey."

In the corner,

there wasn't a cosplay enthusiast who was sitting there and paying attention to the environment of the bookstore.

This bookstore...

seemed to be missing something.


On the other hand...